
Sunday, August 27, 2017 the process...

it's early Sunday morning.  my back is hurting some, but not as bad as earlier yesterday.  i've not slept much, and i'm going to sleep more by the feel of it.  but i have things to do this morning, and delaying is not going to get them done.

yesterday was a good day, with some learning moments.  i got up and said my prayer (which i have to do before i leave this basement today) and i got it started.  my plan was to do more garage sailing and find some other things i needed.  i was also going to start planning a trip to Columbus, just to get some me time in away from all the details of this city.  before i had a chance to sail, i stopped to check the Vindicator online and found a place that had a queen sized bed for a price i liked.  now i know i actually had a king sized bed on Colonial, but i also know it wouldn't have done me any good here.  God knows best.

i got the bed, got a frame, got my brother Jerry to come and pick it up and deliver it to my house.  we could not get the box spring up the stairwell.  just too big and too inflexible.  mattress, yes.  box spring, no.  so we brought it back down, and that was that.  going to set it up on the bottom floor and that's going to kind of determine the whole feel of the house.  but that's the learning part, and it's part of learning.

afterward, i kind of chilled.  made my way back north, hung out at the parent's house for a bit.  nice to be able to draw that distinction more often.  i'd made my breakfast before i left, and i had lunch here also.  then i watched some television and contemplated a nap.  i was tired, and i was sore, but i also had some other things to do.  went to some stores, got more supplies, got some groceries and went back to my house.  i hung the blessing VF got for me, and i cleaned my downstairs bathroom.  still have to get a toilet seat for downstairs.  one of my chores this morning, i believe.

i am going to set up my bed this morning.  i'm going to do some prep for dinner this morning.  i'm going to set up my coffee pot and my stereo this morning.  i'm going to take a nap today, and i'm going to sleep in my house today.  those are my goals.  i'm going to try to get to my CA meeting today.  that is also a goal.  but i'm mostly trying to keep settling in.  have to set up my wifi and see if it works.  still am going to have to get my desktop and my clothes and get them moved also.

communicated with Syd, told her i could use her help, she said she would and then backed out for reason or excuse.  not unexpected.  talked to De'ja months ago, said let him know when i was moving and he'd come help and he didn't.  not unexpected.

met a woman yesterday, and she invited me to a gallery showing and i went, which was good.  and it was boring as hell and i left early.  i'm twenty years past trying to infiltrate someone's circle of life.  guess maybe i am a bit jaded now.

i'm grateful for all the blessings, and it's time to get moving.  thank you, Jehovah, for the new day.

ps...1st breakfast.

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