
Thursday, October 1, 2015

The BLOG.COM files, apparently my original blogsite is back up, but i'm not trusting it nor am i using it.  but for continuity's sake, i'm posting en masse the first nine days of my efforts here.  just in case.


it's saturday, september 12. i'm sitting at my computer, trying to figure out how to really begin this. i picked this blog page because i wanted something that i know nothing about, so that i can learn it as i learn me, and we can maybe grow together. my name is Timothy Z, or timothy thomas in plain english. Timothy Z is my author name and the title i use for the philosophy i've been evolving for the past four or five years, with is the Ugenetics Institute. more on that later.
this is going to be happening because i am a food fiend. i've tried to find a way to say it without diminishing it's impact. see, food addict is not adequate because everyone is addicted to food. doesn't matter if you are eating a little or a lot. if you stop eating, you die. so we are all habitual eaters when the desired effect is to live. but that's not where it ends for me.
i am a food fiend. like a dope fiend, or a stinking drunk. i eat because it does something to me internally, it does something to my mood. i eat because food is a drug for me. it has been all my life. i am a recovering addict, i am a recovering alcoholic. those things combined mean i am an obsessive/compulsive by nature. but food was number one. it was the equalizer, the pacifier and the neutralizer. it's been all those things for me. and i guess, to an extent, it still is. i've used food for the blues, for celebration, for love, for hate, for despair and hope. i've used food to reward myself, and to punish myself. i've used food when i'm lonely and i've used it as social lubricant, since i don't drink or do drugs any longer. what i haven't done, since 1990 or so, is use food in moderation. i haven't used food as just a means of quelling hunger since i was diagnosed as a compulsive overeater. but the thing is, i don't know if i believe that about myself. what i believe is that i resist change, and therefore i suffer the consequence of conformity to bad things. i am on a ton of meds, because of my weight related ailments. i take twelve different pills a day, not to mention three different kinds of diabetic injections. so, it dawned on me yesterday, that i'm actually rather chemically dependent once again. and still, i think in terms of the next meal during the current one, or the meal tomorrow rather than the activities that i could be doing.
i hope you're getting the picture. as well as high blood pressure and diabetes, i have congestive heart failure. i could die at any time. it's scary, but i've never really been bothered by the thought of death. i was suicidal for a long time. i think romancing your own death for a long period of time sort of numbs one to dying. but that's my thought, i don't say that's everyone's reality. i have a pain in my right shoulder that i'm truly afraid of though. i have thoughts that it will mean i will have to have my arm cut off, something about an injury and diabetes. i hope its just paranoia. i also have pains in my knees. i also have a lowered sex drive. i also have vision issues. i also have neuropathic pain in my fingers, as well as numbness, and i have trouble sleeping and staying awake. this all stems from my weight issue.
mind you, i'm not especially ashamed of this. i used to be. i used to be despairing, because i was tormented about my weight as a child. but i grew to be someone that i like being. and i grew to be someone that i knew was lovable, so i do love me. but liking all this sickness, all this exhaustion, all this mental confusion? that's not reasonable at all. so here.s the thing...
what i want to do is change in the next year. i want my health back. i want my life back. i want to not be on a ton of meds. nothing is going to change regarding the damage to my heart, but i don't have to die from the 'complications due to obesity; so to give myself a chance to account for what must be done, this will be a public forum. i will hold myself accountable for daily change and daily logging, and you will read or not, but it won't be because i am unwilling to share. and when the year is done, we'll see where i've come to. but that's what this is. i have to launch myself into a year long orbit around the sun...i have to be my own satellite, so that i can learn to inspire myself. i'm going to let you know how that goes. the picture i've posted, if it actually posts, is me. i am not going to pose anything. but it is as much of me as a picture i have on hand shows, and it definitely reveals i am not small at all. so, i've two days before the dieting begins, but i wanted to let you know where i'm at right now.

Sept 13 – The ME I'll One Day Perhaps Be

Sept 14 – Day One: LAUNCH

okay, i'm beginning officially today. it's the first day of the new year on the Jewish calendar. that means i have promises to keep, and though i may have miles to go before i sleep, i'm only doing this one day at a time. we start with the first step, modified. i acknowledge i am powerless over my food lust, and it has made my life totally unmanageable by me. yesterday, for example. i had two eggs, scrambled with cheese, and two pieces of toast for breakfast. not unreasonable. but for lunch: two pieces of fried chicken, haluska, pasta with sauce and pepperoni, potato salad, and sweet potato pie (feel like i'm missing something). i ate m&m's throughout the evening. i ate four generic oreo cookies. i had three pieces of fried chicken and a lot of potato and sausage roast for dinner. i didn't take my evening or afternoon insulin. i wake up feeling achy, sluggish, weary. i slept poorly. these are the things that when reflected on make me know that i am powerless. i drank a lot of water, but how much water can one drink to dilute eating like a garbage disposal?
so, i begin my day with taking my insulin. i will have one cup of coffee this morning. i will have water with my pills. and i will have a sensible breakfast.
my blood glucose was at 259.  likely because i didn't take any other insulin yesterday.  average on waking is about 119.  my weight is currently around 400.  i have obviously to me been much heavier, but i've also been lighter.  i don't have a target weight.  i have a target health, and dropping weight will help me achieve that.  i want to rid myself of as much of this medicine as possible.  i don't want to live the rest of my life dropping pills just to regulate my metabolism.  i'm pretty sure dying wouldn't be as bad as living like this, but this life doesn't belong to me.  the life that i held, free and clear, i lost the rights two on November 27th, 1988.  that was when it got as bad as it could get on cocaine and drugs and alcohol and i was given a 'loaner' life.  it hasn't been a bad one, but the main dis-ease, the food lust, the food fiending, has gone on, checked on occasion but never check mated because i'm not good with the endgame.  so, today is powerlessness.  i've boiled an egg for my breakfast.  with it, i'm going to have some grapes, and some cheese.  my shoulder is knotted and popping.  i've heard nothing back yet on the x-rays that they had me get.  i am really beginning to wonder why anyone would choose to subscribe to medical practitioners as 'healers'?  they rely on sickness for their bread and butter;  people who rely on crime for their livelihood make laws to be broken to create criminals.  why wouldn't people who do medicine create patients by allowing sickness to continue?  it's a thought worth thinking.
what do i really want to see in the rest of this life?  this is something that goes through my mind a lot.  for some things, there are no clear answers.  my daughter is almost grown.  i worry about her, but every parent who is not completely sociopathic does the same thing.  i'm pretty sure happiness is going to be elusive for her, because she is hoping (it seems) that someone is going to come along and fill a void that she herself has kept excavated.  she has to fill it in with useful and positive things about herself, which is the only thing i can see that will change her feeling of abandonment by her mother.  but when the abandonment is real, the solution tends to seem outside one's grasp.
regardless, she'll be grown.  graduated in two years.  i'll be 49 then.  i doubt i'll live to see sixty.  that's not really problematic.  i just want something to show for my time on earth.  i've written a lot, considering.  by this year's end, i should have finished another book, a screen play and at least one new collection of poetry. my friend told me last night that i should start looking at new memories.  she has such a depth, and she downplays it all she can, but i count on it.  the picture that i posted is when i was on top of the poetry scene in columbus ohio.  i was good, but i wasn't happy.  i didn't know i wasn't happy at that time, but i wasn't.  i was taking care of two children, working a job i didn't really care for, and working with a group of poets who were pretty much all crazy.  self included.  but there were things about that guy i was then that i did like.  he had clear vision.  he wasn't afraid to take chances.  he was someone that others could believe in, even if he never tried to assume he was just such a great thing.
