
Saturday, December 29, 2018


when change comes, there is nothing really to do about it except change.  the only other option is to resist, and that is essentially choosing to be run down rather than get out of the intersection.  at the moment, i'm standing in the intersection. 

it's been another 5 days.  i don't know what is changing in me.  i don't know why i have these delays between writing.  my time off work is dwindling.  there are things that i need to get done, but nothing that is burning a hole in my brain.  i guess there's some comfort in that. 

i haven't written apparently since just before the so-called Christmas holiday.  what have i done since then?  well... let's see.

i hung out with Rachel on Wednesday, that was nice.  i took food to my parents on Wednesday as well, which was also nice.  meeting, the usual stuff. made a wonderful loaded baked potato soup.  but that was Thursday, i think.  anyway, the meeting was good, crowded, and the people appreciated the pizza, and we did our business and the year of the 12 & 12 @ 12 is officially done.  Thursday, i went to my parent's house, just to take ham.  mostly i stayed in bed.  it was that kind of day.  was waiting to see if the 2nd in command was going to call for a lunch rendezvous as per an earlier conversation, but no such thing occurred, and i survived without it.  Friday, found a mouse drowning in a pot of water in my kitchen sink, woke me right the fuck up.  dumped him and the water outside.  found him later that day frozen and dead on the front walk.  went to counseling.  went to help Lonnie get some things from his parent's house.  got some cast iron skillets from their house that i have to cure, score.  went to my parent's house, fixed breakfast for them.  brings me up to today. 

yesterday and today i've been muddling through a gout flare, but i am not completely inundated by it.  i've just about finished my song 'Broken Hearts Will Bleed', and i only have to lay the vocals tomorrow.  washed some clothes, dried them and put them that was yesterday.  talked to SH (new sponsee) about owning how she feels and having a choice who she deals with or does not deal with.  talked to Rachel, took her to get some food, and just finished writing and filling in the past five days.  so i'm going to take some meds, shut it down and get ready for tomorrow. 

i'm so grateful for this Journey, for the blessing of life and sobriety, and for the God that has allowed me to continue on despite my best attempts. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

twas the day before the so-called Christmas...'s time to start.

good morning still.  it's about 10am, if i'm not mistaken.  1030, closer.  it's monday morning, and i'm about to do a quick roll to the gas station. got to fuel up so i don't have to worry about it tomorrow. 

i've been trying to get my mind around some things, but not too heavy.  not losing my mind over anything right now.  actually trying to reconcile some things that i need to work on.  i'm not going to try to play catch-up, but i issue an apology for my long absences.  over the past week, the hard part has been keeping myself moving.  its been rough, with the things about feeling like my company essentially said 'fuck you' on the bonus thing, and remembering that the important thing is having the job to make the money to take care of myself and my life.  as well, i've been trying to get my mind around tending to some people that i've just let slide, because i don't want stress and strife in my existence today, nor do i want to keep negative shit floating around like my life is someone's backed-up toilet.  trying to flush that shit.  but i am still imbued with a response-ability, that if someone requires help and God puts them in my path my job is to try to help them.  to that effect, TP has been trying to get in touch with me and i'm going to call her this morning, before i head out.  but i'm not investing a ton of time in that.  just have to see that she's okay and then get on with it.

yesterday we had a pot luck at the sunday meeting and not many people showed up.  i made a cold-cut tray and only Marc and Gary ate from it.  i gave it to my brother Jerry, along with the baked ziti i got from Marc because he made a whole roasting pan and there was no one there to eat it.  so i got to feed my brother which was cool, and i went to my parent's house to make dinner for them as my mother wasn't feeling well, and that was cool too.

today i have to write.  it's past time.  i have to get back to moving to the light of creativity and better things.  i've been hanging with Rachel, and that's cool.  i've been talking to Syd and De'ja as much as i can.  i've been doing my meetings.  i've been praying and reading and trying to stay as close to my center as i can.  and i'm ready to start working on Z-Phyles again. 

i guess i'm just wanting to keep doing me, but i am very grateful.  i don't feel overwhelmingly sad right now, i don't feel lack or stressed.  and i don't have much more than i did, but in Jehovah's hands a small amount can be an abundance, because gratitude makes it exactly enough. 

so, onward, upward and forward.  aspire higher, inquire higher and desire higher, because it is not impossible at all.  thank you, Father, for making enough more than enough. the abundance of Your love makes all things beneficial. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Back To Myself

a new day.  the middle of the week.  two more days to go until the winter break for the workshops.  two more days until i have 13 days off.  no pay, but i count them as a vacation anyway.  i'll have enough cash.  without running back and forth to work, expenditures won't be huge.  so, i can live with not being in the midst of the company's madness for a few days.  i'm looking forward to it. 

took a lot to get my 'self' back this time.  i am not really sure why.  i think it's the realization that no one else seems to see much of a problem with the way things exist at the moment.  sleeping minds make every form of bullshit possible and successful.  and it seems, even in 2018 and beyond, that people would rather be led than think, regardless of empirical evidence of the harm that does.  so it leaves a person alone in the world, for the most part. 

but i'm not alone. 

i've got my broth in the crock pot, preparing for greens.  got wings marinating, getting ready for the oven.  our pot-luck at work is tomorrow.  good stuff, to be sure.  i'm going to have the kids by tomorrow, if they stay on course.  good stuff.  i've got people at work i talk to on a daily basis, whose company i'm actually beginning to enjoy.  good stuff. 

there is always a better place in the world if a person allows themselves to see it.

doctor's appointment after work today.  time to shake it all out and warm up the car. 

thank you, Jehovah, for blessing me with a new facet in this life of mine.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Slow Dissipation

it takes awhile, sometimes.  but it comes, if you allow it to.

