
Monday, January 8, 2018

Cold to Ice to Snow...

See the source image

this is an amazing thing happening in the city right now, though being winter there's no need to be amazed about it.  the cold spell, the sub-zero wind chills and the digit weather has ended, only to be started in celebration with an ice rain this morning.  that has been the tone of my day so far, and still i'm grateful for it.

so i woke this morning just before four-thirty.  i had the alarm set for 445, but i beat it solidly and was happy about that.  i'd had a good night's sleep, i woke refreshed and ready to roll.  i turned on my coffee pot, said my prayer, got my medicine in and my insulin shot, read from Proverbs and my meditation books and i had a small breakfast.  i got my bed made, got dressed, got my car started, had coffee ready to go.  i found when i went to warm the car that there was ice falling from the sky, from the sub-zero temperatures apparently.  so i heated the car for 15 minutes and began my ride to work.  how different a thing that is to say ride to 'work'.  even though i was just saying it in the summer, it feels good to say it again.

i got there a bit behind, because the roads were slick, but still earlier than i needed to be.  but when i was getting out of my car, another employee told me they'd cancelled activities for the clients due to the weather.  i decided to go in anyway, show my face, show that i actually made it to work.  that was good, as i ended up with a bunch of paperwork that needed to be done, a test with videos i needed to do, CPR that i found i didn't have to test on since my certification was in August, and reading through some things i'd have to know and would know more about later in my employment.  it was a good day.

after that, about 10 or so i'd say, i made my way to my parent's house.  i talked to my mom and dad and got a pot of coffee ready for my mother.  by the time that happened, the ice rain had ended, turning into snow.  which, sadly, it is still doing outside.  i went to the store and got a beef roast and an onion for a beef stew, as Syd and Joe may come by to do some laundry today.  just in case.

i think i'm going to enjoy this job.  the schedule is different.  i'll go in at 6am, be there for about 3 hours and then go home, or wherever, and come back in the afternoon for another 3 hours.  it's part time, so there shouldn't be any problem with disability, and i have enough places close to go that i don't need to run east to north to east to north to east. i have no idea what my days are, whether we work weekends, when payday falls or anything.  but i'm employed, i'm working, and i'm happy and blessed.

i will post more as there is more, but i'm in for the day, down for the day and thanking my Father for the day.  food log to come at the Dining Room asap.

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