1 slice mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup 2% milk
1/2 cup black grapes
1 boiled egg
calories:  apprx. 259
my friend R came by this morning, she had to do some stuff on the computer.  she's one of my favorite people in the world, and she is very much loved and appreciated by me.  i hate that she's going through such a rough time.  i wish i could do more to help her, but i will do what i'm able to do.  anyway, she gave me what i needed, as she always does.  it constantly makes me wonder about the world in which we live.  why is it so hard to be compassionate for most people?  why are most humans so damned self-centered, so sociopathic?
i bought her a pack of cigarettes.  she bought a 2 liter diet Sunkist for me, an Arizona iced tea for Syd (my child) and a can of Progresso soup which i had for lunch.  she let me cry on her shoulder.  it terrifies me, because it shows me the despair is always pretty close to the surface.  i don't know if i really like knowing that.  i'm not going to lose my mind, but i don't want to ever have someone feel as if i am dependent upon them for anything.  friendship, love, whatever...its always better as share and share alike.  that's my feeling.
anyway, i ate a can of Progresso beef vegetable soup, 220 calories, and i had 7 saltines, about 79 calories.  with water to drink, my calorie intake was 299, and i'm at 558 so far.
now, i want to give you some comparison on this.  between my breakfast yesterday (three scrambled eggs and cheese, two pieces of commercial wheat toast) and the two pieces of fried chicken i had at lunch, i was at over 1500 calories.  i had much more than chicken for lunch, as well as more chicken and potatoes and sausage and candy and cookies in the evening.  i do nothing but consume, and then i speak on not losing weight with the minimal exercises that i do.  not going to work.  if i finish my eating day correctly (one day at a time, again) i should finish at around  630 calories for dinner, and that should put me at 1188 calories for the day.  that's what i'm trying to accomplish here.  to eat responsively, not so much to restrict but to do what needs to be done.  i'm going for a walk now, and i'll finish this up in a few hours.
i want to finish this up for the day.  i don't want to spend all day writing on this, i've just decided that.  i am going to allot certain times for the updating of this.  perhaps three times a day, maybe after meals, so i can make sure that i'm being honest with my eating.  we'll see.  i did my walk, not a long walk but it got my heart going.  my head was against it.  i don't know what the problem is, the bad communication between my head and my heart.  but whatever it is, i went, and i know what i'm having for dinner, and i've listed where my caloric intake should fall.  if anything is different, then i'll let you know tomorrow.
thing is, i know i love me.  i know i'm worth loving.  i know that i can lose this weight.  like Willie D said, "anything i did twice, i can do it again"...that's truth.  i haven't because it's easier to take the pills and the insulin and eat what i want and sleep through the day and feel badly at night before i go to sleep to do it again.  but today...i've worked on both novel and screenplay, i spent time with miss R, i've done my walk, i've spoken to my mother, i've got nothing else slated, and i'm heading for a nap.  i've been productive.  and eventually, it's going to pay off.  i know it will because it has before.  my faith is this:  i am powerless over food.  i am powerless over my obsessive/compulsive nature without order and discipline, and that doesn't come from human sources, because they're mostly as fucked up as i am.  the unmanageability in my life is from doing what i want, accepting destructive consequences rather than changing my focus from wants to needs and accepting constructive results.  that is addiction, and i am a food fiend.  i am going to enjoy my nap and the rest of my day.  i hope you do too.  


tuesday, September 15th. it's day two. it was a rough night of trying to sleep. i tossed and turned for the whole night. at a certain point my calves began cramping. i don't know if its from the walk i took, after so long a period of inactivity, or if its because of the change in food intake. i just know it falls under unmanageability for me. to have to negotiate with my mind because doing something good for me may bring later pain, that is unmanageable. but it comes from so long of simply balancing dysfunction with medication. and then it brings me solidly into step 2, coming to believe a higher power can restore me to sanity.
now, i have to be honest. i feel this is a combination with step 3, turning my will and life over to God's care. because, the 2nd step is about acknowledging the insanity of my actions that brought me to this point, and that's easy enough to do. but the part of the 2nd step that's revealed itself to me lately is the part where other people are my example of 'change is possible'. and the only people i have to go on, for where i've set my goals, are people on the computer. i believe it is possible for me to do the things to reduce my mass in a year. i believe that's entirely possible. but what i do not know for sure is how accurate my data is from the internet. people lie, and they lie often. i've tried to be a realist, to be more pragmatic in my belief system. but i do know people who've lost a lot of weight. i know i see my friend from when i was at West, who has gotten bulked up from his exercise and weight lifting. i know my associate from high school who has gotten into body building and who was a very small and thin young man, but likely a lot of that is from performance enhancements and supplements to his diet. i know a couple of people who have done the gastric bypass, but i don't exactly like what i see happening in their mental states, and i don't intend to do this through surgical means. but i know it can be done. i've been blessed to have done it before, on two occasions, as i stated yesterday.
i want to list some of the insanity of being fat like this. i stated that i am a food fiend, that i have to put it in as real a context as is possible. well, here is the reality of being this size, and trying to live at this size. some of it, anyway.
okay, so you get up, and you have to debate on the status of your knees before you bend them to pray. you go to the bathroom to shit, and wiping your ass is a strain and a fight, to the extent that you may cramp up in places trying to reach to wipe. you are winded quickly, doing practically nothing at all. you never ever really like what you see in the mirror. your sex drive is fucked up. even masturbation is a chore, because you may not climax, and you have to ask yourself is it worth the effort. bathing is work. for me, the atrophy in my legs is evident whenever i force-fold them to wash my feet. you worry about falling always. when i was younger, it was because of the obvious humiliation that would ensue if anyone saw me fall. now it's because getting back up isn't as easy. plus, as i said, i have a shoulder that has yet to heal from a fall last year. exhaustion battles for just plain tiredness and weariness, and they usually run a tie in their race. it is an amazing thing, being fat like this. but as a food fiend, the only true worry has been what exactly i want to eat, when i want to eat it. and that' s insanity. if the picture i tried to upload comes through you can see how large my gut is. its ridiculous, that my stomach should be this large. but another insane thing about fat is once you're fat, it's kind of relative. you've always seen yourself as huge. society paints a picture of you as a freak of nature, so you see yourself in monstrous proportions long before you actually get there. i was nowhere near as large as a child as i felt as a child. words are magnifying glasses, when people wield them without thought.
so i'm placing all this in my god's hands, because i can't do it by myself, and i can't change anything outside of this skin to make the world kinder and more helpful. i have people who are willing to help me, and that's a good thing. i'm going to have a two egg omelet for breakfast, with cheddar cheese and last night's california blend veggies inside. i'm debating on a piece of toast. mostly because i'm contemplating a taco salad for dinner. i don't know for sure just yet.
the power went out after i finished breakfast.  i heard something bang outside, and then everything flashed and went blank.  it was off for a while, so i decided to take a nap.  thinking back.  thinking about how people end up where they are, and sometimes act as if they don't know how they got there.  i know how i got here.  i know what happened that brought me to this place.  i know that when i was young, i ate because i was unhappy with everything that went on in our home.  all the fights, all the arguments, all the pulling and breaking strains.  i ate because i thought it would make me big enough to be heard, but really it made me numb enough to not care.  later, i ate because i had become a monster to so many people i felt i may as well just stay on that course, since i had few friends, no girlfriend and faced daily humiliation.  food, then drugs and alcohol, helped me to not feel it so sharply.  then i ended up in treatment for drugs and alcohol.  i wasn't fat then.  there are very few fat hardcore dopefiends.  i was what would be known in a few years as a crackhead.  but then i put the weight back on with a vengeance.  food was my original addiction.  no, check that.  it was my original drug.  when i was early in sobriety, i went to treatment for my eating.  i was out of control, i couldn't walk up one flight of steps without being severely winded.  i was two years clean and lost in my own denial.  a gentleman at the treatment center, his name was Rod, helped me with something i'd not seen before, a psycho-drama, which made me see i hadn't actually dealt with any of my core issues and revealed what i needed to focus on to learn to love myself.  the nutritionist, Maryann, helped me learn about what food really is, and how one can eat and be healthy.  i lost a lot of weight at that time, and became a stranger to myself because once the physical changes started i got lost in the attention i was getting and stopped working on the inside.  that would come much later, in Columbus, when i was trying to maintain after both a divorce and a separation from my daughter's mother.  i went to a cardiologist who agreed with me as i joked that if i didn't lose weight i'd be dead soon.  his name was Dr. Terry Irwin and he saved my life once more. i did Adkins, lost a shitload of weight, and worked on myself spiritually.  but i was in the backlash of karma, and things fell apart like Yeats said they would.  now, being here in youngstown, i am four hundred and some odd pounds again.  i came here on the verge of suicide, because i felt as if i had failed at everything, i had lost my son, and i didn't have any options left.  my counselor, V.F., saved me, and helped me to begin saving myself.  this isn't understated.  one of the problems i've had is trying to just hold on when i'm already falling.  it's delusional and at its worst absolutely insane.  if your falling, sometimes you have to stop pretending you're not long enough to turn toward the ground and aim for something that might just cushion your fall.  it's not the preferred thing (which would be to not be falling), but its a hell of a lot better than closing your eyes and pretending you're actually safe on the plane.
