
Sunday, January 31, 2016


the day was very good.  i slept amazingly, and i woke refreshed.  i had put on an 8 hour nature sound video on youtube which i use to meditate and do deep breathing to, to help me sleep.  hasn't been working much, but bringing order back to my space seemed to do the trick, and i slept like a baby.  i got up with prayer, and i made coffee and had breakfast after insulin and meds.  i debated on going to the kingdom hall, but i decided to chill, and perhaps head to the meeting.  i saw my brother, talked to him for a little while, and then my dad came by.  i spoke to him for a bit, and i went to my meeting.  it was a good meeting, people talked, there was laughter, it's always good to be in a room of good spirit.  i left and went to see my sponsor.  his wife had posted the need for prayer, as his lungs aren't doing very well.  i visited there for a few hours.  they are wearing away at each other, but i guess that's what you do when you're a nurse and the person you love is more a patient than anything else.  i wouldn't trade places, i know that much.  but God puts in our lives what we need, and i can't think of anyone who could look after him better than her.

i came back to youngstown and went to see my dad.  he needed to know what was wrong with his television.  i got it straight, went to walmart to get a side of salmon for dinner.  my mom stopped by with my dad for a minute and i've been here cooking and thinking.  i called a friend to tell him how my sponsor is doing.  i ignored two calls, but i did call one back and I'll call the other when my food is done.  i am in anticipation about the results of my kindle scout campaign, but i'm not getting my hopes up high.  God has his hands around the situation, it will be what it will be.

i texted R three times today.  i'm in a space, which is good, that i know sometimes you just need to know someone is reaching in.  i'm sure others are as well, but i know for a fact that i am, and whatever difference that makes, or if it makes no difference, it is my action and i'm okay with it.  i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, i have some calls to make and i have to make sure i remain grateful and in the process of growth and change.  that's the deal.  i'm done, i'm hungry as hell, and i can't wait for sleep to overtake me tonight.  oh, yes, the gym.  that too, tomorrow.  thank you, Father, good night.

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