
Sunday, January 17, 2016

the constitution of feeling good

well, this is the conclusion of a pretty good day.  so, what i've got at this point, as the orbit now commences, without some of the original parameters (but we knew that was going to happen); a good feeling day seems to be one in which the marks that need to be hit are hit.  maybe not all of them, but enough of them that in reflection, it can be seen that accomplishment was a reality and not just cheap talk in a dark room.

today, i got up, got prayers in, took meds and insulin and had breakfast.  had a pancake, sausage and eggs.  exactly what i wanted.  i got to the Kingdom Hall and to my meeting.  i got my spaghetti done, and Lonnie's soup is in the fridge.  i went to the hall with my mom.  i got my dad's television straight and was able to help my aunt.  i've got leftover spaghetti and meatballs for my brother to pick up tomorrow.  i checked on A.  i have a card for TF that i will deliver tomorrow, weather permitting.  i will go to the gym, that's my plan anyway.  it's supposed to be cold as a motherfucker in the morning, so i got to see how my internal engine is going once i wake up.  i've texted R but no reply so i'm putting that on standby.  facing the facts, emotions don't equate action, nor are they necessarily supposed to.

so, i feel pretty good right now.  i'm still sick, but that's not going anywhere anytime soon apparently.  A is still sick as well, and likely so is everyone else that i've spoken to who has come down with this shit in the past month.  but i can still get things done, and that makes me feel good.  i am getting some people at least checking out the nomination page.  i guess that's what is the important thing.  things create things, energy feeds energy.  if this one doesn't pan out, it is just the road to the next thing.  that's a good spiritual place for me to be.

oh, and i got my journaling done.  accomplishment.

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