i'm going to the store now, i'll get back to this in a few.
well, this is the wrap up.  cheese omelet with cali blend veggies, one piece of toast, 289 calories.  water with breakfast.  one can of chicken veggie and wild rice soup, about 220 calories, with six saltines at 79.2 calories, 299.2 calories.  noon total, 588.2 calories.  i've also decided i am not going to continue to anally monitor calories.  i am going to continue, however, to eat in this fashion, and at times when i am uncertain about what i'm eating, i will then break down the calories and if need be the food group, so that i can continue monitoring myself accurately.  i also had two pieces of hard salami.  i'm saying this because this was not eating for hunger, but for taste.  it won't kill me, not quickly, but i have to break that habit.  i have to accept that i can't just put something in my mouth because i want it.  i have to accept that eating makes only hunger better.  i should know these things, but in this regard, my brain is kind of broken.  i'm going to do a taco salad for dinner, minus chips or shell.  it's going to be around 543 calories, which is a high estimate because i calculated for ground beef but decided on ground turkey.  that will bring me to 1131.2 calories today.  they say for we extremely fat people, we should clock in around 2500, considering that many of us eat indiscriminately, and eating even what seems a high amount of food as that is still less than we would normally eat.  but, i have a deadline.  i want to be be where i'm going by september thirteenth of next year.  no walk today, but i am going to the gym tomorrow morning.  i feel sleepy, so i'm going to take a nap.  if i think of anything else, i'll definitely let you know.  ciao, homies.
i'm starting to like this blog space.  i have to say, this is hard.  not so much the writing; the vulnerability.  for me, there is the desire to hide.  i love company, but visitors are a controlled factor.  even visiting involves so much familiarity.  but the post i put up today, shirtless and sad, its a part of me i don't like seen.  i don't mean that i've the need to shuck and jive for the people.  far from it.  but i have spent enough time feeling bad about myself to just open myself up to it.  when i was a young kid, maybe elementary school, i went to day camp with the YMCA.  i remember we had to shower when we returned to the Y.  kids (boys) were popping each other with towels, and i joined in and one big kid angrily popped the shit out of me and called me names.  i couldn't think of what i'd done to make him so mad, but the fat names were just one more person putting a nail in the structure i'd be living in.  it made it hard for me to allow anyone else to see me in a naked state.  i got a lot from my ex-wife with that.  as bad as things were between us, we'd go out onto the back porch after her kids were sleep, we'd sit out naked in the moonlight.  she would sit behind me and hold me.  its one of my favorite memories.  so it's sort of six of one, half dozen of the other.  but i am opening myself up so that, should anyone venture by, they will see that i'm being honest.  i don't want anyone thinking this is some plea for attention.  it's me keeping me accountable.  but it's scary, i'm admitting it.  and that's good, because the courage i need has to come from somewhere else.  i love me today, and i've done some things today that i even like.  good night.


good morning. i've had a rough night sleeping again, but it was somewhat better than the night before. my morning prayer was a bit jangled, but i meant the thanks that i gave and need the strength that i asked for. God's will be done.
i'm debating on oat meal for breakfast. haven't really settled on it yet. i'm going to the gym after i take Syd to school. going to walk, going to see what i can do on the weights. i hope i hear something back soon about my shoulder, but i know there's not anything that they're going to do for it. pain pills and steroid shots, that's about the extent of what they'll offer. maybe that's all that can be done for it, but i'm not going to let it stop me from my goals.
i've been thinking about the bandwagon an awful lot lately. its funny to me, the turns we've taken as a society. i'm going to start with something i have an actual opinion on, because i have to state now that where my opinions are stated, they don't matter. i've been on pedestals, i've been someone whom people have hung on their word, and that's dangerous shit. my opinion is based on my thoughts; my suggestions are based on my experiences. with that disclaimer stated:
i was reading an article online yesterday about a canadian comedienne (don't you love the feminization of certain terms?) who was accused of FAT-SHAMING fat people. now, i don't like that term. i don't like it for anything. i don't like the term SLUT-SHAMING either. i don't believe i like any of the terms that people keep attaching to situations where someone is not in agreement with them, are of a difference of opinion with themselves, or are making fun of them. i'm pretty sure the reason i don't like it is because it makes it okay for a person to do things that might just be harmful to themselves. when the term "haters" became prevalent, i felt the same way. we've become less a society than a mental institution with interlocking padded rooms. we don't so much have lives, as we have therapy sessions on the computer. when someone suggests something should be a certain way, if it has enough deniability built in, enough lack of personal responsibility in it, people will adhere to it like it was composed of Krazy Glue. and the truth no longer matters. i can't help but this by design?
i am fat. i am no longer ashamed of the fact that i am fat. someone said, some post on facebook, 'fat is what you have, its not what you are'. that's a nice sentiment, but the truth is this is hundreds and hundreds of years of conscious programming that MAKES me fat rather that makes me see that i HAVE fat. it's the same as seeing a woman as a series of body parts and responding to the now sub-conscious programming that makes us sexually desire her based on the contours of said parts, rather than seeing her as a whole person. this is programmed behavior. it's not natural, but it has become our nature through years of inputting directives to this extent. so, now everything comes with its own special terminology to make it, not so much acceptable, but defensible from the opinions of others. as i said, opinions don't matter. even opinions programmed at a whole-society level. but when we pretend they don't matter by making some other nonsense the vogue mental condition of the moment, we create sort of a paradigm shift in the core reality. what i mean is, by saying that because this woman decided to do a youtube bit about fat people, which was likely based upon the show 'Dear White People', being that she's white, she receives backlash, and she becomes sort of a pariah to certain people because this way of thinking has gained power. and of itself, it may not seem like a big thing, but think about it. most of the so-called patriotism today is just a way of the new bigots creating an untouchable space to be openly racist in. most of the so-called 'christianity' today is the same thing. we live in a world where, like me saying it or not, transgender-claiming youth are tuning in to see an almost seventy-year old individual dressed as a woman for guidance and direction in their own lives. and just when, if you think about it, have young people EVER sought out an old person for their north star example of which way to go? and that entire situation is being managed by the same individuals. people think of the Kardashians as Kris Jenner being the mastermind, but Kris Jenner doesn't own A&E television. there are things that a little bit of thought would make clearer, but then a person would have to take some ownership for what they are seeing, and that's what society at large doesn't seem to want to do today.
so, i have no problem with the woman saying that fat-shaming is a term that fat people made up. i believe that's the truth. i believe that her words were likely unkind. but i don't believe she's tough enough or strong enough to bully anyone, nor would i think that was her intent. her intent was to try to be funny. and she is a comedienne. and if it didn't work, rather than call her a bully, call her a 'bad comedienne'. it would likely hurt her more. i am not ashamed of myself. i am sick from allowing myself to get this far into this condition. i've been fat my whole life. i've had a lot of years to process this and to come through the other side. and, mind you, not being ashamed is not the same as being okay. they are completely different and completely compatible. i was talking with R the other day, about how you'll see some celebrity of size who becomes an icon for fat people. and they'll do appearances espousing 'fat acceptance'. and there will rise up legions in support of them. and then...they lose weight. and suddenly, they are pariahs to those who chose to worship them. and their message and outlook changes. now, many would say they're fakes. i don't believe so. i believe the message is fake. i think (opinion) that most fat people want to lose weight. not so we can be like 'not-fat' people; so we can have more life. the opposite of fat may be thin, but the goal of fat people is fit and active. and for some of us, that's really not easy. and for many of us, it's not even possible. that's the part that needs redefinition. but i make no excuse for myself. once i was fat and playing high volume volleyball on a weekly basis. i have gone through so many emotional changes, i stopped being active mostly due to depression. and then, age has been taking me where age takes us all. that's the truth. so i don't make excuses. i put dope in my mouth in the form of chocolate, starches and oversized meals. fast food fixes. i am now essentially in detox. and i'm not going to be ashamed. i posted a picture yesterday. that's not shame on my face. its sadness. and some fear. i don't want to be judged, but i will be. and i'm exhausted, because carrying around so much weight is hard work.
