
Monday, January 15, 2018

Wanted: Laptop

it's just after 8pm.  for the most part, the day is done.  sleep comes now, then 4am and preparation for the new work week.  i'm going to Columbus this Friday, that is my plan anyway.  can't say for sure what i'm going to do unless God decides i have a Friday left in my repertoire. should that be the case, however, that is my plan.  i've tried to reach De'ja to see if i can cement some of this, but his phone seems to be out of commission again.  oh well...

today was a lax day.  it was cold this morning, and movement didn't really strike me as a thing i wanted to do.  i still got up before 5am, my alarm actually woke me at 4am, but it didn't make me galvanize for action.  but i got up.  i got coffee made and drank.  i got the prayer in, got my breakfast down.  most of the day other than that was chilling, as i said.  i had plans to see my parents, and i did.  i needed a couple things from the store, and i got them.  i have one copy of the flyer for the anniversary meeting and i'll make more copies at my parent's house tomorrow, again with the stipulation that i have a tomorrow. 

i ate breakfast, lunch and dinner.  i just shaved and showered a little bit ago.  i am going to finish this brief entry and shut it down.  i'm actually nervous about tomorrow, as i'll likely have to try to get right the operation of a motorized wheelchair again. they're not as easy as one might think to operate.  i'm also excited though.  i remember most of the names, i am hoping they remember me as well.  and it's a four day week, so that's always a good thing.

oh yeah.  i got some stuff done today, stuff that's been waiting for awhile now. 
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yeah, i got the website updated a bit ( and i got another flyer up on my author page on FB.  i mean, its time.  i've been lounging and licking my wounds for half a year now, and it's time to get shit moving again.  so, i did get those done.  and now, i'm going to get some rest, and God willing and the creek don't rise, i'm going to get up early as hell and get my ass to WORK.  i still like the thought of that.  thank you, Father, for a restful and productive day. 

yes, i do need a laptop.  need a separate computer for the more intricate creative stuff i'm going to be working on.  that's the point of an increase in the income, resources to move things along.  and now, the Dining Room.

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