it's sunday now, and the anger and bitterness has faded.  good nights of sleep, rest and relaxation does quite a bit to temper the heated spirit.  that doesn't mean that i am wrong for how i feel, not at all. it just means that i have to take into account the knowledge of how things are done at my job, and also take into account how i have choices and must begin to exercise them more astutely.  i can't blame a thief for being a thief, nor can i get mad if a known thief steals from me because i was careless guarding my things.  i must start by being angry with myself for being careless, and do something about that.

so, it's sunday.  friday was a short day, and a learning day in its own way.  i am certain i ruffled some feathers with my attitude on Thursday, but i'm also certain that i don't care.  i didn't do anything wrong, and i'm not going to try to mend what was broken when i got there.  i'm going to continue to be the best me i'm capable of, and i'm going to get back to putting in applications and seeking a new place of employment.

Saturday was a non-day for the most part.  i laid around, ate some food, got a few things as i want to make a soup for monday, and i talked to some people on the phone.  i have been in need of rest, and though this won't be as huge a rest as i'll get next week, it will have to suffice.  i also have some clarity on a few things that i needed to see, and that is important to me as well.  i can't operate on the premise of 'appreciation' from others. i have to continue to seek to do Jehovah's will, and allow that to be my motivation and the bringer of any reward that comes to me.  those are the rewards that matter most anyway.

today i'm going to my meeting.  i'm going to my parent's house and i'm going to the store.  going to Lonnie's to pick up a crock pot to put the soup in to take to work tomorrow.  i'm putting in some applications.  i'm making my dinner.  had my shower and shave, it will suffice for tomorrow as well.  i've seen my child, my grandchild and his father.  it is good enough and it's just about time to roll.

i am grateful for all that i have been taught, all that i have yet to learn, and all that i currently know.  i am grateful to God for information, knowledge and wisdom, and the process of taking the first and turning it into the third. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018


changes occur.  and i don't mean my lack of writing in the journals i am supposed to be maintaining.  i mean, changes come in life, and the choice what to do in those changes becomes paramount, though you may not know it at the time.

i haven't written in some days.  it may be this way for awhile, sorry to say.  most days i am exhausted, though i'm not sure why.  things hurt every day.  my back, between my shoulder blades.  both knees.  walking is a slow process.  sleeping is broken.  i am going through some changes myself.  i keep working.  i keep moving forward.  i don't exactly know why; i just don't have sufficient reason to stop yet. 

today was stupid at work.  just, a bunch of ignorant shit, in the very literal definition of the term, 'ignorant'.  lacking knowledge, unknowing, unsophisticated.  they essentially gave us what amounts to the only raises we're going to get, as a bag of candy, some kind of small food packet/pouches, and a chance to play bingo for prize gift cards.  amazing.  and the other drivers, for the most part, went for it.  i was angry half the day.  i have to give it up and leave it in today, not take it into tomorrow should i be blessed with such a time frame. 

i have been doing okay eating wise, but i need to do much better.  i just want to be of whatever service i can, and i want to keep gratitude firmly focused in the front of my brain.  i am blessed, no matter what i think about current events in my life. 

i'm going to sleep.  i hope i can wake with a better attitude than i took to bed with me.  thank you, Father, for all that life entailed today. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

New Week

its monday morning now.  the weekend officially ended, the work week come again.  it's funny, almost a year now of constant employment, and i tend to still think of it in terms of how unusual it is.  a life spent on the cusp of working, of always being close to not having a job at any particular time.  i thought i'd work for Menendian's in columbus until i was done working, thought perhaps i could finish my years at West.  never know, never know.

i'm up.  the weekend was okay.  Saturday was not eventful, and i needed it to not be.  i rested, i let my right leg not have to go through anymore than need be.  i also pulled back a bit from the new Rachel chapter, knowing that i would do well not to feed it until it becomes a 'need', but allow it to remain a wanted intermission to my regular life.  maybe not even conscious, but definitely true.  she is still struggling to get to her own surface, and i cannot help her get there.  i can only pray for her success and keep moving in my own vehicle, and be grateful that i've got one.

yesterday i got a coin from my friends at the meeting.  i had purchased myself a 30 year coin, but i got another one that is a keeper, i think.  it made me a bit sad, because it was like Johnnie had put it on their hearts to get me one, and i don't usually even bother anymore.  i just try to remember the work that i'm there to do.  then i went to visit Nancy, and i saw Zeus, their husky, and he still seems sad that Johnnie's not there, as does Nancy, as am I.  never good to be sad, always good to know you're not the only one grieving.  i got two of his coffee travel cups, that he always brought to meetings with him, and some knives which is weird, and some canned goods he asked for but never got to eat, which is also weird.  but weird was not beyond our pale.

almost time to go.  got 2 more weeks, then off for a little while.  need some me time, some rest and creativity time.  got to get ready to switch gears in 2019, get my ass back in production mode.  but for now, gratitude and appreciation.  thank you, Jehovah, for a new day and a good enough life. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018


...maybe there ain't no better that's coming.  maybe it's like Tony in West Side Story, knowing that change was coming, hoping it was something like Maria and a good life, but in reality it was his own murdering of Benito and his subsequent murder in the arms of the woman he loved. 

no, that's not the tone for this Sunday.  it's just how i feel when i read the news anymore. 

a man kidnapped, raped and murdered a 13 year old girl in North Carolina, and he has been caught, and he is of a criminal nature, and he is black and i read stuff like this and realize we are undermined by our own cancerous cells that grow and proliferate of their own volition.  i don't believe any race is any better, nor any worse, but once upon a time i was raised to believe the future of my people was bright, and now i see we are the stealers of our own light, and that makes me sad.

