
Saturday, January 9, 2016


well, now i'm sick.

"where were you when I created the earth?"  that's the real lesson of Job, and that's the lesson that i keep forgetting and would do well to remember.  people always say, and this is from of some of the most learned people that i know, that Job's lesson was about patience in the face of adversity, faith through trying times.  but that's not the deal.  never was.  God don't run on my clock or calendar.  'a thousand years to man is but a day to God', one of the disciples said, which means that perhaps Methuselah made it through most of a day for God, but not too many can claim that kind of longevity.  and even Methuselah only made it to evening.  he didn't see God's clock chime 12 on either side of God's post-meridian. so the lesson ain't patience because it's all worked out in God's time.

the lesson is obedience.  the lesson is, you know your job, do your job.  i know my job, says God, and you can't do my job, so cover your position and let me run the universe, whydoncha?

and even that's an assumption on my part, but if, after all the discourse between Job and his friends, God still found it necessary to put Job back in his place, though Job didn't break faith, what else could it be?

Moses made it to the gates of Cana'an, was told to speak to a rock to bring forth water from the people, was at his wit's end with the attitudes of the Israelites, got a bit too big in the britches, struck the rock and brought water out, and blew his entry into the Promised Land.  he Disobeyed.  he Forgot His Position.

Samson, a prominent Judge over Israel, was given One Job; don't let your hair be cut.  kinda by proxy, goes to say 'don't tell any woman you're sleeping with, though you shouldn't be doing so out of wedlock anyway, but still don't tell them the secret of the hair'.  what did he do?  well, the story speaks for itself.

Adam and his wife Eve.  One Job.  One commandment.  too much for them.  blew the whole thing for everyone.

'Where were you when I created the earth?'

today i'm sick.  not much for recalibration today.

today i feel as if someone is living in my body and pissing on my floors.  i'm not happy about it.
yesterday i made a shitload of soup for TF and fish for her and for my mom and myself.  and through the whole thing listened to an insane woman speaking about her sociopathy as if it was the most normal mental state in the world, which increasingly it is.  and i also heard from R and spoke to her.

One Job To Do.

I am sorry, Jehovah.  I forgot myself.  I always do.  I will try to do better.  thank you for protecting me from me.

i'm resting.  drinking coffee, taking meds, waiting for hot and sour soup from Fortune Garden from Lonnie and his son.  i am happy enough to be resting.  going to get my lesson in the Watchtower together, going to the hall and to the meeting tomorrow, if i feel better.  my dad is getting word out about my book.  my job is to rest and to write.  and to pray, as i remember a prayer but it may not be from today.

boy, being sick sucks.  but its better than losing paradise.

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