
Thursday, March 29, 2018


these pictures are from 5 years ago.  funny, i don't know even now if i remember this Tim.  i sure as fuck don't remember where i got that picture of the tree from.  i know this is in the apartment on Colonial.  i don't know what i was working on.  i know i was in old glasses then, and i'm due for a new pair soon.  i know i was still working on me, but not with any clear vision of the future then.  i don't know if Rachel was back in my life at that point.  but i know he made it.  i don't even know if the tree is still standing.  but i know i am.  and that's pretty damn good news, isn't it?  and the knowing of that thing is pretty important as well.

so today was one of them good enough days.  like, when i got up, i'd already done all my prep stuff the night before.  so i wasn't rushing.  i got my prayer done and did my readings, took my insulin and pills and made myself a breakfast sandwich.  i moved slow but still got to work early because that's my philosophy and it's working so far.  the day went fine, i did see my parents, i did get some stuff for Syd and Joe, and i talked to Syd about getting some perspective on the whole deal of not taking full advantage of benefits because of something Joe's mother is apparently running down to her. 

i'm home now, having eaten from a selection of leftovers and having a banana nut muffin for dessert.  i'm ready to shut it down, just because of the length of the past few days and the reality that i don't have to work tomorrow.  i'll wash some clothes, do some cleaning, get some meat prepped for saturday's grill, i'll do some editing and maybe even have a bit of company.  but tomorrow, i've got counseling, i've got lunch with Lonnie and i've got a store to hit.  so, thank you, Father, for everything, for every experience i've had and for the ones resolved without my knowledge, which are often the biggest blessings. 

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