lighter note. 

it's sunday now.  Friday i made it to counseling, YAY!  friday, i finished the work week strong, didn't take short cuts, got everyone home safe.  it was a long day.  i thought about Joshua on the job where i work, and hope that things work out for him.  i think it will.  he drives well enough and is personable and kind to  others.  it will serve him well working with the developmentally disabled. 

saturday, i did a lot of nothing, except clean my kitchen and make split pea soup experimentally.  ate food, watched television, and rested.  i did pray, did read scripture, did take medicine.  even the Lasix, which i hadn't been taking, and i pissed all day, pissed the day away, you might say.

today is sunday.  i have the one o'clock meeting.  i'm going to see Nancy afterward, sit a spell with her.  my dad is in the hospital, hopefully he'll be out today. gonna wash and dry a load of clothes somewhere.  going to get ready for work tomorrow.

gonna finish reading the news.  have to know.  have to know.

but it is very depressing, and it makes me sad.  not just the brothers being killed and the brothers killing each other. the world state, the condition of man in his decline.  it's all scriptural, all biblical, and all real.  but it is depressing. 

regardless, i am grateful to Jehovah, as this is not His doing but ours, and i am thankful that i have a choice and am capable of making the right one more often than i used to. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Wednesday, Thursday & Possibly Beyond...

morning now.  i should have had this done yesterday, but getting it done is the important thing.  my alarm will sound shortly, but i refuse to be hurried today.

i forced myself to rest last night.  i've been pushing very hard, for quite some time now, just keeping it moving because the choices are minimal.  my sleep usually ends about 2 in the morning over the past couple of days, but last night when i woke around midnight i stayed down and rolled over until sleep returned.  i hope it helps today.

i'm okay, but my left hand is mostly encased in a neuropathic tingling.  my knee is much better, but not 100, and maybe it never will be again.  can't say, i'm not God.  but i'm walking without the cane, driving without too much pain and that's the blessing i am grateful for. 

i've not seen my grandson or daughter since Thanksgiving, and i'm working on keeping the want adjusted to a minimum.  funny how the little ones just consume your life.  but it is not different than anything else.  keep the want down, and all encounters become blessings and remain fresh.  it's working for now.

i took chicken salad to work yesterday.  they ate it up and loved it, though i thought it was kind of 'just okay'.  but i didn't do it for praise, i did it for something to do, something to keep me occupied.  the runs have been okay, one of the troublesome clients is out of town for the week, and its been pretty uneventful otherwise. 

Rachel has been a pleasant constant.  i am not out of conscious memory of her absence and so remain appreciative of her presence.  we still talk most days, she has a lot of changes on her plate and i'm trying not to crowd her or fix things, because it's not my place or my job, nor is it a request. 

first peek out the window, its cold but no snow on my car.  time to get it started.  i'm grateful for the day behind, and i hope whatever is ahead allows me to be used as a blessing in someone's life. 

thank you, Father, for the days in both directions.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Short Time...

haven't really been good with this lately, but i'm upstairs in the office now, which is the place i need to be, and figure i might as well do right, and try to reestablish the parameters of forward movement.  doesn't that sound like a good idea?  

it's Monday, anyway.  i've had a good weekend, by the standards of the isolation and deep introspection that i normally spend the weekends in.  but before that, let's just say that i have still been starting the days with my prayer, with reading my books (though not this past weekend), and with my medications.  the reason i say that, and include the lack of reading on Saturday, is because there has to be some kind of structure, but at the same time, there also has to be an accountability for when i slack up, when i don't do what i'm supposed to do.  if i'm not willing to hold myself accountable, then nothing changes.  so, this morning?  great start.  all the points hit, including a light breakfast.  

but over the weekend?  well, on friday i had to go through the motions of having Rachel over and scaling back a bit with a new revelation about some things in her motivation.  such as, she is very insecure, yet she places so much stock in what people think and say about her.  not a good combination.  and that is an observation based on watching her freak out about clothes that she had on to go to dinner with a friend, feeling like she looked foolish when in fact she looked rather fine, but she can't hear that from me or believe it anyway.  i'm not taking it on, i just hate to think of it in terms of her feeling like anyone else should ever be that important in her life. myself included.  also, Friday i missed counseling AGAIN.  not going to even act like i'm beating myself up about that, as VF will be upset with me if i do.  but i wonder about these distractions that keep interfering.  i wonder about my mental capacities, am i slipping more?  those are things i can't help but wonder.  on my job, i put a lot of mental energy into the details of the route, and i rarely forget anything.  but that takes work now.  funny how you get to the age where the focus increases as the retention ability dissipates.  but that's apples and oranges or something like that.  anyway, i missed counseling, i worked through the day, Rachel came by and critiqued herself and i ended up going silent because i realized sometimes there is no right thing to say.  

the next day, i did some chores, including cleaning my downstairs and some shopping for curtains and shit for my kitchen and bathroom.  Rachel came back over, spent the day.  it was nice, it's been such a long time.  i got curtains for my bathroom windows and kitchen, and shower as well.  got rugs for my bathroom floor and two mats for the front door; one inside and one outside.  by the end of the night i was worn completely out.  we had dinner, we talked, we shared more.  sunday was the meeting and getting ready for this day, and both went well enough.  

today i had a short day, as some clients did other things in the afternoon.  i am tired now, but that's okay.  i'm going to finish this, go downstairs and pay some bills and i'm going to get into the shower.  i'm going to get some rest, and tomorrow i'll do it again. that's the deal for the most part.  

i don't feel bad right now; the knee is much better, the back still has that pain but i can live with it for now.  my clothes are put away and i've eaten my dinner.  i just want to shut down and be ready to roll tomorrow, if it is God's will that i have a tomorrow left in me.  i am grateful for this time of reflection, and grateful to Jehovah for the gift of life.  i'm going to wrap this up now and i'll do my best to hit it again tomorrow.  

