
Friday, June 22, 2018

Echoes of other Birth Days...

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping, baby and closeupthis is life.
this is how things begin.  every time in human and animal affairs.  the reminder that we are all connected, all creatures upon this planet.  that we are all a continuation, that we crave that continuation. 

my grandson.  i am glad that he is alive.  i wish this were a less stupid world, that he was born under ideal circumstances.  but not one of us choose the environs of our becoming.  ne did not either. 

my mother is in the hospital.  i will go see her today.  my parents are getting older.  time runs short, time begins, time ends.  Sydney didn't get to meet my mother's mother.  she was less than one year old when my grandmother died.  she got to meet my father's mother, who blessed her directly, strong enough to stave off the death that cancer had brought to her to give her wisdom to her tribe before she left this reality.  Sydney met bother of her grandfathers.  or, should i say, both on my side of the family line.  she'll never know her mother's father, because her mother never knew her father. 

i have been exhausted.  i slept as a stone last night.  i'm certain that the power went out at some point, but i didn't know because i was fast asleep.  i've eaten breakfast this day, taken medicine and read my books and i'm getting ready to go to work.  i'll go to counseling and i'll go see my mother. 

i hope this one gets to see his grandmother before she's gone. 

i am grateful, i just wish i knew why i wasn't more connected to things. 

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