
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Wolf Moon night, side pain morning

well, the day has began.  i slept later than usual, again.  the later than usual is becoming the usual, but that's not what i'm wanting, so it's got to change.  but i took a gabapentin because my side was hurting last night, and the burning in my hip was intense. and it helped some with my hip, but not at all with my side.  still, i slept.  i got up about 8, 830.  i said my prayer, and i got moving.  i took my meds and i read from my bible and my meditation book.  i sent out good morning texts, checked on a thing or two as far as the anniversary meeting goes and had breakfast, an omelet.  yes, just an omelet.  i just finished a chapter in the book and i'm about to sweat a little for cardio so i wanted to get some thoughts down.  i'll update this later.

i looked out my kitchen window yesterday.  i realized it was illuminated and wondered if someone else was stalking the house, as i had someone just parked in my driveway a couple nights ago.  but it wasn't stalkers, unless the full moon is obsessed with me, which is a cool thought.  i took a picture as best i could; there was no way i was going outside in zero degree weather to get a clearer one.  i like it though, i have colleges calling me because i submitted requests for information.  i'm going to respond to them very soon, as soon as i formulate what i need to know so i'm not being led somewhere i don't want to go.  things are happening, and that's good.  as well, the book is coming along, much more personable, to me at least.  i don't see the ending yet, but i see the interaction, and that's kind of different too.  it's cool to get up and want to do the things that i am supposed to do.

my dreams are still very weird.  last night, i dreamed i was working for some kind of moving company that was located in a bizarre strip mall, maybe even a bazaar setting.  and somehow, an online friend was in the dream, and her white husband, and i ended up looking at some kind of sushami he made for her and i lost it and spent the rest of my dream searching for a sushi roll.  i never found it either, but he never got really mad about it, just insisted that i had to find it.  i woke with this pain in my side.

as i write, as i look at this moon, i find myself wishing for company...specific company, sure, but any extensive time with a voice other than my own.  but here, in these walls, in this place.  nothing is wrong with going somewhere else and seeing the people in my life.  but there is a loneliness here, an emptiness that stays with me.  television is a nice distraction, food is a danger and is becoming once again a tool for energy.  but company...without a price tag, it is that valuable to me.  but, this is today.  who knows what it will bring?  and whatever it brings, who knows what tomorrow will bring?  best to live in this moment.

time to dance.  maybe more later.

quick reminder...i got in 9.5 minutes of dance, going to repeat a two song dance this afternoon/evening.  keep it honest ;-)

not sure how i'm going to work this out, but it's getting a mention anyway.

the day is about done.  i did the things that i listed, and that's good.  i got my shopping done, i got to see my mom since my dad was out.  i squeezed in a lunch with Lonnie, and didn't even get off track.  more on that in a minute.  i'm going to be finishing my dancing in a bit.  first, i'm going to put my groceries away after i get my meat seasoned and prepared, i'm going to shave and shower tonight so i don't have to do that should i awaken in the morning.  i'm going to find something to watch and i'm going to get some sleep early so i can get up early and hit it hard.  got to get to the library, do our last flier for the anniversary meeting and get some copies made.

thing is, i have to hunt some nutritional information like a mad bastard. 

the experience at the DeYor, which was one of my favorite spots and now is not, was horrible today.  there is a waitress there, a young, small woman, who has never been truly pleasant and has always been slightly incompetent as waitresses go.  and that is me being kind.  things like bringing bread to the table and seeing to the filling of water glasses has always been a bit beyond her.  these things are policy at this place or they wouldn't be mentioned.  she has charged for soup that came with the lunch entree and she has totaled up checks wrong.  i'm all for not throwing out the baby with the bath water, though.  i've had some stellar service and some really good food there as well, though as of late, the food quality has been hit and miss also.

today, while apparently they beat her until she learned to bring out bread and fill the water glasses, she took my questions about an entree, a braised short ribs with a root vegetable and whipped potatoes, as her affirmation that that was my order, though i told her three times that i was ordering a wild green vinaigrette with a grilled chicken breast atop it.  in fact, all i was asking her was what the root vegetable was, because most root vegetables are starches and i didn't want a double starch for lunch.  but that translated into, 'he wants this lunch entree, apparently'.  and there was no comp, there was no adjustment.  the salad that i'd ordered took forever to come out, i had it boxed for take out as Lonnie and I had to leave shortly after it arrived, and Lonnie said the salad wasn't that good anyway.

so, rather than bother with it at all, i gave it to my mother, who is much more a fan of salads than i am, and i went to a Chinese restaurant after my shopping for hot and sour soup, for wings and two spring rolls.  that was my lunch/dinner, dinner because it's now 530 and its doubtful if i'm going to eat anything other than some fruit later. 

so, now it's time to move into the finishing of the day.  i'm thankful to Jehovah God for the provisions and for the peace in my spirit.  and remember, food log is at, because honesty is the only way this works.  Out.

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