
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

working on it

this cold is amazing.  i don't know if i even approve of myself right now.  i suffered in the oppressive humidity of this past summer and now autumn is showing that I'll likely suffer through the bitterness of the oncoming winter.  at some point i guess you should not bitch but just roll with it and live with it.  but i am cold, down into my bones already.  i woke today with a tickle in my throat and coughing, though that's not the case now.  i want to climb back into my bed and get beneath the comforter and just be warm and drowsy, but i have miles to go before i sleep.

i got up and said prayers, and moved slow because i'm cold.  i did not go to the gym, as i was seeing to Syd getting to the dentist as scheduled.  i talked to Rachel as i was getting my list together for messaging through Facebook as to getting me sales of Old Lazarus, and i texted my landlord after breakfast to see when i could go talk to him.

we worked out that i'd pay him 100 dollars in November, 550 from December to February, and call it even on the last 10 dollars.  movement in the right direction.  I called One Main financial while i was riding home and asked if we could renegotiate payments to lower them so i could get some relief, while making clear i was borrowing no more money.  we'll see what they have to say.

as Heather did get my letter i'll assume that she got my message about someone in my life.  i don't mind visiting her, i just don't want to lead her to thinking something else can happen, nor do i want to keep any seeds of revenge or selfish use of her in my brain.  Meridian hasn't gotten in touch with her yet so I'm going to call them again today.

other than that, all is cold and well.  i am keeping my running minimized as i don't want to blow what i have on gas alone.  i feel like i am taken care of, and that's what is most important.  i do nothing of my own amazing ability anyway; i know where my blessings come from.  Thank you, Father, and I'll get more in here later today.  

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