
Saturday, March 17, 2018


it' almost time for bed.  another weekend is mostly over.  i didn't do much, but there wasn't much to do to be fair.  but i feel okay, just disconnected and lonely.  neither are unusual states of existence for me right now.

i got up at the usual time for me these days.  i said my prayer on my knees, which was good.  i got up and started coffee warming and had my water and my medicine and my readings.  i made a frittata for breakfast, i ate and read and thought about why i seemed so out of it.  i didn't have an answer to that.  i didn't feel much like cleaning.  i didn't feel much like doing anything, so that's exactly what i did.  eventually i made my way to my parent's house, and i hung there for about an hour.  i talked to my dad and mom, and i went to the store and i came home.  my brother is planning on coming by for dinner tomorrow with his grandson after church, so i wanted to make sure i had something to feed them.

i came home and started working on my stuffed cabbage while i ate lunch.  i also took down my coat and hoodie and some odds and ends clothes and washed them.  i did no editing.  i watched some anime online, i nodded briefly, i thought about the no one (besides Lonnie) that i can call on a regular basis.  i listened to the sound of my thoughts so i could hear them in my voice.  eventually i had dinner and am about to go to bed.  i'm going to take my mom to the Hall tomorrow, i'm skipping the meeting as my brother is coming by.

i did order some clothes online, and i am glad that i did.  i have done nothing really for myself since i started this position, and it seems a nice thing to do.  i don't know why i'm feeling this void of emotions.  i have no real motivation it seems.  during the week, i get up because i have to, and i do my job because it's my job.  but on the weekend it doesn't seem to matter.  if i get up, fine, if i don't fine.  i don't always feel this way, either.  last week i was up and cleaning, and i felt good doing it.  this week, Rachel runs through my brain and i feel the hollowness of my own life.

regardless, i am grateful to Jehovah for the blessing of one more day of life.

The Dining Room

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