Friday, November 30, 2018

it's friday night.  i've been neglectful still.  but i'm moving in the right direction, i guess.  i am doing this now because i have a lot more work to do.  discipline is lacking, and i have to get it back on track, in fact more so than before, if i want to live through this.  but that's not what i'm doing here now.

i'm just letting people know i am alive and well.  i have some things to process, some lists that need to be made and some distance to cover.  then i can get back to this Journey.  til then though, i am here, will drop a line from time to time, and hope that all is well with everyone else.  see you soon, Jehovah willing and the creek don't rise..

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


well, i think its been a day.  i get stranger in stranger ways as i get older, i guess.  for instance:
on my way to work in the mornings, there is a place on Liberty road going into Girard where a flashing red light indicates the spot the speed limit reduces to 25.  when i'm coming down Liberty, i reach a place where i can see the flashing, and despite not really wanting to, every day i count the flashes.  every work day.  if i get 10 flashes (and 3 once i'm right up on it) i feel i'm going to have a good day.  if i get fewer, the day is decreasingly good.  never really BAD...unless the lack of numbers is due to inclement weather. 

today i got twelve.  which i felt was a harbinger of a weird day.  and a weird day it was indeed. 

i'm not generally superstition, or perhaps i am and don't know it.  i don't avoid splitting poles or matches 3 times, i'm not afraid of underneath ladder walking or in building opening of umbrellas.  nothing with black cats or spilled salt or any of those things.  but i am increasingly peculiar.  Inclement, one might even say.

to that extent, today was my 30 year anniversary of being completely abstinent from drug or alcohol abuse.  it was a day of reflection, a day of correction, a day of trying to be patient in a situation that was increasingly insane.  it was a day of checking briefly on my parents, of spending time with Rachel, of dinner making and slow driving and ponderings and memories of some very dear friends no longer in this dimension.  good friends we've had, good friends we've lost along the way...

what i can say pretty safely, what i can assure myself without too much trepidation, is that i am abundantly blessed.  i feel 30 years past my expiration date, but that's remarkable when you refer to bread or milk and it is still edible.  30 years past can't be considered fresh at all, except in the eyes of a mountain or the ocean. 

but i am blessed.  Jehovah has granted me serenity, courage and wisdom, He has allowed me to become a better son, a better father and a better friend, and i know i am these things because i am a better Tim in my own life. 

i have the battles that we all go through.  even now, gout flare in my right foot, right knee still singing, left foot abating from it's own flare up.  one medical issue after another. 

tomorrow will be our anniversary meeting.  i will not work; i have a doctor appointment after the meeting.  i am tired right now.  i am going to go to sleep, make the most of the day. 

i have no profound sharing thing to leave here.  the 12 steps work.  the Traditions keep the groups safe from us.  we are all that stands between a world of indifference to human suffering and the possibility of change, and we should take that responsibility very seriously.  i am grateful to Jehovah for all.

the cross contains what i have of what remains of my sponsor.  it will have to do, i suppose. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Be Gone a Minute, Don't Worry...

so, i hope everyone (haha) has been cool.  i've been a miserable motherfucker for the past several days.  the fall i took on monday that i thought was healing up has not been healing much at all.  i've been heating and icing it, taking every pain med at my disposal, resting and elevating and trying to not let my house become a piss-misasma'd filth sty, and the pain remains unabated.  my plan for today is, i have a ride, so i'm going to the meeting and then to the emergency room.  i know they won't help but i don't know if i'll be able to drive like this and i'm going to need some kind of documentation on the shit i'm going through.  but i don't want to miss work.  i want this to go away.  just me getting old and acting like i'm not, i suppose.

sorry for the absence, and the one to come.  i'll update when i can.  if you know how to reach in further than this, you're welcome to. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Between Sadness and Cultures

a time of madmen, a time of fear, a pondering of what's gone and what's near, dreams of paradise blown up in a wink, important to know; more important to think...

don't want to get too far behind, do we?

it's tuesday night.  i'm in my bed, but not for much longer.  prep time. time to chop and dice and slice and package and put away.  time to strip the plastique from the bird and dry brine and re-wrap and put it back in cold storage, for a dynamic braising/roast on Wednesday.  time to PREPARE, to get the small stuff done, the ingredients in order, so the cooking will be relatively easy.


it passes, you know.

yesterday i took a tumble.  not the worst, thank Jehovah.  but bad enough last night. taking bags of food from the car, and knowing there was no 'one-tripping' it, no, those days may be done.  but the rain had made my slightly inclined yard muddy. and on my way back to the car after my first trip, the lawn gave way beneath my food, i felt my knee twisting in the sudden, unexpected movement, and down on my ass i went.  embarrassment more than anything. but pain, to be sure. great, gulping wincing pain in my knee, tender to the touch. i got the car unloaded, but when you're hurt, ten feet seem like seven miles. and you walk it, back and forth, because there's no one else.  was talking to Lonnie when the fall happened, sent a kite out to Rachel, but didn't expect a rescue.

put some things in stark relief, in clear perspective.  not bad, just real. if i take the big tumble, i'm on my own.  So was Johnnie when he knew the time had come.

tomorrow would have been his 70th birthday.
December would mark 30 years since i first met him.
November 27th is my 30 year sober anniversary.
somehow, the sadness finally has an appropriate home, so i don't feel so fucking depressed.  just sad.

work was okay today, but painful as hell.  a thing to learn; when you hurt your knee to the extent that the patella may be traumatized, you may walk with some dexterity, but making your lower leg shift is a function that starts with the knee.  no knee, no easy flex. so i had to literally lift my right leg to move it from the gas to the brake and back again, often. a pain in the ass.

i put aspercreme on it, took tylenol, wrapped the lower leg in Ace bandages.  i rested it, i elevated it. i got through the afternoon runs too. i finished the day.

now i have 3 days off.  five total before i return to work for 2 days, then off wednesday.

