
Thursday, December 1, 2016


this was a day that i'm glad is almost over.  i don't have many days like that, and a modicum of gratitude would not be harmful at all.  i am alive.  i am sober.  my parents are not suffering.  my clothes are in my dryer now.  i have an idea for my media thing to come, as far as my book presentation in june.  all good stuff.

now, about the day.

i got up but didn't hit the gym.  i read my meditations and i did my prayer but i didn't stretch.  i actually turned my alarm off this morning.  i was exhausted, the binaural meditation vid put me deep deep under.  i eventually got up.  yesterday's coffee was all i could manage, so i had a cup.  i sent Rachel a text that i felt next week would be better for Columbus, and i sent messages to my people to let them know the same.  i was still tired, i had breakfast, a hamburger patty and two scrambled eggs.  i told my mom when she called i didn't know if i was still going to make it to wash clothes today.  i decided i'd do it anyway, fit a lot of stuff into a day where my energy would be better spent just regrouping.  there are days like that.

then the day went south.

i had to do a master schedule sheet for a friend so he could print updated copies of our meeting list for distribution.  did that, no problem.  had to get it to him and then get Rachel for her counseling at 1.  managed to do both.  but i did a lot of waiting around today.  waited at counseling.  ran back to Struthers because she forgot her meds and was off her feed.  waiting at family dollar for her to go 'in and out'.  took her to the laundry mat, went downtown to visit Heather only to find i still wasn't on the list.  ran back across town, bought Arbys because i needed to eat and i figured Rachel did too.  but she'd gone to Subway before i got back.  waiting for clothes to finish.  waiting for her when she took clothes home, out in my car.  waiting while she changed clothes.  waiting to go to the library.

the Poland branch of the Youngstown Library has a local artist showcase type thing that happens in December and June, apparently.  you register and you get a table where you can set up your books and your information and your presentation and you tell your friends and your fans and the media to come check out the event.  it's a 'one hand washes the other' deal, but it seemed pretty nice.  i wasn't ready for the one today but i'll be ready for the one in June.

Rachel came with me.  i imagine one of us was irritable.  i'm thinking both of us were, to an extent.

she never got my text.  so she went through half her day under the impression that we were going.  so i decided to go.  not the biggest deal in the world.  just means some things will be on hold for a minute or three.  life goes on.

but it was an irritating, frustrating, long and tedious day.  and i can only hope it is not that kind of a weekend, in Columbus, where i have no haven.  i'm going to pray for good emotional weather.  we need to feel each other out in stranger environs.

waited for her at WalMart.

thank you Father, for a very nice day.

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