
Sunday, August 20, 2017

rough day

there will be more pictures tonight, but i have been slacking in that area.  i have my reasons.

i woke today, but not easily.  i am tired and my back hurts, but not from working too much.  i am currently taking my medicine, about to take my insulin.  i've said my prayer.  i can't wait to start doing my whole thing again; prayer, meditation, quiet time.  either on my front porch or in the room of my choice.  it is going to be a nice thing.

I have had help over the past two days, and i may have help later today.  it is a blessing and i am grateful, but it is a chore as well.  it is a chore, because i am not accustomed to sitting while someone does my work for me.  i truly am not.  and since i paid someone for help, for the big stuff such as the pictured box spring and mattress and the removal of said things, i was instructed to let the gentleman (and his girlfriend, yesterday anyway) do their thing.  and i did.  but not easily.  but it was nice putting on coffee on my stove top pot, drinking coffee while i sat and checked out the neighborhood.  it was nice to see my cousin MJ, who saw me ride past her house on the other end of my street and rode up to see what i was up to.  it was nice to watch the floor become visible from the carpet which knew my grandparent's feet but should have been taken up or replaced a long time ago.  it is nice to see rooms become closer to having a purpose.  it is nice thinking of color schemes, of feng shui, of energy movement and purposing.  it is nice, in other words, to be closing in on being home again.

yet, there is apprehension.  i don't know what my dad has actually told my cousin as far as the living status of the house.  i know i am getting rid of a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff that has been left in the space.  i'm not going through drama over these things.  i absolutely am not.  i have every intention of simply clearing out what is not going to remain, not consigning it to odd spaces and hoping someone eventually comes for it.  i learned the car in the driveway is my cousin MJ's, that she bought for her son.  it doesn't run so i'm going to get help pushing it back to the side of the garage, rather than at the end of the driveway.  not an issue, and glad for the information.  but i'm still putting my cousin's clothes into the car.

i'm done with my meds.  i'm going to make my mom a fresh pot of coffee and get rolling.  it's time.  i'm going to start on the spare bedroom and work my way around the upstairs as far as cleaning goes today.  and i'll work on the downstairs tomorrow.  only exception:  going to get the rancid garbage out of the fridge today, going to wash it out and leave it open to air out.  need it fresh for tomorrow when the power comes on.

i am grateful to my Father for the privilege of working toward shelter.  nothing is free in this world, but everything can be a blessing.  i'm going to get started now.

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