speaking of hard work...
this is me this morning.  i go to the Jewish Community Center fitness room.  i've started on the treadmill because they took out the stair-steppy thingee that i used to love to do cardio on.  i do less on the treadmill than i did on the stair machine, go less distance, and end up feeling more exhausted.  that just means i've got a way to go to get the hang of it.  i guess what i should look at more is the fact that i've had a membership for the better part of the past two years, and i don't go nearly enough.  it's kind of sad, when i think about it.  i could have been better quite some time ago.  i could have lost this weight, regained health and been on the road to better things and more successful efforts.  why am i just now in the place of surrender and change?  because addicts, regardless of their drug of choice or their particular isms, follow a certain path.  one, they are always resistant to change.  two, they are always trying to find shortcuts, and barring that, they are going to rationalize the hell out of whatever it is they want to do.  third, they don't learn anything until its time for them to learn something.  some of us don't learn until we are on our deathbeds.  i have an acquaintance who has diabetes.  he's lost the weight, channeled his whole life into appearances and material shit, and is still getting things amputated.  that tells me that this isn't a 'fix and forget it' thing i'm working on.  it's CHANGE.  change continues long after the desired affect and effects have been achieved.  without that acceptance, it's just one more spin on the goddamned merry-go-round.
okay, so the shame thing.  i was saying how we've created a society that actually functions as a court of public opinion.  its insidious, but people who are willfully blind are not going to see the cunning minds that have been at work on this project.
for instance, say you disagree with something that is policy somewhere, like a business saying you have to wear shoes to come into their place.  (i know how it sounds, but trust me, its coming)  you don't like it, so you complain on social media.  the purpose of social media, therefore, seems to be a place where you can vent about things you don't particularly like.  and that would be healthy.  but it doesn't stop there, does it?
because it's SOCIAL media.  so you find that there are twelve other people, right off the bat, who also want to be able to live life barefooted.  you guys form...a PAGE.  right.  just another metaphorical gathering of electronic impulses standing in for human beings on the world wide web.  and a page, though a bit more irrational, is still borderline healthy, because who doesn't want to know they're not alone in their beliefs?
but it doesn't stop there, does it?
because once you've got a page, you find there are other birds, similar to you, who flock to other pages.  people who want to be in public barefoot.  people who want to be in restaurants barefoot.  people who want to be in non-hazardous job places, barefoot.  but not the guys who want to do barefoot construction, cause they're just CRAZY...
so you RATIONAL people, seeing so much common ground, start to get together.  you become, in your own minds, a MOVEMENT.  a barefoot movement.  and you have a core group of individuals who become your leaders.  and now it's not healthy.
because you no longer think that it's good just to have a place for you to vent so that you can get on with life.  you feel, since your group has become the center of your world, that EVERYONE should be forced to do things the way you want to do them.  so you begin to lobby.  you begin to protest.  you begin to write letters to magazines and to boycott businesses and public places if they don't allow you to have your way.  you get on television shows and then it's really gone spinning out of your hands.
(quick aside:
1/2 cup of oatmeal - 110 cal.
1 cup milk - 120 calories
1 egg - 70 calories
1/2 banana - 72 calories
total for breakfast - 372 calories
a little higher than first two days.  have to be more mindful.  not bad, but don't want to start trending up again.)
okay, got to get moving, so let's wrap this up.  on television, you get the platform for your personal want, which has become  a social referendum, to start to build to its critical mass.  because you're going to have both the opposition and the ridiculers in one place.  the opposition has been put together by hand to test you, and because television is for selling things, and nothing sells like entertainment, and nothing entertains like drama.  so you need an element of opposition to build in drama.  the ridiculers are there because makes a zealot without an actual cause more crazy and drama prone than someone who is laughing at them when they are trying to be serious.  both those elements go in to create more drama, more entertainment and more sales, and now you're being used, and something in you knows you are, but you can't allow that thought to fester, because you're a LEADER now, and people are watching you.  so you've become the face of a thing that has absolutely no ground anyway, and you end up a joke twenty years later, though you still take yourself ultra-seriously and your followers have moved on to four new groups since then.
that's how it is with the SHAMING movement.
its how it is with anything that catches fire in the public consciousness anymore.  and no one seems to want to ask why these things get so much traction when they are, factually speaking, absolutely ridiculous.
welcome to the 21st century.
i have a meeting today at noon.  i'm a bit tired, but no nap is going to happen, so i guess i'll be writing after the meeting as well.  but lunch is going to be a sandwich and soup, and i'm not sure exactly what dinner is going to be just yet.  maybe a fish stew.  i feel pretty good this morning.  i am glad that i'm doing this.  i'll get back to you in the afternoon.
Salad & wheat toast:
chicken thigh, shredded - 153
spring mix greens - 19
Parmesan cheese shredded - 42
tomato - 8
italian dressing - 43
wheat toast - 72
Total for lunch - 337
Now, i've got some feelings to account for, because while i'm trying to be careful, i am now at 709 calories today.  i don't believe that's bad, per se, but look at the numbers from the previous days.  so what's been going on with me?
well, Syd, my child, is starting to irritate me pretty badly.  mostly its how she's talking, and i'm going to deal with that head on.  but its also the fact that she's not doing shit here except staying on that damned phone.  i have to tell her to do her chores, her room isn't finished and i am going to squash whatever plans she's got for the upcoming events, because i told her two weeks ago the room needed to be done and it's not.  so there's that.  i'm missing time with R, but there's nothing i can do about that.  money is short, and now i'm very frustrated because Job & Family Services, or welfare, has cut off Syd's medical card.  i neglect shit to make sure we can eat through the month.  i'm not even doing a bunch of eating out right now, and it's still not enough, so they want to take something else away?  i am tired of this bullshit.  the thing about the mental and political games that get played, the programming that people indulge in and act out on without any consciousness, is that it will fuck with you without warning, and you can't do much except put out each fire as it happens.  there's no way to fireproof everything, because it would require EVERYONE committing to doing the job, and that's not going to happen.  i'm having baked fish for dinner.  i'm going to have to get back on track right tomorrow morning.  but for now, i guess if i keep in mind that this is part of the process of accepting God's authority and life's terms for living it, i'm going to be okay.  and i do believe that.
rotisserie chicken breast - 141
broccoli - 19
tomato slices - 8
baked potato - 290
w sour cream - 60
& cheese - 57
Dinner total:  575
Total for the day - 1248.
not too bad.  thought it would end up worse than that.  my friend Lonnie urged me to continue on with the keeping track of the calories, as did my child.  therefore, it is what i am doing.  i'm sure it's a low intake, but you have to remember, my goal is a year.  i'm thinking, if i can come down to right about 290, 280 low end, i'll be good.  that's always been a pretty good weight for me.  i miss R.  i have to wrap up the night.  i'm enjoying this so far.  good night, and thanks be to Jehovah for the love and support that i need, that comes from the best of places.


2 scrambled eggs - 140 cal
w 1/8 cup cheese - 28 cal
wheat toast - 77 cal
1 cup milk - 122
breakfast total - 367
good morning. i'm starting this a little later than i had been previous. it was a hard waking up morning, but i'm up. i've taken Syd to school, been to the gym (just the machines, going to go for a walk later in the day) and am having breakfast. my sugar was pretty good waking this morning, about 133. i'm actually starting to feel better, but the revolution begins soon. i've indulged my -isms, and my body is accustomed to being fed randomly and often. it is now in the process of trying to hold on to fat, because i'm inducing starvation mode, in its understanding. when it becomes accustomed to the reality that i'm going to feed it three times a day, one snack before bed, and it's not going to go hungry, it will begin to come in line as well. but for now, we're running on manual override, though the impulse engines keep trying to kick in.
