
Friday, October 30, 2015

the rebellion is a thief

old man days...everyone will have them eventually...except women.  they will have old woman days.
well, maybe...

anyway, today was a nothing sort of day.  i was dragging ass early.  i had my brother take Syd to her bus.  i got breakfast eventually and came back and laid down.  feel a cold still just outside my sightline, waiting to pounce on me.  i watched some television, got ready for the civil service exam and got there to find out i had the wrong day.  it's tomorrow.  i knew, inwardly, that it was tomorrow.  it says the 31st on the admission paper.  the 31st is tomorrow.  so why did i tell my brain that it was today?  old man days.
i went to the store after i left the site where the test will be administered tomorrow.  got a can of soup, got some trash bags and i got a pack of biscuit mix for cheddar garlic biscuits.  i didn't hit the gum, didn't walk. i had not planned to not go.  it just didn't happen.  discipline is slipping.  i was asked if the truth will set me free.  the surface self is in a rebellious state.  it's almost time to lock it down again.  sabotage is a subtle enemy.  by its nature, it is a thief of thieves.  it robs robbers.  it has only two antidotes, which are absolute truth and consistent effort  this is a short entry, because the rest of what i experienced isn't as important to me at this moment than this.  elaboration tomorrow,

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