Nancy has a cross for me.  it contains a small amount of Johnnie's ashes.  i can say that i have never worn a cross in my life.  i have never been inclined to wear a cross. being raised in Jehovah's Witnesses strips much of that away from you.

but like i voted in 2008 and 2012 (2016 too, though i'm done now) i will accept this gift from my friend.  we are grieving together. she much more so than i, but perhaps not.

time to heat a cup of coffee and get ready to get down.

thank you, Father, for getting me through the day.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

consistency restored (we HOPE)

well, it seems to continue on it's merry way, don't it?

but we can only do what we can do, we can only get done what we can, and there's no point feeling sorry for ourselves.  the deal is to keep it moving and to get back to the daily routine asap.  if you can dig that.

let's start from Friday, because it was a day off, scheduled but out of the ordinary.  i got up still at my normal time and got my ablutions, such as they are, done and out the way.  but i couldn't really get tuned in to being super-productive.  what i managed to do was place my furniture where i wanted it, and to arrange my living room so that i could start residing there.  it is nice, i am appreciative and i can't wait to entertain now. almost. 

i got to counseling, good session, nothing  out of the ordinary, just trying to keep it all on point.  still have the residuals from Johnnie's passing, and that's going to last awhile, but the functionality has not ceased yet, and that's a true blessing. 

then came the interview. 

nowadays, it's called a "Substance Use Disorder Advocate".  substance use disorder...once it was just called an addict.  very billable now, i would imagine.  not long ago,  the SUD Advo was a Recovery Coach, who did Peer Support.  before all the bullshit and mutual masturbation, it was the same thing an actual Sponsor would do.  but that's not billable at all.  so they got my info from, and they contacted me and i went for the interview and 5 individuals questioned me and i answered them as honestly as i can.  i hope they see some merit in who i am and where i've been and what i've done  but it only matters that i conducted myself with all the presence and dignity my time in recovery have afforded me, and that i remembered to thank Jehovah for the blessing. 

later Rachel came by for a brief tick and an iced coffee, and we talked and  she left and i went to bed.  pretty simple fare, that.

now, since i had Rachel clean for me last weekend, i had it in mind to get some wash done, and that was part of the Friday plan but, as the best laid plans often do, it didn't happen.  but i forced it on Saturday.  got up, did the thing, gathered up the bedding and clothes and took off for the laundromat.  got the wash done, went to the store and took breakfast food to my parent's house.  fed them, got dishes done, got stuff put away and got them dinner cooked for a couple days.  then i went back to the store, got dinner for myself, got money for my dad, dropped off his money and came home.  i slowly got clothes and groceries put away and cooked dinner later in the evening.  Rachel came by later, ate and talked and watched some television with me. nice visits. 

today, i woke and went to the meeting. i forgot my wallet here, as i was planning on shopping for most of my Thursday meal, but i'll get on with that tomorrow.  i am going to rest, shower, shave and get things ready for work.  2 days this week, then 5 days off in a row.  i'm definitely grateful for that!

talked to Syd, she's not doing as well as she could be.  time to think of something to do to help, i imagine.

thank you, Father,, and i'll try to do better in the near future.

and time to do the Dining Room...

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


i would say this is close enough to call it winter.  though the official start is some weeks (or days) off, it is 23 degrees out at this moment.  i'm about to go downstairs and heat up my car so i can do this work thing.  one more day after this, then there's my interview, a Friday off, first this month, next week i'll be off for 3 days around thanksgiving, and almost a year on the job.  it's been interesting.  it's been a revelation sort of trip around the sun so far. 

yesterday i realized i was fed up with some things on the job, but not to the point of quitting; to the point of not dealing with them the same way.  patience is cool, but there comes a point patience is too patient.  you have to ACT sometimes; life demands it, by life's nature.  so i let it be known i was not happy with certain things presented to me.  i don't mind the perception of the 'bad nigger'; i'm not, but if the opposite is being a mute witness to someone's ignorance, then so i will let you believe me to be.

regardless, time is moving, and i must move with it.  a cold day means a warm bus is needed.  i am grateful to Jehovah for the memories and the hope in a good today.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Upstairs, Getting It Done...

i am no angel,
i have no halo,
no horns or hooves,
just a tired soul.
i am just human,
but with a wolf
inside me,
i howl at the
quarter moon,
because the full moon
just puts me to sleep
these days...

yes, i'm just working on my day's ending.  nothing too eventful to share.  work was cool, if more involved than usual.  prayer, meditation, medication.  talked to Syd, Mom, texted my brother, had lunch with Lonnie and Joshua.  working on a song now.  working on some music.  wish i was writing.  wish i was selling my books, or soup, or something.  but i'm composing, and that's creating, and it will do for now.

things going on in my head, i'll share them tomorrow, i'm thinking.  but i'm blessed, and thankful to Jehovah for a day now closing. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Winter Prelude

baby, it's COLD outside.

no joke, and no shit.  but what you gonna do?  complain about the seasons changing?  might as well complain about the sun rising in your window.

it's sunday morning, and i'm slowly getting ready to roll.  it's been a decent enough weekend.  nothing much to do today.  got up, said my prayer and had some cereal for breakfast.  read my books and bible, took my medicines, worked on some music, coming along.  yesterday i did some shopping, washed clothes and made a killer soup.  just great. 

work has been pretty routine.  good thing about this job; the details remain the same overall, but the minutiae changes every day, so there's never really a boring day.  just a day of running a route (route-in, routine) that will have some new nuances every single day.  i dig the hell out of that.

thinking about dinner today, thinking about this cleaning that Rachel is supposed to do, and the furniture i should be getting tomorrow.  thinking about the week ahead, the hours left in the day, and the good taste of the soup i made.  thinking about how grateful i am, the days and nights have a better quality to them.  thinking about my sponsor.  thinking about the coming year.  and getting in gear to hit the store before the meeting.

thank you, Jehovah, for a good weekend.

