
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

End O' the Month...

yeah, so.  it's the end of January.  i'm ready for a new day, a new month maybe.  it's been an event, that's for sure.  but, all things in God's time for God's purpose. 

did i write yesterday?  i don't believe i did.  home invasion.  Syd and her mother, who was speaking for the meeting today for the anniversary.  didn't get much sleep either.  but that's okay.  got a lot on my mind, got some things i need to tighten up as well. so can't keep skipping. logging tonight, then going to sleep, new day tomorrow, new month, God willing and the creek don't rise. 

so, yesterday.  woke up good, good sleep.  got prayer done, had meds and meditation, had coffee and water.  had breakfast.  got to work usual time, and was still with the substitute driver, young man who is a friend of one of my cousins.  he's a good enough dude, actually kind of like him.  but this company does not prepare people for what it asks them to do.  on the first day, monday, we were late starting, because he got there late.  we picked up everyone late, got turned around several times and actually missed two people who got dropped off at the workshop by their guardians.  the afternoon was better.  yesterday was the reverse of that.  the morning was cool, despite a slow cold start.  but the afternoon was janky.  and we ended up running late in the afternoon.  i was exhausted, had to navigate using my phone gps.  sitting in close proximity to the residents, which doesn't bother me, but i like to give them their space, i feel like they are the riders and the clients, they deserve as much of a zone as they want.  nonetheless, we got through the day.  Chris had come up to speak at the aforementioned anniversary meeting, asked if she could crash here. i didn't know she was going to bring Syd, but it was cool.  have a spare bedroom, after all.  once i knew Syd was coming, i got home and started working on spaghetti for them to eat.  we ate, talked, and i got myself down later than usual to go to sleep. 

next day, which would be today, found Syd laying on the tiny sofa in the living room, on her phone playing.  i told her to come in here and sleep on one side of my bed. i got another hour and a half, then got up for the day at 3am.  i got dressed and had coffee and medicine and meditation quietly, trying to allow them to sleep.  i had to heat my car, as it was bitter cold this morning, but not the sub-zero weather of couple weeks ago.  cold enough, bitter enough though. 

work was a good run, aided i'm sure by the fact i didn't go back for the pick-up run.  also, we got started on time, got pick ups done on time and for the most part got them dropped off on time. minor discrepancies.  we got back, i logged myself out and came home.  i got dressed, gathered the supplies we needed and the stuff i'd cooked and i rode to Struthers to get the chicken and cake that SH ordered.  i picked up Harry, one of the attendees at the meeting, and we were on our way. 

we had help setting up and cleaning up.  it was good, a good turnout and good food.  Chris did a good job speaking, and the people dug it.  we got things cleaned up and i took my mom a plate and came home where i've been since.  i am tired. 

i'm trying to stay in the job hunting process.  i need to be sure that i do, as i don't want to be doing this company any longer than i have to.  i still love the job, love the clients and love being a part of a part of their day.  but we have a meeting tomorrow about our wrong policies of logging in.  it's always something, and since it's chaos by orchestration, it always will be something.  i don't want to continue making adjustments to someone's whims, when an actual job description would be more helpful, and training would be of the utmost importance.  plus, i'm still waiting for my money. 

can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.  i'm glad the anniversary went well.  the officers seemed to like their framed certificates.  there was enough of everything, as if God had planned for so many people and that was what we had collected to purchase for.  FAITH.  works better when it's practiced regularly.

will stay on point with this.  on to the Dining Room

thank you, Jehovah, for a good day. 

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