
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Important Unimportant things...

well, it's supposedly Father's Day.  it's definitely Sunday.  a good enough day, a peaceful day.  i did not do much of anything, and i'm happy about that.  i'm updating my Journey, and i'm happy about that as well. 

i got up this morning and i said my prayer.  i had decided on a frittata for breakfast so i knew how that was going to fall, but i did read and take my meds as i fixed my food.  i ate, and i chilled some more, hard to get moving on a Sunday.  sort of a day for watching time run out and the weekday to bring me more errant nonsense.  i finally got up, made up the sofa in the living room and my bed and vacuumed in here.  i finished a series of anime that i started yesterday, i went to my meeting and had a good time and some strawberry pie.  i didn't do anything particular for the day, not for me, not for my dad, though i did call him to wish him a happy father's day.  i heard from my older brothers, and  i sent the eldest a link to my author page.  i had the rest of my taco salad early lunch fashion, and had a nice dinner as well. 

thing is, i've been allowing myself a good portion of misery lately,and i really need to get past that.  and its a hot evening, hotter than the day was.  and i decided earier that i had to check and see if this tub was good for taking a bath.  so i washed dinner dishes, i ran a bath and i bathed and shaved.  i have to buy an external plug for it, but it did well enough.  and i can say, it was what i needed.  lit incense, put on music and just laid back.  and i feel so refreshed, i feel ready for tomorrow already. 

so, it was a thing that i didn't know i needed, but that i'm very glad i did.  and i thank my Father for the day of rest, for the easy weekend, and i'm ready to get back to the grind tomorrow. 

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