R is concerned about me. her concern makes me feel good, but i am not gong to give in to it. there is a desire in me to turn over, give her my throat, so to speak. but that's not going to happen. this is for health, it is for change, and it is the sacrifice that i believe must be made in order to do next level stuff. i am going to have to suffer a bit, in order to be blessed later. too many spiritual examples of this. i'm no prophet and i'm damn sure no saint. i'm just a writer and a father who's trying to live a little better, put something on the table for my child when she leaves and for the woman who eventually is in my life when she comes. and if i want that then, i have to do things now. it's how it works. i believe Jehovah has his hands around me. that's enough for me.
i made a pot of fish chowder last night. tasting it, i believe it's pretty good. however, i want to be sure it's up to snuff. it was fun making it. it was fun watching Cookie's Fortune with my dad yesterday. its good to have life to appreciate. there are so many people who have to reach so far, so very far, for something good to see in life. i need to be more grateful. this journey could be worse.
today Syd has an eye appointment at 3. she's going to be a little late, as she won't get back to her parent school until 3. but it's going to be okay.
my plans are to go to the library, pick up 2nd movie, go visit at my parent's house, ask about a lunch box for Syd, figure out what dinner is supposed to be, pick up R about 5 to come watch the rest of the movie we started last week, and keep on the path i'm on. no bad dreams last night, although i had a Kafka-esque short reel about a stinkbug (or is it a potato bug?) as big as a baby's head, just scurrying around, doing stinkbug things. i can't remember if i killed it in my dream or not.
the screen play is almost done, first draft anyway. i'm very proud of that. gotta polish it up, figure out how the formatting is supposed to go, but i think i may have something valuable here.
of course, the greatest value is God, and since he values me, i guess i've got some inherent value as well. more later.
mulitgrain flatbread wrap: 100
2 slices turkey: 60
tomato slices - 8
cheese - 57
1 cup fish chowder - 160
total for lunch - 385 calories
i have parents who are getting old.  not a big deal, so does everyone else.  i am redefining myself as an adult in a lot of ways by the aging that my parents are doing.  i think, if you live long enough, you find that just about everything you experience in life is a surprise of one kind or another.
i had to help my mom get some account information today.  its not hard, but it makes me sad to see her so frustrated.  i tried to reason it out that it happens to us all, but i imaging when i am the age she is now and my memory is much worse and maybe my attention isn't what it should be, reasoning won't make me feel any better either.  anyway, i don't give advice, so reason is all i could offer.
at times, i wish i could just rearrange my parent's lives.  not to control them.  just to have things go more efficiently for them.  i think for 75 and 73 they get along in the world just fine, if not with each other.  but like the song says, i can't even run my own know, best to just be on alert in case i'm needed.
i am sleepy, and i hope a nap actually happens.  got to take Syd to the eye doctor this afternoon.
this is why i appreciate R, and anyone who bothers to keep an eye on me and let me know when what i'm doing may need's almost 4pm, and my sugar is at 97.  i've not been that low in the better part of the last year.  so, i'm going to find something with some sugar but without a bunch of calories, though i'm sure i'll be okay either way.  its funny, this feeling of a sugar lower than usual.  you feel...swimmy.  cold and warm alternately.  dizzy to an extent.  your stomach has a heavy feeling but you also feel kind of nauseous.  to distance myself from it by writing about it is new as well.  i think that's going to kill the walk for the night.  just going to see what i need to bring it up a hair.  gonna be low insulin, if any, this evening.  thank you, Father, for watching over me.
 ...this is my LOW SUGAR FACE...
...just so you have something to compare. :-D
its the end of the night.  i had soup and crackers for dinner, and another bowl of soup for my snack.  i'm' estimating about 500 calories.  probably light, but i realize now that there is so much i have to keep an eye on.  it's very daunting, in a way.  i have to watch my caloric intake, while making sure i get enough so my sugar doesn't crash, and i have to watch the insulin i take because it can bottom out on me if i don't eat enough.  i have to watch the insulin i take because when i exercise it lowers my blood sugar quicker.  i have to make sure i don't obsess, but i am obsessing.  it comes with the dis-ease (compulsive overeating) and i am obsessive/compulsive by nature.  hence, the title.
impulse has ruled so much of my life.  i have done things, despite warnings and my own inner voice, on little more than impulse.  it has lead me down dark and twisted roads, into pain and anguish, loss and despair, depression and suicidal notions.  it has drawn energy from me that i wasn't aware i had lost, and has drained me beyond what i thought i was capable of losing.  i do believe in God.  i do believe that there is a Will far beyond my own that has kept me alive in spite of my best efforts to self-destruct.  so, i am trying to stay on manual override.  i am trying to keep things in the hands of my Creator, rather than think 'its too hard...just fuck it'.  the results are coming.  its scary.  its exciting.  but it's my journey, and that makes everything worthwhile.
i have counseling tomorrow.  i believe it may be a pretty interesting session.  good night.

Step 2 - came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
good morning. my blood sugar is at 166 this morning. i'm using less insulin, because the adjustment is only going to come through experimentation. i feel good, though a bit sluggish. i believe rather than the gym today i'm going to cut the lawn for the last time this season. that should give me the metabolism boost that my heart and body needs to process this life. i have counseling this morning with VF (ha!) and i have to work on my screenplay first draft, as i'd like to complete it this month.
i started with step 2 because i don't plan on going through this process without the steps. i am a recovering addict/alcoholic. i have a host of diagnosed physical ailments and a couple of psychological ones too. what i know is that the world loves labels, or this country does anyway. but sometimes, you have to put a name on a thing in order to know how to deal with it. you don't look at faded walls, with bare spots, odd tones and dirt and think that you need lower lights. you diagnose 'dirty walls, old paint', and then you wash your walls, scrape them down and repaint. well, that's what the 'food fiend' label is that i'm applying to myself. its so i can process this properly through the 12 steps for spiritual support and so this journey is as productive as is possible.
only the first step requires a particular identification. if i just say i'm powerless over BLANK, then i have nothing to really focus on getting better from. so i am a food fiend. i eat just to eat, and i do it around the clock. i am powerless over my fiending (as evidenced by me crushing the last of the grapes last night because of low-level frustrations), and my obsessive/compulsive eating habits have made my life unmanageable. that's my first step, and its pretty well documented in this journal so far. so is much of the insanity, but i want to address it today so i can move though the steps as needed and eventually meet up with where i am in my more conventional, much better established recovery and merge them into a better vehicle.
so, my insanity of life right now.
i feel weak when i'm not eating right. i've been exhausted in ways that you wouldn't believe, because i'm constantly drugged with food, and to be honest, with medicines that are designed to slow so much of my metabolistic functions. heart meds, blood pressure meds, even diabetic meds are things that modify body functions. and those take a toll.
i am not present in the things that are transpiring in my life around me. i know, more or less, what Syd is doing, but i know through the connection between parent and child, which is part intuition and part educated hypotheses. i don't know by involvement, because involvement requires energy, and that is again in short supply.
i am in struggles with esteem. i often feel much worse about myself than i let on. it has everything to do with looking at myself in the mirror and seeing the failure of me to do what i know i'm capable of doing. its about knowing that i've lost this weight twice before and failed to keep it off. it's about knowing that i am getting older and worse, not older and more refined as i should be. i don't give a fuck about the older (i'm one of the few people i know who isn't out searching for a viagra prescription, and that's not because of lack of need, but because i do believe i'm not THAT crazy yet to take something for an erection that could likely trigger my first heart attack) but the worse part is daunting.
i am plagued by pains. i have pain in my knees that come and go. i have pain in my shoulder, in at least one elbow, in my feet. i have gout, neuropathy and arthritis. these are all weight related to a great extent.
i feel socially inadequate. this is confession because it's insane. i don't want to play the reindeer game, but i see those individuals in my fellowship (it doesn't belong to me, but i feel it necessary to say it that way so i don't stop going completely) who are all surface shit. their luxury cars, their non-accountability lives. i am waiting for the next thing i can't afford to pay for to go wrong with my car. i am waiting for a hearing to see if these idiots are going to reinstate my daughter's medical card. i can't even afford to be buried if i died this moment.