Friday, November 9, 2018


thank God. 

it hasn't been a bad week.  i've not been on point, have i?  but the events haven't been bad.  the cold is coming.  it's here, i should say, and it's primed to get worse, but that doesn't change from year to year.  always funny to me; you'll be told, 'You live in the wrong place to complain about the cold', as if people in places where the cold or heat are more constant never complain about their weather conditions either.  but i'm not complaining.  it is just a slowing down period for me.  but i have to keep writing; change is not going to stop because of my life experiences of late.

so, it's Friday morning.  yesterday i had a rider on my bus, seeing to learning my route for when she drives it next Friday.  the day went easy enough, i did see my mom and dad also, and i didn't have any major issues with anyone.  kind of the same thing on Wednesday. the meeting was cool, some folks were in heavier space, and we got our home group meeting done and some plans laid for the anniversary meeting.  but been mostly business as usual.  Rachel came over for dinner on Wednesday, we hung for awhile.  i got Joshua, Lonnie's son, an application for where i work.  i cooked for myself yesterday, and there's nothing unusual about that at all. 

it's going to be a cold day today.  counseling this morning, intermediate run, thought about trying to run my bus through the truck wash again.  have to see how that goes.  i'm up, prayed and medicated and read up and about to get dressed and warm the car for the morning trip.  i feel okay.  that's good enough for a Friday morning.  thank you, Father, for your patience with me. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Oh Lord...

it's been awhile, and i'm sorry for that.  i can't say why exactly i've slacked so much.  i can only say it's time for me to get my shit moving again.  i'm tired of saying that.

let's start from now, and try for a brief overview of the last week.  since the last time i wrote seems to be the wednesday past, i know i went to my meeting, i know we didn't have our homegroup meeting, and i know that i have been crashing pretty seriously.  by which i mean, sleeping when i'm not doing anything, and wanting to sleep when i am doing stuff.  i'm still grieving, so i would assume some slack and some breathing room.

over the weekend, i had a visit with Rachel, i stayed pretty much to myself on Sunday, and i worked on getting ready for the new work week.  i did go to my parent's house on Sunday to wash a load of clothes, and i hung out while getting that done, but i didn't do much else, to be honest.

over the past 2 days, i've worked, i've ate, i've exercised some, i've saw my parents, had a visit with my grandson and daughter scheduled and then re-scheduled. 

i've made soup and put it in the freezer.  i've gone to the store on a couple different occasions.  i've lunched with Lonnie.  i've thought quite a bit about the old days in CA, in recovery period, about my sponsor.  i haven't written, haven't worked on any music, haven't lifted a creative finger. 

and i haven't journaled.

the eating has been okay, and i haven't been in any real significant slump.  just have been sort of drifting.  and that's not a bad thing, necessarily.  i'm in denial about nothing.  i'm glad to have Rachel in proximity again.  i'm happy that my parents are doing okay.  i've got my primary bills paid.  i'm working good.  looking at some other job prospects as well. 

i am just...trying to get to whatever comes next.  and i don't know what that is just now, so i am not motivated to do any particular thing.

i the end, that's the truth of it. 

i am very grateful, however, and i will do my best to become consistent again.  and i thank my Father, Jehovah, for balance.  so needed. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Moving Along

i've missed some time, i know.  i'm sorry, but i'm still putting myself back together again.  it's going to take a little time. 

keeping it simple for now.  it's Wednesday, middle of the week.  i've kept it low-key lately, trying to just take care of the basics.  getting up.  getting a prayer in.  taking meds and washing my ass.  driving safely.  being patient with the clients.  trying not to get too tied into the bullshit that's happening at work with the changing of the guard.  dealing with the inanities of my co-workers as they clamor for position with the new ops manager.  it's just fucking ridiculous, but it happens everywhere so i might as well accept it. 

not going to columbus this weekend, but i'm going to take some time for myself.  i have to.  i need to not be around people for a brief moment.  been no room to inhale and exhale.  but i have to start getting ready for the end of November.  the so-called 'holy'day, our meeting anniversary, my own sober anniversary...shit to do, and there will at least be some days off work, which is a blessing.

i am okay.

i have to remember that. 

and i really am moving toward that.  just weary.  i think.

anyway, just wanted to drop something here, so i don't do the whole fade. 

thank you, Father, for the day.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Return to Routine, pt 2

 well, it's monday now.  a new day.  a new reality.  something gone, something important, something vast in my own reality.  but...something here, something new and different and something vital, something that has to be maintained as well.  continuance.  a very important thing to remember in the coming days that remain.  

and it is about the days that remain.  it's about what time is now, and what time is approaching, if i am blessed (?) to awaken to it.  it is about being awake, not lulled by my stomach or my groin, not seduced by the ease and popularity of stupidity, but awake and alert to the changes that the wind brings.  'you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows'.

