
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

cold slows molecular activity

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...another way of saying i didn't do much of what i'd planned to do today.  it is cold.  i knew it would be, and likely it's no colder than any other winter, but it is cold and i'm not digging it very much.  not to mention i did not sleep at all last night.  tossed, turned and finally went into the living room with my blanket and watched the television and let it watch me during a few nods, and was pretty out of it this morning.  i laid down after i got Syd out the door, but i still couldn't go under.  finally said my prayers, got up and had breakfast and took meds, and i sort of lazed about.  finally i got my quarter-flyers done for the nomination requests that i'm going to approach the public with, and i got an application filled out that i will mail tomorrow on my way to my meeting.  so it hasn't been a completely unproductive day, but enough so that i know i have to get my ass in gear tomorrow.
i think a lot of this is just the adjustment i'm going to have to take on.  R did text this morning, phone back on and running, but i didn't respond.  i will answer if she calls, but i'm not feeling sending kites into the wind, just to have crumbs for contact.  i have work to do, and i have gym stuff to tend to, and i'm going to do that.  and if R wants to be in my life, she will.  and if she doesn't, I want to be in my life.  that's the most important thing.

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