
Monday, January 29, 2018

Corporate Chaos

...between the light and the dark, and the dark often overtakes what the light believes is a sure thing.  a person has to be careful, know their nature and know the inner voice, that they will not be seduced by the darkness, thinking they are actually practitioners of light.

in not so many words, i have to remember this for myself every day, one way or another.

so, this has been a long day.  i am still unpaid, and that has to be resolved on Friday.  i am working toward being ready for the anniversary meeting on Wednesday, but i have no idea if it's going to be at the expense of this job.  even so, i have to go.  one of our members lost his brother to stage 4 colon cancer yesterday, and beyond the grief and sorrow we feel for him, he was to help me with set up and clean up.  how many will show up?  hard to say, it always is.  but i'm going to be the best me i can, and i know Jehovah has a plan for me, regardless of what the bosses purport to toss at me. 

the long day, i remember.  i didn't sleep much yesterday.  i planned on it, planned for it too.  was in bed early, shut things down, made sure i was good and sleepy.  maybe it was the cup of tea i had in the late afternoon.  maybe it was the apprehension of added responsibility today, having to navigate for the sub driver.  maybe it was just being lonely and horny, who the fuck knows?  the known fact is that i didn't sleep very well.  and by the time i crashed, 4am was right around the corner.  i was so tired i set a second alarm for 5, but decided to just get my ass up and get it moving. 

the brother who was driving today is a family friend of a cousin.  he showed up late, and my navigating skills were as poor as i figured they'd be.  but i used my GPS on my phone and we got through the morning and the afternoon, better in the afternoon of course.  then i came home, made some hot italian sausage for dinner and just finished an assessment on the AT&T employment link so i can see whether they're going to reject me outright or call me for an interview to turn me down.  but i'm nonplussed either way.  i'm on the hunt, and Jehovah will provide for me if i'm supposed to have something different than what i've got. 

i listened to the office people talking about problems in our time cards, that we are going to be told to stop logging in so early in the mornings when we don't leave for a significant time after we get in.  it is something my usual driver and i talked about, so i'm not surprised.  and it really makes sense; rather than allowing the company to be titty-nursed out of surplus funds by letting people clock in and sit around for an hour.  but it's just one more hoop for us to jump through because it's one more hoop for local management to jump through.  it's not original thought, it's not problematic because it's's a problem because Corporate is going to be mad.  i'm just saying, right is right no matter who's looking.  but that's me.

anyway, i'm going to wrap this up.  i need a shower, i need to shave and i am tired.  and right now, i'm not feeling much of any of that noise.  but we'll see.  shower can happen in the morning.  thank you, Father, for a productive day. 

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