yesterday was just a journey.  it was going on with life.  going to breakfast with Marc.  going to my Sunday meeting.  going to the grocery store.  making dinner for Syd and Joe and Timothy.  talking to Lonnie and Rachel.  calling my mom.  thinking about Johnnie.  grooming for today.  reading and thinking, hearing verses and voices and allowing both to speak in my head, to see what stories i should be working on.  it's what life is, it is what it is.  

like, i was thinking this morning; we took up a collection to send to World Service as opposed to donating to Nancy for Johnnie's passing.  and i thought, how big did he get in the Fellowship?  and i know he was bigger than a lot of people knew.  but that didn't matter.  it didn't matter to him, and it doesn't matter to people now.  time passes and even presidents become notorious or irrelevant on the basis of the skew of human perception.  but he supported the foundation of genuine recovery all his sober life, that i know.  and that's reason enough.  

i hope my grandson never has to rely on the shambles of a 12-step program.  i hope he never finds himself with an addiction and has to try to muddle through the bullshit and stupidity that greed and arrogance has reduced the Program to.  but if he does, i hope that someone like my sponsor is there for him, to help him sort through the chaos and find the thread of order to guide him through the days and months and years to come.  that would be good.

prayers for Maryanne, as she needs them.

i have to get going.  time to make the day move.  

Thank you, Father, for seeing me through the weekend, and back to the daily grind.  

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Return to Routine, pt 1

sunday morning.  i feel hungover, and i guess in a way i am.  hard days end in 24 hours, just like good days do.  and if one is blessed (?) to awaken in the morning, or whenever, another 24 hours is in the process of rolling out. 

time to put on coffee.

i am home.  i am waking to a new day.  october is nearly done, and what an october it was.  what a year it was.  looking at this little guy, my new namesake, it dawns on me that this will be one to remember in so many ways, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.  my grandson was born, my sponsor died, and I have cancer.  strange days, indeed, Mr. Lennon.

yesterday i was wrecked.  i thought i was ready.  but you can't be.  not when the love saved your life.  not when it was the life preserver you held on to through years of wanting to just let go and slip beneath the waves.  can i really recall how much of me Johnnie was there to help build?  not the writing, not the poetry.  any confidence i have though, the people skills, the ability to 'see' (his refinement), the desire to see something through to the end, the inability to just...quit.  those things and so many more.

i always remember when i started dancing again.  i had stopped because of a childhood humiliation at the hands of cousins and an unsupportive (in THAT moment) aunt, ironically right down the street from where i now reside.  i had stopped for years.  fat guys shouldn't dance; they will just suffer humiliation.  but i would watch at the recovery dances (which no longer take place, by the way), i would watch the people moving to the music, and i'd hate them, and i'd hate myself more.  i would do all the peripheral shit; sell tickets, watch the money, keep the coffee brewed, set up, clean up.  but i was afraid to dance.  after one dance, Johnnie took my back to my parent's house, and i was talking to him, telling him how i was feeling like a coward, trying to find some sliver of indifference, of insouciance to mask the shame and misery i felt.  sitting in my driveway, Johnnie told me, in deliberate terms, i was going to the next dance, and i was going to dance, and he turned in his seat and looked at me and said, ''...because, you don't want to keep feeling like a coward." the timing of my words being given back to me, the way he cut through my bullshit back to the reality of the issue, reduced me to tears.  next dance, though, he had two blondes come over to me, coax me to my feet and get me to dancing.  i never stopped.  never wanted to.  i've held dances myself, paid out of my pocket, just to have the joy of seeing people enjoying themselves as i learned to enjoy myself. 

he wasn't God.  i don't blaspheme; i'm not a hypocrite.  i don't denigrate either. he was, in my life, the tool that my Father seemed to use most and best to keep me growing and going, and i miss him now that he is not in this world any longer. 

but my grandson is sitting up.  and he's about to start on solid food.  he's smart, he's aware and he has a huge spirit.  it's wonderful when i see him, though he forgets me every time due to the time that grows between visits.  but i will accept that; there's nothing wrong with being new over and over, as long as it's on the basis of a good meeting once again. 

today i'm going to have he and his parents by for dinner.  i'm going to brunch with Marc, so i am going to skip the meeting, otherwise getting everything done is not going to be possible.  i should have gone to the memorial lunch yesterday, but the tearing away of my facade exhausted me.  and i will sincerely apologize to Nancy, for the last time i'm hoping. 

i thank you, Jehovah, i have and i do and i will, for such an abundant blessing, beyond my ability to comprehend, but not beyond my senses to partake of.  thank you for this day. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Weighing Loss...

new days, same as old days.  feeling slow, like i'm living in a physical fog.  have i ever really felt this before? 

yesterday was harsh, the day before was too.  compounded emotional upheaval.  Wednesday saw the operations manager at my job put out on the curb like some non-rent-paying ghetto dweller.  i fear time grows short at PCS, and i need to prepare for such an event.  but to prepare now?  it might not be possible.  I went through yesterday with two fronts in my brain;  apprehension and sorrow.  strange, my depression has not kicked in yet, and i thank Jehovah for that.  out of one fog of this sort and into another?  likely a bit much. 

making the soup helped.  very good reviews so far.  i've gotten much better at it, but i know i've a long way to go.  i have nothing conventional in my repertoire, so i have to stay inventive. not the worst thing in the world to be sure. 

Rachel and i talk often, daily.  no physical contact.  i won't initiate this time.  i am content with someone i love to fill moments in my life.  but i'll ask the hard questions soon enough.  i won't put her on a pedestal of any kind, but again, i thank Jehovah that i have someone in my life at this time when i really need to stay anchored. 

my parents are sad about Johnnie as well.  at the meeting Wednesday, i saw a lot of surprise on a few faces, and the sadness that set in on those who did care about him.  i heard the voice of the imbecilic as well, the ones who will bloat and bray with no true knowledge of what he tried to give them because they were dazzled by the package the message was delivered in, and never really paid much attention to the message.  but isn't that always the way?

the weight is coming down.  i don't feel a need to change.  i'm not craving sweets, and the urge to cram a fistful of chips in my gullet is pretty low as well.  i had popcorn yesterday, and it was good but i am not going to live there either.  going to get more fruit this week, start moving in that direction.

time to get dressed, time to get going.  i am grateful to Jehovah for everything.  and into the fog i go...

