
Sunday, November 15, 2015

cult of personalities

Sunday morning.  i didn't return to the previous entry because i was in chill mode and never came out of it, apparently.  but i've set the coordinates, and adjusted the orbital path to take this a bit further out but still maintain course around the satellite, and i'm going to explore this phenomenon culture more deeply.  now is the perfect time for this.  and as everything else, i have to look at it in perspective to what is going on in my own life, otherwise its just a running of the mouth for no good reason.  knowledge has to be useful, and writing has to live beyond its entry onto paper or screens or files or whatever.  scripture that is not applicable is dead text, and a play that is outdated will not hold the interest of the audience that sees it verbatim in the future.
'Phenomenon Culture' is the conditioning of human beings that makes thought, decision and action only possible through the mass inculcation of a particular new phenomena.  i'm going to start with something i've not studied yet but since at this date it is what's going on it's a reference point for anyone who checks in on this later.  and that is the bombing in Paris this past week.
a hundred and twenty something people dead.  the entire world is posting colors of the Parisian flag in memoriam of Paris, i suppose.  and on Facebook and Tumblr, the two social media i most often frequent, the icons of people and their entries are tinged in those colors as well.  people are gathering, lighting candles, giving opinions, hating muslims, global phenomena.  pray for Paris.  i would imagine it was the same thing in 2001 when the WTC was bombed and the world watched it on television.  but...BUT.  soon enough comes the spin.  other bombings recently took more lives and they weren't posted, their flags weren't inserted, no one said to pray for them.  and the vultures circle as well, because the conditioning is so well placed now that when something happens to a country or a city, immediately there are instructions on how 'you can help' and where you can send your money to.  pay it forward.  and this is just a small part of it.  there are endless news shows that will cover this.  there are victims who didn't die who will be interviewed.  there is the redneck culture and the neocom culture that will scream for the blood of all muslims.  there is the liberal contingency that will use this as an opportunity to push their own agendas.  it will be a mental feeding frenzy of pirahna with false teeth, and blood is the only thing that will satiate them.  but it won't resolve anything for the families who lost loved ones, it won't do anything for the nightmares and the ptsd and the psychological scars of those who were there and watched people dying.  it won't even come close to addressing that.  and that is part of phenomenon culture as well.  the biggest part of it, however, is the fact that soon something else 'bad' will happen and the news will shift there.
public perception is everything now.  soon enough, two things i predict will come to pass.  i'm going to state them here, though i've spoken on them in conversations over the years because i've watched what society is becoming.  one thing is, in high profile situations, crime and punishment will be dealt with through toll-free voting for verdicts or through websites built to allow pay-per-view access and polling for how a criminal should be punished, with the results of every death penalty decision being televised or uploaded as well at a premium price.  the second is, there is coming swiftly a time when people will have a television show where, due to non-thinking people parroting the voices of those who use them as venquilotrist dummies, those who are doing life in prison, those who are on death row for extended periods of time will have the opportunity to fight to the death for a reduction of their sentencing.  the ones doing life will have a chance, if they survive, to gain their freedom, or at least be admitted to a halfway house much more comfortable but secure against re-entry into society.  the death row inmates will be able to fight to the death, thereby removing names off the tax-supported rosters, and the survivor will have his death sentence commuted to life in prison...whereupon he will then be entered by proxy into the purging of the lifers on a different show.  Phenomenon Culture.  now, think about these two things, and think whether, the world as it is now, people wouldn't tune in, people wouldn't pay to view these mass spectacles of violence and mayhem.  Ronda Rousey, the indestructible, just lost her title last night, in MMA fighting.  all the hype is just to generate money.  nevermind whether OJ did it or not, don't you think the network guys who ran coverage around the clock and watched the Neilsen numbers on viewer statistics calculated how much direct revenue they could have made if they'd been set up to charge for viewing?
we live in a time where thought is not really very important to the majority of americans.  i can't speak for other countries.  black people caught up in the 'black lives matter' rhetoric don't look at the obvious conclusion that in a racist killer society black lives don't matter very much.  if black lives truly mattered they'd matter first to black people who would have changed the situation of life in america long ago.  any work toward effecting that change died to be honest with the killing of the Panthers in the seventies.  not the death of King, but the killing of Fred Hampton and the Panthers who were murdered by Hoover's FBI.  because, the Panthers were socially interactive with change for better conditions for black people in this country, and were practitioners of the principles of 'self-defense' for every american citizen.  the Black Muslims were as well, but the thought of a different god was too scary for the grandchildren of slaves.  King was about biding time and taking the blows in order to convince the white man of his own evil actions, but not of how the white man may not actually care about how evil he is since his evil was apparently directed toward 'sub-humans'.  but the Black Panther 'SELF-DEFENSE and POLITICAL' party was about making society acknowledge that the black man WAS equal, COULD take care of himself and his own very well and WOULD NOT tolerate bullshit from a white government.  that made them exceptionally dangerous.  that made them exceptionally expendable.  and the phenomenon of culture was born.  the scariest thing in the world was an intelligent black man with a gun and an understanding of the constitution.

okay, that's a lot, even for me, for a sunday morning.  i've said my prayers, taken my insulin (133 on waking, still good numbers, and only one dose of fast acting yesterday) and my meds.  i've had an egg on toast with cheese so far today, about to go for my second cup of coffee and get started writing.  meeting at one, maybe breakfast with Marc and hopefully i get to see R some point today.  haven't worked out the 'feast or famine' decision just yet.  maybe i won't.  maybe that's my denial, my 'King Baby' still manifest even twenty seven years later.  i want what i want.  the sacrifice doesn't belong to R for my life, it belongs to ME in my own best interest.  and if i can't keep that in front of me, this orbit is just one more flight of fancy in a delusional mind.  and at this moment, i refuse to accept that.  so, we're going to keep moving, get this day in motion and see what comes.  it's early, so a nap is not too far-fetched.  later.

so, the evening has come.  the day was not bad.  i got a lot of writing done.  had breakfast with Marc.  had a good dinner.  visited with and helped my mom and dad.  bought Syd a pizza.  didn't flip out about things that triggered a 'flip-out' mode in me.  i talked with my sponsee, but not to any great effect.  the meeting was decent.  i'm tired, but more than tired, my brain is weary,  i wish sometimes i could turn it off, but not too greatly because those wishes are never happy when they're granted.  took some baking soda to break up this gas pain, if that's what it is.  drinking some water.  about to eat an apple as my snack.  i feel good.  i wish R was here, tired of the phone.  after a certain age there is no great thrill to just talking on the phone.  but it's better than not talking at all.  gym in the morning.  i'm pretty sure Syd won't 'forget' to go to her math teacher's class for extra instruction after school tomorrow.  good day, good night.  thank you, Jehovah, for moving me through it.

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