
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Phenomenon Culture

well, i skipped a day, i know.  i didn't actually intend to, but it happened, and as i said i would, i'm covering two days today.  there is a reason i missed yesterday, and i'm going to go into that, because it's the new course i'm plotting for the next phase of this orbit, which will officially begin tomorrow.  but for now, the recap.
yesterday started wonderfully.  we'd gotten the new phone and the activation went okay, except when performing the steps we got a message that the phone was locked.  out of fear of being jacked, as i'd never used Ebay before, i sent an angry email to the seller asking for the codes or the refund procedure, and then common sense took over, the activation went well, and i gave a half-hearted thanks for the swiftness of the delivery.  all that to say, i started off friday with a new message to the seller of apology and explanation, or an amend, and later got a positive reply.  i took Syd to catch the bus and i went to the gym.  i made the adjustments in the treadmill settings and had a good mile and a third walk.  i went home, had breakfast, talked to a friend and went to counselling, which went well.  i really enjoy the session with VF.  she doesn't see that her approach to counsel is very unconventional and therefore very effective, but i like to tell her so because i doubt if anyone else does.  people are not constructs, despite society's attempt to make us into exactly that.  so counseling went well and i came home and laid back mostly.  i went to lunch with Lonnie and was preparing to go pick up Syd from school afterward when i got an email from Syd's math teacher.  Syd had not stayed for her after-school help with math.  the teacher wasn't upset, but i was.  that brings me to why i skipped yesterday.
Syd failed her first quarter in math.  the school that she's going to is very performance-oriented.  good grades are expected.  if you don't maintain a certain level you get put back to your host school.  while the consequences of such an occurrence belong to Syd, until she's 18 the bill comes to me.  and setting up with her math teacher the after-school help involves me having to travel to champion, ohio, which is about a twenty minute drive on the freeway, both ways, in a car that is shaky, to pick her up three days a week.  a bit of involvement in this, in other words.  and she knew she had time with him that day because she texted me asking if our aunt was picking her up.
i was pissed.  no two ways.  texted Syd, got a bunch of 'i forgot's' and 'i'm sorry's', but i said nothing until she got home.  i thought about it.  and i decided.  and so Syd ended up staying in this weekend.  she protested, said that i was making her feel worse because she already felt bad, and that i always make her feel bad.  i didn't give in.  i also talked to Joe, her current, and insisted that they take some proactive measures to be at the very least 'more supportive' of Syd's scholastic efforts.  at which time i let them go get food after a bit and had dinner myself.
today, it's been practically no motion at all.  i've been laying down most of the day.  sugar's been good, took meds and insulin and had breakfast early, did not much writing but i'm going to jump on that soon.  i have been working out thanksgiving dinner in my head and waiting for Syd's mother's child support payment to post to the card.  i'm about to get up and go to the store, pick up a few needed items for tonight and tomorrow's dinner and i'm going to watch some movies and chill tonight.  i'm going to my 12 step meeting tomorrow but i don't think i'm going to the kingdom hall.  i talked to R last night and this afternoon briefly, i've been feeling hungry and restless more than anything, and i'm debating on haluska or just kielbassa and veggies for dinner.  i'm going to make a decision before i go to the store, as i'm not going there to buy out the store, but just to get enhancers, mostly.
so, the Phenomenon Culture.  there are similar terms in society at this time, but i'm looking at this as an actual term for the mental condition that is plaguing the vast majority of humans in so-called 'first world' society today.  its prevalence is overwhelming and i doubt i can bring anything new to this subject except perhaps fresh perspective, but that would be a welcome change from simply sitting back and watching a world become deliberately stupider and stupider.  more on this later, as for now i just wanted to make sure i got something down as a good start.

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