
Monday, December 19, 2016


this has been a good day, and a productive day as well.  i have no complaints.  and that's unusual, as of late.

i got up on time, turned off the alarm, said my prayer but didn't stretch.  i got dressed for the gym, had coffee and warmed up my car and went to the gym.  i did a hard half hour on the treadmill, higher elevation and speed, to get the heart rate up.  my sugar was the usual 124 when i got up.  when i got home, i read my scripture and readings, took my meds and insulin and had breakfast.  i rested for a bit, then got up and made my bed.  i went to the bank to cash a refund check, went to the store to get some of my supplies for the weekend and came back home to put stuff away.  i went to the jail to visit Heather.  she started the visit upbeat but ended with more doubt.  i tried to give her a perspective to meditate on, then i came home.

i got into it a bit with Syd, as she came in just to lay down for about 20 minutes before running around the corner again.  it's likely just my feeling of sadness at the ending of this chapter of us, but it's also pretty fucking annoying.  but i told her to do what she needed to do here, get her shit done and not to expect me to cook for someone who's not going to be here.  then i went to Papa's and got wings and a pastalillo for dinner with a salad i made.  i've set up coffee, put stuff away, washed my dishes.  i had my phone interview with the price comparison company, and that went well.  the receptionist in the morning at the JCC talked to the guy about my application and he said i am on his list to call, so that was good.  i am going to put this turkey away to thaw so i can do things with it over the next couple of days.  it's been a good day.  i have no complaints and i thank my Father for his kindness.

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