
Friday, January 5, 2018

When the Mind Goes...

I was going to skip this tonight.  I can't say why exactly.  the day has gotten away, i've been kind of busy through the early part and it's almost eleven now.  the eating has been better, though not logged as efficiently as should be.  but now, wrapping up the day, i need to write.  because i am still slipping, and i need to tighten my shit up, for real.  i am going to do some painful things to myself inadvertently if i don't start working harder to get my shit together. 

so, the basics first.  my day was alright.  i got up, a bit sluggish and a bit later than i want to, but the cold is playing a factor in that.  i said my prayer and got it moving.  i planned my breakfast the night before, so that wasn't a problem after meditation and scripture and taking my meds and insulin.  i ate and cleaned up after myself and went upstairs to write and exercise.  again, i was up later than i wanted to be so i was running behind on my planned activities.  but i got my car warmed up, i got my stuff gathered and i got out the house.

i went to the library first.  i had a document to type for the Sunday meeting and i wanted to run a copy of that and my CPR certificate that i got from the Red Cross site.  i got those done and worked on my book while i was there.  from there i went to my parent's house.  i made them breakfast, talked to my mom for a minute and then made my way back home.  it was cold and i really didn't want to just be out here in it. 

once here, i had lunch.  i'm going to log my meals today on The Dining Table, but I'll have to return to do the stats tomorrow.  anyway, i started to write more, but i wasn't there.  i sat in my office, just running through my mind.  i then came downstairs and watched some television, then got started cooking my dinner.  i ate, had dessert of sugar-free pudding, and watched more television. 

in the course of the day i talked to Yvette, De'Ja, Karl and Lonnie.  i checked on the requirements for the HEAP program, i still need to call the colleges as far as information about registering for online school, which i'd like to start in the spring, and i need to get to cleaning, as the clutter is beginning to accumulate.  that is the essence of the day, and i am grateful for it and it was not bad.  the dissipation of cognition began to be realized this evening. 

first, some neglected things from yesterday.  i am trying to check my attitude, because i have one.  Lonnie made the suggestion, which i was moving toward, to check the Red Cross site for my certificate, and i found it but could only download it as a .pdf file.  i couldn't even get it copied into a drawing or photo editor program to change the extension.  so i decided i'd just email it to the woman who's been having me move toward working, and i did so, getting her email from the card she gave me.  since they've been so quick with everything i figured i'd hear from her immediately, and when i didn't i decided to text her in the afternoon, after i returned from my meeting, to make sure she got it.  she texted me back asking if i could come in now, to do what sounded to me like show that i can do First Aid or CPR on someone.  i hesitated, i am admitting it, but not because there's a problem with my certificate, which there's not, or because i am not really all that competent in either, which is the truth.  i hesitated because it's cold, and i'd been to my meeting, i'd been to the store, i'd been out and about and i was home where it was warm, and i wanted to get some things done, and everytime we correspond i'm supposed to drop everything and just run to Girard.  and i realized my attitude sucks.  see, i was going over my bills in my mind, comparing it to my income on disability.  and i need to be working, but i get irritated because they ask me to come in to move the process along.  and i realized it, so i texted back i was coming, and i got my ass back into my clothes and got moving.  and then she called me to say the woman i would have been showing this to was leaving shortly, and not to come that day, that they'd let me know when to come.  Not to mention, she hadn't gotten my email, probably because i sent it as a .pdf attachment.  so i did as she suggested;  i took a picture of it and texted the picture to her.  and i've not heard back from them today. 

second thing was the eating of the nuggets, but i talked about that.  the big thing though, the one that lets me know i got to get my head right, is that i paid the AAA bill for me and my brother, who paid me his portion last month, so i took care of my obligation...but i paid it with my bank card for the account that was nearly empty...and so now the account is overdrawn.  i have to get money out tomorrow and put it into the other account to keep it from being penalized, and i still have a payment that has to come out of there.  but i'm complaining because someone is trying to get me started at work.  i got issues. 

anyway, it was a day.  and i'm grateful. and i ate better and danced without issues and i thank Jehovah for the provisions. 

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