
Thursday, November 12, 2015

short trip of no great event

today my intention was to do very little.  i think i accomplished that.  perhaps even exceeded it.
i got up and did my usual morning things.  I find it's hard for me to just blow off the new discipline as it develops.  I wanted a whole mess of scrambled eggs, but i settled for two, and one piece of toast cut in half.  i did get to the gym after getting Syd to her school bus and I did get some writing done.  But i literally had nothing else scheduled for today, so i did nothing else.  I have a load of clothes that needs to be spun out, because the washer is acting shittier than usual.  I will get it to spin out and get my clothes dry tonight.  I had a chicken club sandwich for lunch with a bowl of soup, and I had chili and crackers for dinner.  I read from three meditation books and the Qu'ran this morning.  I like the Qu'ran because I know nothing of the scriptures in it.  I still use the New World Testament for instruction, but other spiritual writing is never a bad thing, because it gives you a chance to learn things about the world you inhabit for yourself.  perhaps one day i'll have other religious books in my collection as well.  anyway, talked to dad, talked to mom, talked to R and perhaps will a bit later.  I am going to lunch with Lonnie tomorrow afternoon and I have counseling in the morning.  I"m going to try to hit the gym first thing, if my energy is up, but if not i'll go before counseling.  i feel good, i am in as good a space as i've been lately and I'm grateful for just a short entry because i didn't plan out any adventures to fill this post with the details of.  Thank you, Father, and I appreciate every kindness.

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