and i have lost jobs because of my health and my social situations, situations which i'd likely have known of if i had not been so exhausted. from losing the job at West, which i never should have but i would have been forced to make a choice anyway due to being so tired all the time, to the job for the Community Bus Service, which was all but mine except that as a diabetic i can't get a driving job if i'm insulin dependent. it's crazy, i can't better my situation because of my being sick, but my being sick won't stop them from making my situation worse.
there's so much more, but i don't want to stay on the crazy all day. i'm going to keep coming back to it, because step 2 is going to be incorporated before the day is done. but i need to see for myself what this is taking from me. some say insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results. but i don't believe that anymore. i don't expect anything different by doing the same things. i expect the same thing, and stop caring. and when the same thing is harmful and i convince myself not to care, that's a form of insanity. but, according to Mirriam-Webster's online dictionary:
Full Definition of INSANITY
1: a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia)
2: such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
a : extreme folly or unreasonableness
b : something utterly foolish or unreasonable
i think my insanity in this case falls under entry 2. 'prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship status or transaction'.
and you see, that gives me something to move toward. it gives me something to set as a primary goal. not the be-all and end-all, not in the least, because one of the sabotage things i've done in the past is to make weight the only focus. it's easy to do when you live your life fat. anyone who lives under a stigma looks at the removal of the stigma as the solution, rather than attaining a life conductive to living stigma free as the better way to go.
i'm thinking i'm going to have the rest of my oatmeal with a half a banana and an egg. i'm thinking that's going to be my breakfast today. be around 285 calories to start the day.
well, breakfast was what i said it would be, but the sugar levels are killing me.  went out to cut the grass, or at least the back and sides (i have learned, believe me; grass cutting, for the time being, is a very good stand in for a day at the gym) and it has taken me almost two hours to finish the part  i intended to finish.  i stopped at least ten times while cutting.  i don't mind, because having a fucking heart attack cutting grass is not how i want to exit this reality.  but it shows me again the insanity of what i've done to myself.  granted, getting older accounts for some, but the majority is just self-neglect in a pathological fashion.  i am doing better, but constant honesty is like marking the trail behind me:  if i should get turned around, not only can i see where i have been, i can also see which way i was going and what spot i got turned around at, so i can change directions correctly.
i spoke to my brother today, he's doing okay.  and i called my mom but she's out getting her nails done.  i am going to figure out lunch, make lunch, eat lunch, take a bath and likely pass out for a few hours.  that somehow seems the perfect plan.
chicken wrap: 194
soup : 160
Total lunch calories: 354
i was thinking about something.  i was thinking about how hard it is to get people to acknowledge the insanity of the world.  i think it's easier to simply go on about one's business, as if by ignoring it, things will magically somehow improve.  i don't think things will ever improve globally.  whether you use social trending or the new testament, you can see that life is on its downhill slope for mankind.  but as individuals, we can see, and respond, and change things for the better.  every person improving themselves would make the world better by proxy.  but that ain't gonna happen, because most people have been programmed to feel they're fine the way they are, and anyway it's none of your goddamned business.  so, i have to get better.  i'm sure Noah was in amazing shape by the time the first rain fell.  by the way, did you ever stop to read and see that when the flood came, that's the first recorded incident of rainfall in the bible?  you think there's a significance to that?  i do.
midday snack:
yogurt - 80
pork rinds - 35
total - 115
i'm pretty sore right now.  that grass kicked my ass more than i thought.  but i feel good. my shoulder is doing better.  my head is on as straight as its likely to get in this lifetime.  i know that my habits have to change, and i know that it's going to be a long time before i have the foundation to do those things of my own steam.  it's like, you have to have sense enough to know you don't have sense before you find the sense outlet.  i know that sounds like babbling, but think about it.  a guy trying to figure why the toaster ain't making toast eventually will figure out that maybe the toaster is not plugged in.  but for those of us with this level of brain damage...FOR ME ANYWAY...i keep pushing down the damn lever and watching the bread pop right back up, scratching my head, trying to figure out why the toaster hates me.  i'm not going to keep living on that level of senseless behavior.  my god has removed my obsession to drink, to smoke coke, weed and cigarettes.  he's removed a budding obsession with gambling machines.  i know this was just a matter of getting to the third step with it, and being willing to do the work that is required to removed the flaws in my character that make eating myself to death an attractive proposal.
i'm thinking i'm going to pan sear a pork chop tonight, sautee some spinach and onions in olive oil, with some diced tomatoes, and maybe just have a slice of wheat bread with it.  i want to be sensible tonight.  i appreciate this day.  I HAD A BOOK SALE!  bought both my print books.  that's a nice, plump, within-my-diet cherry on a very wonderful sugar-free cake.  i'll list my dinner calories later, but i'm out for now.
oh, what a difference a few hours make.  the book sale is still in process, because my book store sight is still not allowing transactions to go through.  as well, people are having to register with the site in order to purchase from me there.  i'm going to shop for a new selling page.  that's going on the top of the t0-d0 list.  also, dinner was a pretty good affair, but i'm sure i'm still in the low end.
dinner -
broiled pork chop - 181
blend of spinach, hot pepper, california blend veggies - 78
one slice commercial wheat bread - 70
a grand total of: 329 calories at dinner.  which brings the total for the day to 1083.  that's a bit too low.  i'm going to have to increase or i'm going to start having real problems with keeping it to three meals a day.  well.  change is the only constant in the universe, they say.  i'm inclined to believe them.  that's it for the night.


i got up early this morning, for some reason. i think it's just part of the change in my emotional and physical weather. i called my friend in columbus and woke her with inane conversation, but also to check up on her, as she was sick two days ago when i spoke to her. i've cancelled the book order on the Etsy site, because it wouldn't take the payment. i've already communicated with the buyer and they are going to send me a money order and i'm going to mail the books out today. that's not a problem; i trust her as i've known her for years (online at least) and she's edited for me and been one of my biggest supporters. i've had prayer, i've had breakfast (omelet with veggies and cheese, wheat toast) and i've got my system set so i can write and create while i'm cleaning. i see this as a quiet kind of day, though no one knows before hand what the day will bring. so i thought i'd reflect on flying too close to the sun.
Icarus, appropriately, was a character in a Greek tragedy. Greeks have the best tragedies combined with morality lessons. Gist of it was, he was the son of a craftsman who was jailed for helping a greek hero avoid the minotaur. they were both jailed and the craftsman, Daedalus, made them both a set of wings from feather and wax, and they flew from the prison, with the warning that Icarus not fly too close to the sun or the ocean, to just follow the plan. as it turned out, Icarus was as hardheaded as children always are, and he flew too close to the sun, and the wax melted and his wings fell apart and he fell to his death in the ocean.
so, never mind how they got out of the prison to fly away. the point is, i have been Icarus so many times it's sad. getting older often involves looking back, a practice denied to youth because there's not enough to look back at to make it interesting. but at 47, i've had about three lives so far. i've been an addict and a recovering addict. i've been plagued by toxic shame and introvertedness and through God's grace and a lot of work, i've come from beneath that clod. i've been fat, then fit, then fat, then fit, now fat again and working on fit. i've had a lot of lives. i've been given a lot of good wisdom, which i've chosen to disregard, ignore or overlook. and i've flown so close to the sun, ensorcelled by the solar warmth on my face. i've also fallen, screaming, into the cold ocean of fears that i used to carry around inside me like a security blanket that turned on me somehow. i sometimes regret. i don't believe or trust people who say 'i have no regrets'. i think a part of growing up is doing things that you will one day look back at and regret. but...i don't believe regret should be the master of anything i do. i believe morality lessons are important to implement and use as they come. but for myself, i have burdened myself with the impossible morality of absolutes, much like Daedalus. i've had to bury so many versions of myself. i've had to grieve so many losses of myself. sometimes i think back to loves that i thought for sure would be forever, and realize this me made all the previous me's wrong and sometimes stupid.
but all i can do is take those lessons and move on. reform the wings, take the melted wax to recast the feathers and try again. try to remember the lessons from the last flight and take them into the current flight plan. that's what growing up is, after all. or so i'm told.
