
Sunday, October 9, 2016


this ain't really your life, ain't nothing but a movie...a chorus from a Gil Scott-Heron song called 'B-Movie', reagan era groove but the sentiment is so accurate for these days.

i got up with prayer and some pain.  gout been working on me for the past twenty four hours or so as of this writing.  i slept with it and woke with it and was slow to get in motion but i finally got up.  i took insulin and meds and had breakfast of sausage and rice and eggs.  i cleaned dished that i'd left from the day before, talked to TP for a minute and went to the store to get what i needed for haluska.  i had planned to make it for the potluck at the meeting and for Syd for dinner.
i got stuff for the haluska, came home and got it made and went to take my bath.  then i got dressed, got stuff together and went to the meeting.  it was a good meeting, a bit larger than we've been getting lately but that was good.  not a lot of discussion on the chapter we read, but good nonetheless.
i took Rachel a pack of black and milds, spoke with her for a bit and came home, got in about 3 i guess.  i made myself some chili dogs and started trying to watch some stuff on the computer.  currently i'm going to get my nighttime insulin, because i didn't take it yet, and i'm going to shut it down for the night.  i'm going to try to force myself to the gym in the morning.  tomorrow i'm going to see my parents, going to see Heather at the jail and i'm going to storyboard this video.  i'm going to ask my landlord if he can make time for a sit-down so i can ask him about skipping a month of rent so i can try to get my head above water next month.  i'm going to call One Main and ask them about halving their payments as well, for the same reason.  i have to get rid of some of my cable stuff and have them lower the service in the upcoming week as well.  i have things to do, and they ain't getting done by worrying about doing them.

people are losing their minds this election season.  i don't know why.  i look at this as business as usual in America.  candidates feed off the fear of people, fear that they themselves have created.  supply and demand, its commerce 101.  but folks would rather not see that.  Hillary never did gie a damn about anything but power, and for Donald it's just a game, a television show and publicity to increase his brand visibility.  it's not about running a country or doing what's best for America.  but when is it ever?  when has it ever been?  black people are mad because Obama has 'done nothing for black people'.  never mind the obstructionist House and Congress that has blocked his policy for the country as a whole; what would the results have been had he introduced a bill for, say, reparations or a redrafting of the Constitution to bring black citizens and other minorities up to full human being citizen status?  so, what exactly is the deal?  was Bernie supposed to be the Savior?  was anyone really surprised that idiots, morons and weak chinned backtalkers wouldn't stand a chance against a guy who knew what the worst in the America psyche would be drawn most concretely to?  i wasn't.  but none of this is real.  it's bought and paid for entertainment.  i would like to see the stats on the increase in gun purchases in the past year of primaries.  but, that's just me, i guess.  thank you, Father, and good night.

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