
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Voice entry

It's Wednesday morning. I didn't blog yesterday because I forgot. Currently, I'm sitting in a tub. I used a bath bomb that Sydney got me. Interesting concept.

I woke up with prayer and saw Sydney off to school. I've taken insulin and Medicine and I have a doctor's appointment this morning. My plans are to go to my meeting and see my parents. This writing is different because I'm using my phone and voice type as I'm sitting in the tub.

Yesterday I hung with Rachel and we went to a thrift store. We talked for awhile and we had lunch. I keep forgetting she has no gas in her house and my forgetting bothers her. I understand that completely. I am praying things get better for her soon. I guess this will work my journaling in the morning. Consistency needs to increase. I guess we'll see what the Day brings. I'm going to finish my bath and have breakfast. I will try to add more later.

it's 8pm now. i've just taken my nighttime insulin.  it was a good enough day, best way to put it.  appointment with Dr. Jackson went as well as ever, and he agreed to spread the word about my publishing efforts. the meeting was good, the speaker was fantastic and was of my sober generation though much older than i.  those are my favorites though. they teach me and i can relate to their recovery journey.
i got home and got started cooking dinner.  turned out good. i talked to Rachel for a bit, but she was on her way to counseling. i've cleaned the bathroom and am working on the kitchen before bed.  i took the trash out and want to minimize my weekend chores so i can get some business done, to the extent that the laptop i'm laboriously typing on now will allow me. but i have tools to work on. gratitude not only for what I have, but also for what has missed me. thank you,God. and back to cleaning.

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