
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Snow Day, again

another day, another snow.  it is the second day of spring, after all, which means next to nothing these days. 

i made it to work again, sliding all the way across the city, down McGuffey, across Albert and Logan, up the hills in Liberty and did a 270 degree spin in the Walmart driveway, getting to work with all nerves firing like overoiled eventually be sent home because the workshops closed due to the snow, long after just about everything else in Trumbull county closed.  it was cool though.  i helped make the calls to the other employees to stay home if they hadn't come in, and i went to the gym before i went home myself, seeing some old friends due to the earlier time i managed to get there today. 

other than that, a normal wednesday, i guess.  i did pray, did take my meds and read my books, did have breakfast, did get to work in good time, did do the meeting, though by that point my motivation was waning a bit.  the amount of snow, i guess that was a bit of a motivation killer for me, but it doesn't matter now.  it's almost 530 in the evening.  i'm going to make my dinner, wash my dishes and watch some television until i shut it down for the night.  tomorrow will be a work day, and i've already showered and shaved so i'm ready for that as well. 

i am having a formatting issue with my new book, and it may cause me some delays, but i don't care.  it's what i'm working on, i want this one to be formatted right and i'm going to take my time to that effect.  i feel good about where things are in my life right now. i even looked on, trying to see what jobs might be available.  just to keep myself moving in the right direction, i guess. 

i talked to Lonnie quite a bit today.  i called Yvette but got no answer.  i talked to my mother and brother.  i talked to a 'resident' from CCA who was at the meeting.  i feel good enough today, especially with getting to the gym.  so i'm going to get this thing done and in the can, and shut it down, and be ready for tomorrow should tomorrow actually come.  and i'm going to thank my Father for the privilege of life today, i am blessed. 

The Dining Room

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