
Thursday, September 15, 2016

working it out

today has been a peaceful, stressful day.  i've been having more of these strange combination days lately.  what are you going to do?
i got up with prayer.  i decided against the gym, due to the late conversation and early waking with Syd.  i also had to have a talk with Joe about his hanging out here all day while Syd was sick, and about coming in and not actually doing shit when you're like as if you belong.  I have a problem with being the only person maintaining my environment with other people living in it.  pet peeve i guess.
anyway, i prayed, i didn't go to the gym, i watched some television and then went to my parent's house.  I talked to my mother for a few and then i got on the road to Akron to pick up my baby sister from the airport.
it was a stressful ride.  just outside of Akron there was some kind of accident on the two-lane highway that slowed everything to a standstill at times.  I had left with a time-frame of being slightly early, and instead i ended up slightly late.  on the way back, i got turned around twice, which is really pretty weird as i've only made the trip on I-76 a hundred times in my driving life, on the way to and from Columbus.  but it was construction both times that got me turned around, and it made me feel pretty old.  but i had a nice, if sparse, conversation with my sister, and i got her home safe.  then i cam back to my apartment.
i saw right away Joe got the grass cut, which was cool.  i came in, got some lunch in me and watched some more television, then decided i'd do the cleaning i'd neglected for the past two weeks.  i'm now done with the kitchen and bathroom and i am going to have the living room done before i go to bed.  bedroom can wait til tomorrow, it won't take long.  i'm going to try to do some writing as well, put some pages together, i've been off my balance a bit, but that's just life at this point.  do what you can when you can and don't beat yourself senseless over what you have to wait on, because waiting is all that happens until the grave anyway.
my brain works a bit better with the clutter reduced, though the hair on my head is still a thought-impediment.  but i am grateful to God for this day of life, as I know there are many who have not seen the sunset today, and i am blessed for that if nothing else, and there is an abundance more.

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