
Monday, January 11, 2016

Sick, day three

okay, yesterday i was sick and forgot to log.  that is my fault, and a poor excuse since i was sick the day before, am sick now and there little variation in the degree of sick that i feel.  however, i need to stay as much on point as i can.  i am trying to get a few things done while i'm down that will make some things easier when i'm back on my feet.
so, i dragged through yesterday in a sort-of feverish haze.  i didn't take my temperature because i didn't really want to see i had a fever.  I didn't go to the hall, i didn't go to my meeting, and I didn't do much of anything.  i laid around, drank water, coffee and tea, ate, blew my nose, took large doses of meds and faded in and out of consciousness.  i talked to R, who in her own special way continued to name drop 'my Struthers friend', referencing who i spent New Year's with, and i laugh because she knows its her fault but i'm not going to have that conversation with her while she's in Florida having family issues.  i didn't talk to too many other people.  I found that a can of soup from Aldis, properly doctored, has a good kick when it comes to some cold relief.  and i made my way through the rest of the day without much incident.

today, i woke sick and didn't take Syd to her bus.  i had breakfast after prayer and i laid back down.  i took insulin, my meds, my sugar was a bit high but i have had no physical activity in the past several days.  i've read, i've made two doctor appointments, i've talked to TP twice already and i've texted a few people.

so, it's evening now.  i'm still sick.  i've drank a quart of very hot & spicy soup, which helped for a bit but not long.  i've had dinner, a pork stir fry that i made, which was very tasty.  my sugar's been surprisingly good.  my throat still hurts, i'm still stuffy and the meds aren't really doing a damn thing.  i've called some folks back today, i've listened more than i've talked, i've enlisted A to help me get the word about my campaign out and i'm planning one run out of the house tomorrow.  if things go as planned, i'll take Syd to her bus stop, go to the laundromat and wash and dry a load of clothes, i'll hit a store and pick up something for lunch and dinner.  it's about the best i can manage, unless i just feel dynamically better tomorrow.  But A said she's been down with this for two weeks, so i'm not really thinking it's going to be a good thing.  well, i also made doctor appointments, still have to call Dr. Gurd for a follow up for Syd tomorrow.  i guess things are still moving.  i haven't written today yet, but when even my eyes hurt it's very hard to concentrate.  i'm sleepy.  about to get drugged and try to pass out.  thank you, Jehovah, it has been a day of rest.

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