
Monday, March 26, 2018

The Struggle...

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i didn't post yesterday evening.  it wasn't a bad day, i'm just in compromised space.  for once, though, it's purely physical and not emotional or mental.  i don't know that makes it better, but it's different.

i still had Deja yesterday, he didn't leave until the evening, so when i woke up it was business as usual for me, except breakfast.  i prayed and meditated, i cleaned what needed to in the kitchen and had coffee and water.  when he finally woke, we went to breakfast.  after we ate we came back here.  i went to my meeting and he went exploring his memories, so to speak.  when i got back home, i just put dinner together, ate and watched television.  Deja came back and we watched some television and he ate before he left and i pretty much passed out (more on that momentarily). 

i had gotten myself together for work so today i got up and said my prayers and did my readings.  i ate no breakfast.  been a bit headachy for the past couple days.  i got to work and it was a good enough work day, as far as atmosphere and moods.  i went to my parents, made some necessary calls, got back for the second half of work and came home.  i reheated leftovers for dinner. i watched some television.  i just woke back up, about 930pm or so.  and i'm finishing this writing that i started about 7pm. 

i'm logging this here as a 'justincase'.  i'm sure my blood pressure is up now.  i have been out of my Nifedipine for the past week or so.  my doctor at One Health Ohio, Dr. Charlton, said she renewed all my scripts but she's out on maternity leave now.  that was about two weeks ago.  now these clowns are acting as if i didn't have an active prescription for the medicine that i've been taking for years now, for the condition that i've had for decades.  so i'm not really doing as well as i should be.  my energy is wonky and my head is pressurized.  i guess they have something ready for me right now, at their pharmacy.  that is what they told my regular pharmacy anyway, but of course i got that call after it was too late for me to pick up the medication.  i am faithful, and these things are in God's hands, of course.  but i truly hate when human interference makes simple things far more difficult than necessary. 

now, i'm going to finish this.  should anything happen, i hold the One Health Ohio on Wick avenue responsible, and i say that, in this writing, in my right mind, as much as can be said to that effect with this headache which will worsen exponentially when my blood pressure gets lowered. 

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