2 egg omelet with cali veggies and cheese
wheat toast w sugar free jam
total calories - 324
lunch was a bit more today, and i paid for it one way or another.  had a chicken salad wrap, which constituted about 420 calories, and i had soup again, which was about 160.  but i'm pretty sure the soup is not holding up, as i got a bit of a sick feeling after i was done eating that lingers still.  it's funny, you can't always tell how close to the sun you actually are.  the ancients used to think you could walk right up to the sun, it seemed so close to earth at sunrise and sunset.  mysticism is just information that has yet to be disproven.  i just laid down and rested, didn't get to my parent's to check on the phone, sad to say.  my mom came by, worked up about my aunt again.  i guess that's part of it for me as well.  sometimes it seems things have to be a certain kind of bad, in order for people to justify their unhappiness.  is that me?  do i do that as well?
not too much today, i know.  got most of the cleaning done, but not all of it.  i'm not worried about it.  the nausea passed, and i had dinner with R.  Wendy's chili, 270 calories, and 4 spicy nuggets, 180, bringing dinner total to 450 calories.  R and i watched a movie, and we talked and we enjoyed each other's company.  there is something about this woman; her intelligence, her insight, her determination...i don't know exactly, but it's very good for me, whatever it is.  i don't believe that a person can complete another person; people get lost in that kind of cinematic bullshit.  but i do believe that one individual, cut from the right cloth, has the power to enhance another person's life.  and enhancement when you're feeling positive can be a wonderful thing.  i'm going to go to bed now, and i'm going to be happy in my sleep and thankful in my waking, God willing and the creek don't rise.  Good night.
the truth is, to me, it's okay to fly.  and everyone, no exception, has those moments when they find themselves too close to the sun, or the stove, or the campfire.  they find themselves burning from a bad decision, from the consequences.  i have.  it happens.  and when it does, it's supposed to teach me something.  and if i learn it, then i can be better the next time i fly.  and if i don't, then eventually, i'm going to crash and burn again.  and i really am tired of that part of the process.  i've done good writing on my screenplay.  if no one ever buys it, if no one ever sees it, it will be done and i will have done it.  i can see the ending of Mechanical Jesus.  if it only comes out in ebook format, i will have kept my word to my son, and that means everything to me.  and i have something wonderful with someone wonderful, even if its only one day, or one more day.  i can't count years to come, but i can see the years gone by, and that's been pretty fucking okay, considering how things could have turned out.

Sept 20 – DRIFTING

sunday morning. waking up on a sunday has been the same forever. the details change but the feeling has always been the same. sometimes, it was readying for church, sometimes for the kingdom hall (there is a difference). sometimes it was getting up to fix a huge family breakfast, and sometimes it was staying in bed. sometimes it was catching the 'b' level cartoons, the ones that didn't make it to saturday morning, the ones on wpgh out of pittsburgh, channel 53. or sometimes it was just getting ready to go visit one of the grandparents houses, someone in the family. but it has always been with the knowledge that tomorrow things were going to be happening again, that the rest was almost over. it's funny that something should always maintain the same property no matter how old you get. i wonder if its that way for my dad, who's retired and has nothing he actually has to do. i imagine it is. he still goes to sunday school, though right in his own neighborhood now. he still stays busy every day of the week, and i would imagine with football season on us he's going to be into his Browns now. sunday morning.
i'm going to treat myself to some steak and eggs this morning. i've been pretty good all week, and it's been a pretty good week. i've not crashed on my sugar, though i did have a serious drop once. Syd and I have gotten along well enough, though i have had to tell her about her mouth. i don't know if i've lost any weight, but i've gained a ton of energy, and that's pretty sweet.
steak: 190 cal.
2 eggs: 180 cal
toast: 60 cal
total - 430 calories.
in a drifting day, there's nothing that holds great seriousness. there are things around me that could be and likely should be tended to, but they're not necessities. i have money waiting for me at western union for the sale of two books. i have plans to make spicy cabbage and blackened perch for dinner. i have a movie that i'd like to watch. i have a screenplay to work on finishing. i have a book to work on. i have clothes in the dryer and i have a bed to make and a floor to finish vacuuming. i have a meeting at one o'clock. these are the events that i see in my day. I never lock anything in, because the first thing is to give the day to my Creator, and if he has other things for me to do then i do them. but it is good to see the things that i may put my hands upon.
i used to love waking at my grandmother's house on a sunday morning. i don't recall ever spending the night at my dad's mom's house. but my mom's mom...we were there often. there was little division between the grandchildren, the nieces and nephews and the children. it was pretty much a straight line of children. we'd wake up and there would be breakfast in the process of being ready. we'd have to go to the bathroom and wash our faces and hands. i don't think i've ever made Syd wash her face before a meal. then we'd come downstairs, sit at the table where there'd be toast already on the table, and bacon in a dish, and grandma would bring in eggs for us (scrambled; my grandfather ate fried eggs) and grits. there'd be milk, juice, grape jelly (hadn't matured into jams and preserves yet, though i do remember a very tasty peach preserve that someone in the family had made) and coffee, which sometimes we would get. it was always instant for us, though i remember grandma had a stovetop percolator. i really want one of those. i'd throw out my coffee maker for a stove top percolator. anyway, we would take our dishes from the table to the sink, or rinse them and put them in the dishwasher. then we'd go on about our kids day unless grandma had a task for us. on sundays this would be a prelude to going to church with my Aunt Mary. she was my grandma's sister and a force of nature. i would say in my mom's family, my grandfather was the moderator, my grandmother was the enforcer and my Aunt Mary was the anarchist. but her anarchy was based on her intelligence and her experience.
as far back as i look, i can only see tumultuous relationships between members of our family. my grandmother and my aunt, my mom and any of her siblings at any given time, myself and my oldest brother. we are not easily forgiving people, as we are not openly communicative people. you can't bury the body and in your mind erase the murder. even if the body is buried, you have still murdered someone; you're going to have to deal with it soon enough, like the Tell-Tale Heart by Poe. i wonder what my real tell-tale heart is?
anyway, i'm going to work on the screenplay for a bit and then get ready for my meeting. i have to make a list of spices i'm going to need to blacken my fish. i'm thinking lunch is going to be really light, as i'm thinking it's going to be like a fish taco kinda thing this evening. but we'll see when we get there. you can't drift and rush, that's for damn sure.
i love prep work.  i love getting things ready to cook.  i didn't used to.  i used to think that was the worst part of cooking, and that there was a clear, discernible reason why chefs had people to do the cutting and mixing for them.  but i love it now.  because it's how i know what it's going to be, if my instincts are on point or need adjusting, and if the work was worth it.  i have my spices together for my blackened fish.  De'Ja finally called me before the meeting, but i talked to Patrice and called him back afterwards.  (okay, DeJa is my son, Patrice is my friend from Columbus, i'm not initializing everyone)  he told me to be sure i used cast iron for the blackening, and i'm on it.  i made my red cabbage cole slaw, better than the last batch (again, because i know what i'm doing now) and i'm working on a spicy cabbage as well.  it's going to be a good dinner.  and i know every part of it and will enjoy it watching the rest of Doctor Who.  sucked back into the series and angry but happy at the same time about it.
i talked about my diet/regeneration (Doctor Who, anyone?) at the meeting today.  we did the chapter in the stories "Acceptance is the Answer", and i watched as a couple of people who could be doing much better spoke of focus while giving no examples of doing anything different.  not changing my mind on the insanity bullshit cliche, but looking at how easy it becomes to talk this thing without walking it, how you can sound good but not take ownership and then everyone's in a quandary when things start falling apart for you.  i told them that i had to look back at twenty-five years to when God first allowed me to know i have an eating disorder.  now, think about that.  the solution was presented to me when i was 22.  i'm 47 now.  again, life wasted, double time.  and while its easy enough and perhaps even true to say that 'i didn't change in my head', it's still an excuse.  TWENTY-FIVE years wasted.  TWENTY-FIVE YEARS in which perhaps i would have taken a different road, been a more successful person in so many different arenas.  however...that's where acceptance works the best.  i've wasted a lot of time.  but i don't know how much time i've got left.  i could get morose, depressed, eat my way back into a coma and die from the despair of how much time i've wasted, or i can chalk it up to being stupid, get on with getting better and see what the remaining years are like when i'm present in my own life.  i like that option better today.
my spicy cabbage is heated!  i think it's going to make going number two like going to HELL!  man, i'm really drifting now...even i don't do bathroom humour.  i'm about to blacken this fish, i hope it works.  i'm not logging calories for dinner, because i'm going to be as bad as good allows me to be.  come on...FISH FUCKING TACOS, man.  i'll get back on it in a bit.
