
Sunday, March 25, 2018


the quality of a day.  it's a thing that you learn as the day goes by, with your eyes open and your heart engaged with what is going on in front of you.  it's events and circumstances that you don't try to control; you just let them unfold and experience them for what they are.  and they make you smile, if only to yourself, if only for a little while, because you realize life is not all bad, it has its moments of being pretty good, once in a while.

i didn't write yesterday, i was done in.  i had spent the day with my son, and with my daughter to a shorter extent.  but we had the opportunity to break bread as a family at one table, and that was a good thing.  it meant a lot to me.

i had some sad periods too, finding things from long ago as De'ja and i cleaned some of the basement.  old LP's and 45's, old books and memories, keepsakes and just icons from the past era that will not be coming back this way again.  i should and likely will take pictures of some of this stuff, but for the time, it was enough to bring a copy of Homer's "Odyssey" up to read and that the cobwebs and overt trash have been dealt with.

i did pray yesterday, did read my stuff.  due to miscommunications and some stupidity (likely on my own part as well), i'm out of my blood pressure medicine until the coming week.  so i'm doing as stress free a life as i can.  i have made a mighty soup, but it's not going to be a regular, as there is so very much involved in the making of it.  it's not perfect yet.  i wanted to get the essence of a very, very green soup, and i got it, and it is  powerful.  i'm glad i had help in ingredient choices.  i also did my readings, getting into David becoming the King of Judah after the death of Saul and his contention with Abner over the kingship of the entirety of Israel.  i got my clothes in from King Size, and i have to mark off the pants and take them tomorrow to get the hemming done.  i have my gym clothes ready.  i feel pretty good this morning and am glad to be beginning my day, but i'll write about that later.  for now, i am thanking Jehovah God for another day of life, and getting on with it.

the Dining Room

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