
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Price Check!

man, what a weird day.  it started weird, its going to end weird, and it's hot as a motherfucker again.  but that's summer for you.

i got up and said my prayers and went right back to sleep.  i was exhausted over the past two days, but i'm sure it was physiological/subconscious rebellion against re-establishing a healthy order in my day to day, like getting to the gym, which i did not do.  i had breakfast, Syd was late to school, i paid my primary bills and saw my automatic payments had all come out.  i cleaned the kitchen, ran the water to make sure the sink wasn't clogged any longer and i did some writing.  i remembered to check my email and, sure enough, the guy from City Printing had emailed me finally with his estimate.  essentially, for 50 it would be just over 1,000 dollars, and for 100 it would be about 1700.  after my mind settled down, i did the math and came to the conclusion that while those are likely fair-market prices, i may not be able to work with them from the start.  each project would have to come under a likely consideration.  which means, without a beginning balance of ready capital the price would immediately be shunted to the client.  and the markup for retail would put the books into an almost 'unpurchaseable' range, without some major league promotion.  so i talked it over with Lonnie and thought about some options.  my first option is, no matter what, starting with the pre-sales of Old Lazarus, and figuring what my profit margin would be depending upon how many pre-sales i can get.  the next one is to find someone who is more affordable as far as printing, and i've made inquiries through the internet to places in New Castle and Akron and looked at some in Cleveland.  i'm also thinking about a Kickstarter or a Go Fund Me type setup, but that's down the line, as i'm not looking for anyone to just give me money, i'm willing to take on investors but that's with the notion that they would be repaid and i would be the sole proprietor of Z-Phyles Publishing.  so i have to get serious now.  this was the information i was waiting for and having it means it's time to do something with it.
i took my dad to Richfield for a UMADAOP conference.  he is getting more forgetful, a bit more unsure of himself, but he is still my dad and a good father.  we talked, he expressed sadness over not being able to help me more through his contacts.  i told him that i was thankful because much of who i am today is due to his instruction and i like who i am today.  i have to figure what i need to say to DeJa.  Rachel was right.  i can't expect him, as a much younger man, to understand the notion of 'propriety' in checking in or staying in touch.  maybe i can't expect that of anyone.  but it really is shit or get off the pot.  either let him know and give him one chance to respond or just stop talking about it and him.  the day is done.  i am tired, but it is very hot in my room.  i am grateful for awareness, grateful for my senses to register accurately on a human level, and grateful for each breath.  thank you, Father, and good night.

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