
Monday, October 31, 2016

Hard Left

October 31, 2016

woke about 4am
read Habbukuk
had coffee
meditated (10 mins)
dressed for gym (5:15am)

gym today: weight machines

breakfast will be
2 fried eggs
1 sausage patty

lunch was
2 hamburger patties (no bread)
sauteed stir-fry veggies
sliced tomatoes
can of sirloin burger vegetable soup

corned beef and cabbage
2 small squares cornbread

cheddar cheese
sugar free jello

(breathing and heart rate accelerated, think I'm coming down with a cold)

i started the day too early, and I'm going to have to work on that tomorrow.  but i got up, got coffee started, got dressed after my prayer and my reading and my meditation, i stretched and i was prepared for the gym.  i lost track of my keys with my gym card and had to search, so i got to the gym a bit late but i got there.  i worked on weights today, about 45 minutes, i came home, saw Syd off to school and had breakfast.  i did some editing, but not much on the book today.

i was tired from being up so early, plus i'm pretty sure my sugar was high going to bed as i was up pissing all night.  but i couldn't get all the way to sleep and then Syd's school called and said she had a temperature and needed to come home.  so i rode out to pick her up, packed my gear when i took that ride, got her home with Tylenol and water and went and shot some film i needed.  then i went to the store, got a head of cabbage and some odds and ends, not much, and i came home.

Jo was here not long after bringing Syd some lunch and I had a talk with him about my rule of not coming when Syd is home sick, and about him possibly dialing it back a bit.  i don't want to be mean to him, i remember the first time i thought i was in love.  but i am 48 now and irritable most of the time and prefer when i don't have to look at too many people too many days in a row.  after he left i got the cabbage cut up and simmering in the leftover juice from the corned beef so i could repopulate my dish with greenness.  i worked on the film editing.  i talked to my mom and to Lonnie.  I talked to TF for a few, just to ascertain she is still alive.  i talked to Rachel this evening.  Syd believes she has an infection from having her molar pulled but she has a dental appointment in the morning and didn't say anything when presented with a choice of going to the ER or waiting til morning.  She wants me to do things that she won't take the time to do, and if i do that she won't ever learn to prioritize and that's going to bite her in the ass in the next couple of years.

i am now thinking i'm going to change my alarm to 4:30am, so that i can get up, say my prayers and meditate, do my stretches and get coffee and get to the gym by 5:30.  i think that should provide enough time.  i also think that I want to save the work, as far as the editing and the contacts, until i get home and have breakfast.  rather than get up focused on working, get up focused on getting my spirit right to face the day.  i have kept my carbs minimal.  i did good today, i believe.  Thank you, Father.

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