
Friday, June 1, 2018

First Full Sub Driver Day

well, again i'm writing in the morning.  perhaps this is just the better way for me to recap, though it feels a lot like compromise.  nothing wrong with compromise, but it shouldn't be a substitute for discipline. 

the day wasn't bad at all, though it was tense throughout, and i guess perhaps that was the issue at hand.  when i got home, i was wrung out, dishrag style, and managed to cook something simple and put my ass down to sleep.  didn't intend to sleep, one of those sleeps where i realize i was playing a game that's still on the computer screen hours later. 

but anyway...i had my first full driving day.  it is ironic, regardless of the Boss' assessment that i asked for this.  maybe i did, but i'm rather certain of my motivation. more on that in a bit. 

the day started as normal, except i unthinkingly took a full dose of Lasix, and figured that was going to screw up my day.  it didn't, but i should have been more aware.  i prayed, i finished the book of 2 Kings, i read my meditations, took meds, had half a cup of coffee and half a glass of water.  i got my breakfast from McD's and went to work.  i knew i'd get there at my regular and that there were things that needed to be done.  i still have to go through the client list in the office and sign off on the ISP's, but i will tend to that today.

the pick-ups were okay.  i made two wrong turns, but nothing that took me out of our time zone.  the aide, an older gentleman named Robert, was far more helpful than he thought he would be, but that involves INVOLVEMENT, something that i'm sure the drivers he's encountered didn't bother too much with.  also, the clients usually have a very good idea of how the route goes.  developmentally disabled people, especially high function autistics, tend to memorize patterns and recall them with pinpoint accuracy, and just as with anyone else in the world, their ability shouldn't be overlooked.  so we got through the early part of the day.  got drop offs done, got back to the shop. 

i went to the gym, did weights, went to my parent's house and my mother bought me lunch.  i went back to work and got ready for the afternoon runs, which was  a little more difficult, but not terribly so.  but at the workshops, i had a learning experience that i'm still processing.  one client walks with apparent difficulty, and she asked to be dropped off right at the door.  i have no problem with that,  two things, though:  in picking her up, she walks down a flight of steps and across a driveway, a good fifteen yards, to get to the van.  and it's closer from the bus to the door of the workshop than to the door of her house.  not really a great concern to me, but there was no way to get close to the workshop door to pick her up.  that frustrated me, and i ended up inconveniencing other drivers having to move to get one group and then another group.  other than that, it was okay. 

i had gotten a card for Kyle and his mom, as i won't get to see him before they switch to another transportation provider.  i got a card for Dee because, despite her feeling that i brought this lack of 'aide positioning' on myself, i'm grateful to her for her training me and grateful for her friendship, which is above and beyond still.  which leads into my motivation.

when i asked to train to drive, or when i said that i would, i was watching drivers leaving.  i was watching new people of very questionable ability hiring in, and i was watching aides disappearing.  i have absolutely no intention of staying with PCS.  it is not going to remain in my best interest.  it's confirmed even now, when the regular driver returns i'm going to end up a floater all over again.  and that's not what i desire at all.  catch-22 is, other companies don't post listings for bus aides, they post listings for drivers, and they post for home aides.  i'm not yet trained as a home aide, and don't know if i have what it takes to do that yet.  but i am trained as a bus aide, and i'm now trained as a driver.  therefore, i have something that is of value to a company closer to home, with more stability perhaps.  and that was my motivation; get it while it's paid training.  i also secured from the 2nd in command that she would give me a good referral when i decide to leave.  if she's truthful about that, it's worth quite a bit.  so, i have my reasons.  and there is no security for our aides.  none.  PCS corporate doesn't want to pay out anything it's not receiving back as a profit.  bullshit all you want about being 'focused on family', it's for profit care service, and for profit means 'dead weight' is always expendable.  but, i did pray, did turn it over, and am where i am now, on the road of God's will, going where it takes me.

i am grateful for the blessings of this day, grateful to Jehovah for life. 

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