
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

morning after posting

when the day actually happens, it is hard sometimes to remember to do this.  But i remember the next day, and perhaps that is when I'll have to make sure i journal my days past, as i go into the end of the orbital period.  it has been almost a year, amazingly.  i have been mostly consistent with this.  life changes, and i guess i'll be going back and chronicling this soon, so i can see what the journey has been like from the outside.

yesterday was a good day.  i got up and got started at the gym, as i will do as soon as i am done with this part of the entry right now.  i got in a little over a mile on the treadmill and i came home.  i had a breakfast sandwich, i did  some further editing on the Last Recovering Man, and i took stuff out that I'd be cooking for dinner.  i didn't do a lot in the morning, as i was planning to do some runs to get out of the house later.

my runs were; to the noon meeting at the fellowship hall to offer condolences to my friend Greg who lost his mom last week, to my sponsor's house to visit as i'd not been there in quite a little while, to my parent's house and if i could, to Rachel's house to check on her.  I didn't make Rachel's house, as i didn't want to run to Struthers to find she wasn't home, which would have been a waste of gas.  i did get to my parent's house, my mom has a follow up appointment this morning with her doctor and i made her do some walking, i did some clothes and i got some green tomatoes and some zucchini and squash.  i got a load of clothes in the washer as well.  i came home, got started on dinner, dried my clothes, watched some television and relaxed, planning for this day.

my computer is in the process of dying, and one of my tasks today is going to be getting my information off the hard drive, because i don't want to lose anything unnecessarily.  i was hoping to get a bit more time out of it, but you can't make anything be anything that it's not.  that's how life goes.  i did get to talk to Rachel, trying to make plans for sometime this week.  i'm hoping for Saturday.  supposed to be making fish and taking it to my sponsor and his wife, and would love for Rachel to meet my sponsor.  that would be a good thing.

i had fish and rice and broccoli and cheese for dinner.  i don't know what breakfast is going to be, but i am about to go to the gym and i'll decide after that.  meeting this afternoon.  i am blessed and aware of the blessing, which is a second blessing in itself.  Thank you, Father.

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