Sept 21 – GRAVITY (Step 3)
my sugar is 199 this morning. i've been to the gym already, i've had my first cup of coffee and taken my insulin and my meds. the significance of the mention of my glucose reading is, i only took insulin once yesterday. and i finished my eating day with a sugar-free ice cream sandwich. so there are things that i am looking at, other than just weight loss, that show this is working so far. one day at a time. but my mind is still sick. this is a sickness that may go back to breastfeeding for me. the hunger is in my brain. the hunger is always in my brain. the comparisons are in my brain. the guy on the delt press machine at the gym, i check his level, see how much he's working with. the guy on the treadmill i just got off, i'm checking to see if his pace is faster than mine. nevermind that i don't want a heart attack. nevermind that i am morbidly obese, that i'm just truly beginning this with a purpose, that they guy probably clocks in at 160 to my over two times that that much plus some. it's a head sickness. and worse, it's bad spirit in my bad mind. and i've been trying, very unsuccessfully, to battle that bad spirit for all my life. because the battle was given to me, and it was given to me as a child. AND THE CHILD IN ME IS STILL TRYING TO FIGHT A SPIRITUAL BATTLE. ALONE. AND LOSING. AND CRYING.
i shouldn't be listening to the blues this early on a monday morning writing this shit.
gravity defined:
1. the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass
2. extreme or alarming importance; seriousness
synonyms: seriousness, importance, significance, WEIGHT, consequence, etc.
Atlas knew gravity; held the whole world on his shoulders. Presidents not addicted to power age like they're reverse victims of Einstein's relativity theory. gravity. the earth seems to call to us after a point, youth is an aggressive defiance of gravity; aging is the slow and steady succumbing to it. empires are created to further the distance between man and the earth, and each has, in its own time, crumbled into the dust from where it came. gravity.
i was forced, as a child, to fight a battle that time itself may have taken care of. when you put the focus on any particular thing, you give it more gravity, more meaning, more importance, than it likely would have had left to its own shelf life. now i am a grown man, fighting as a child, against a monster my mind created. and i cannot win that fight. or i'd have won it a long time ago.
the significance of that is "I" cannot win that fight. "I" have never had the power to win that fight. Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 12; "...because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places." some would hear this and think it the ranting of a lunatic. but really, how could it be?
eating is sex in human lives today. eating is the same as drinking and getting high to most american, hell, to a large percentage of the population. more food commercials than beer commercials. easier to acquire, completely legal and mimics some of the same effects. food commercials are designed to seduce the viewer the same as any other thing that has the potential for abuse and addiction. and it is all pervasive. a kid in a third world country, without adequate nutrition, clean water or medical care wouldn't give much of a damn about a commercial for the new Kanye fashion line, but he would likely kill everyone around him for a chance to get that amazingly enticing sandwich on any american mcdonald's commercial. and that's not even an exaggeration.
so, step three, for me. "made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God". it actually says 'as we understood him', but i am not a sexist. i had the beginnings of this before, each time in fact. i asked God to help me, and when he did, i reneged somewhere down the line. so this is me acknowledging my wrongs. me saying that i don't have the individual, human, imperfect power to fight against the spirit that has infested my mind, that has tainted my life and robbed me of my health. because without even being aware of it, i've been its greatest helper. and when you try to fight against something personally that has the ability to make you work for it without even knowing you are, you're in trouble again. your ass is overloading you. i have to do this one day at a time, but i have to do it like the drugs, like the alcohol, like the introvertedness. i have to do it with a mind toward this being a thing that will kill me, and if i don't run my life through the steps voluntarily, if i don't surrender without reservation, then i'm already dead. to that extent:
"Jehovah God, I come before you this day, on this page so that it can be witnessed by whomever would choose to, asking you to take my will and my life into your hands and do with me as you will. I am personally incapable of fighting against the things that have been vexing me since I was a child, the things that have kept me overweight, juggling miseries, depressions, suicidal notions and bitter anger toward a world that doesn't even know me. I ask you to direct my thinking and my actions, as You are my Father and I am your child, and I know that you will provide me with everything I need to live a better life, one day at a time in obedience and love. In your son Jesus' name I pray, amen."
that is my 3rd step prayer for the purpose of my food fiending, and for the purpose of this weblog. i am going to get some things done today, so i'm going to wrap up for now. but i am not done for the day, i just need to let this process sink in.
1 piece wheat toast: 60 cal
1 fried egg: 70 cal
shredded cheese: 55 cal
total breakfast calories - 185
adding a banana to bring it to 290. got a mail run in a half an hour and check up on a project R and i will be embarking upon soon.
well, the banana came a little late, but i did have it.  also got myself a can of soup for lunch, which will go well with a sandwich.  also got my money for the books that i sold Friday.  also went to visit my mom.  and i am still tired, but i feel a little swimmy, which isn't actually a word but it best describes where i'm at right now.
its funny, sometimes.  i realize i could die doing this, but i don't worry about it and everyone else seems to.  i tell my mom stuff because i want to keep her informed as to how i am, since i spent a whole lotta years keeping my life my business and no one else's.  but when i tell her stuff, she gets worried, and then she won't let it go.  i tell people i'm dieting, and everyone has a diet for me to try.  i sit and swell up and eat like i'm at a trough and not a table and no one says 'hey, you may need to watch the way you're doing things'.  i guess i'm the same way.  we've become DEATHLY polite.  nothing is our business, but everything is fodder for the gossip mill. funny word, fodder.  anyway, i know this is sort of cutting edge for me.  right now, i feel as if i could pass out.  i'm going to wait until its lunchtime to check my sugar.  i ate breakfast about 7:30, so i've got a couple hours to go.  but if you put things in the hands of the Higher Power you believe in, faith is not just being a doormat and thinking whatever falls on me is okay.  faith is doing what's in front of me, knowing that the peripherals are being dealt with efficiently and to my benefit.  that's what it is to me anyway.  and that's a cultivated state of mind.  it didn't come to me all at once.  it came from a series of learning experiences.  it's ingrained for the most part, but i believe a part of helping someone find their way is letting them know about when you were lost.  otherwise, you're not a friend, you're an 'authority' on the subject.  okay, i'm going to lay down for a little while.  i can make my calls from my bed.
on the subject of step 3, i feel i didn't take it as seriously as i should have this morning.  that's hard for me to write, but if i'm not honest here, then it's all for nothing.  i didn't log all my meals today.  it's the 'easier, softer way' spoken of in HOW IT WORKS in the Big Book of AA.  i ate a turkey wrap and half a bowl of soup for lunch, calories around 325.  that wasn't bad.  but i have no idea what calories i consumed for dinner; fish, spicy cabbage and cole slaw.  i had a yogurt and a banana as well.  but i've been low-level grazing, and that's not good.  it's a way to start fucking up.  if i don't stay on point, i lose the point.  and i know some, like VF, will say i might be being a bit too hard on myself, but i don't believe that to be the case.  if i turn my will and life over, then i accept the discipline that comes with the deal.  if i don't accept the deal, i still am trying to run shit.  and that's not what is going to get my life back for me.  so no negotiation.  no rationalizations, no minimization and no bullshit.  if i fuck up, i tell i fucked up, so i can do better tomorrow.  i feel good.  i slept great!  R gave the suggestion of meditation before bed, and i put on a three hour youtube clip of ocean sounds and slept like a log.  it's one of the things i used to do early in my recovery.  funny, there goes my sponsor's voice again...'if i stick with the basics i don't have to keep going back to them'.  truth, truth.
i'm going to the gym in the morning.  i'm going to eat a breakfast that will keep me on track.  i'm taking my friend Tina her cabbage and i'm going to the noon meeting.  i'm going to write.  i'm going to make more calls about a venue for a play, and i'm going to find where i can put a serious casting call and get responses.  i'm taking back what aspects of my life i can, and the rest depends upon my willingness to be obedient to the process.  i'm sorry, Father.  i am going to pray as i should.  Your will, not mine, be done.

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