The Dining Room

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

more changes

a very long day today, no two ways about it.

started out good enough.  prayer, meditation books, medicine.  hurting though, gout flare intense, just grabbed what was available and got dressed for work.  the route was the normal business as well.  then the differences began to set in.

went to brunch with Rachel, which was very cool.  some of us is the same, a lot of us is different still.  went to my meeting, felt Johnnie's absence there for the first time, though he hadn't been to a meeting at the Fellowship hall in months and months, hadn't been there regularly for years.  ended up crying as i commented on Step 2 (came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity), again just feeling how much things have changed in my spiritual environs.  left the meeting early to go back to work.

got back ot my job site to find that our Ops Director has been removed, with her stuff on the curb waiting for her husband to pick her up.  a somber air in the facility, and the chords of dissidence and incipient racist undertones grew louder.  i did my route and ignored the motherfuckers for the most part, but i felt really bad for the way they ousted her and it was sadness on top of sadness.

came home, had some of my soup, took stuff for my pain and laid it back down again.  just woke up, feel like i slept for 8 hours though it has only been about 3 or so.  going back shortly, but wanted to get this in.  i'm thankful to God for life and for all that it contains for the living.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


life has to continue.  it will, too.  it will for someone.  it will for me.  it has for those who are now gone, when some who went before them left this plane of reality.  life goes on, and there's nothing one can do about it.  checking out doesn't change the going on anymore than staying around changes the fact that a person is going to die.  it's just how it goes. 

i'm going to try to write this here, as i need to post something on FB, to honor the man who did so much for me, for my existence and continued growth and survival.  and then maybe i can cry as i want to, and maybe i can begin to let go.  i don't know for sure.  but i can try.

"There's a tendency to personalize loss of life, as if the person who has passed away was somehow obliged to us who remain and have broken their obligation.  I guess a part of me feels this way, but the person in question taught me so much better than that.  I know he left because he was sick a long time, and now he's not anymore, and that is a joy to know and a sadness as deep as the hole that existed in me when I came to recovery in 1988.

That's where I met Johnnie L Copeland, in a 12 Step meeting in Salem, Ohio.  Oh, I don't give fellowship names.  if you're astute, you'll probably figure that out for yourself.  But the 11th Tradition gives explicit instruction on that, and I"m not going to be the one to break it.  They get broken enough these days, part of what the hell is wrong in our fellowships.  But I get off track...

I met Johnnie in a little meeting that was one of the originals of this fellowship, back in 1988.  When I walked into that meeting, I was a recently nourished 20 year old junkie with an inferiority complex on steroids and a razor-sharp ability to hide everything behind whatever wall I could construct the quickest.  Be it silence, a mohawk haircut, a large vocabulary of words I didn't even know (back then), or staring at the ceiling or the floor.  I was a terrified kid, fresh from Columbus and suicidal notions, wanting nothing more than to find a way to successfully smoke weed and drink without the onus of freebase cocaine (crack) hanging around my neck millstone fashion.

Johnnie was one of the first people I met in MY recovery.  I met people in my dad's recovery, and I met people on the perimeter as my dad learned to work the steps and did 12 step work the old-fashioned way.  But when I got sober, Johnnie was there.  He was one of three black people in that meeting, and one of only a handful in the city of Youngstown period, in that particular fellowship. 

I felt like I didn't belong there.  I was broke and raggedy, and these people looked well dressed and groomed and hip.  They seemed the manifestation of the tormentors of my high-school years, all grown up now.  Not Johnnie; he seemed somehow worse back then.  Three piece suit.  Jheri curl long enough to almost resemble the old Processes the singers wore.  Jewelry and sunglasses.  A young white girl next to him.  He looked like he stepped right out of an Iceberg Slim/Donald Goines novel.  He became my sponsor, but that's not why. 

He became my sponsor...I ASKED him to be my sponsor, for one reason:  when he spoke, people shut the fuck up and listened to hear what he had to say.  I'd never seen anything like it.  When he spoke, at that meeting, you could hear the fluorescents hum.  And everyone but one person turned to look at him as he spoke.  I remember feeling...'He's not afraid.  He has the room under control when he speaks.'  And I wanted that.  I wanted to know how to do that.  And no one else I saw that day commanded attention without trying like that. 

That's most of my inclusion in this, thank Heavens. 

Johnnie L Copeland was about this recovery thing.  He did his work and retired, but as he worked he helped build the fellowship of Cocaine Anonymous in Youngstown Ohio, and much of the state of Ohio.  He used time that he could have spent doing just about anything else laying down the formation for recovery in this city for people who were being shunned by AA and couldn't get all the way into NA.  He made us responsible.  HE gave us positions in the beginning; Secretary, Treasurer, GSR.  He made up the briefcases and filled them with the things the meeting would need and passed them on to us, to take with us to the meetings we went to.  He would tell us to go to AA, to learn recovery there, and to bring it back to share in CA.  He sponsored a lot of guys.  He helped a lot of people, a whole lot of us.  And he paid for it, too. 

He had a lot of stories of the things he' experienced and done.  I never had a problem believing him, because there is a certain way a person carries themselves when  they've seen hells beyond hell.  I learned this as I became a man.  He grew up in a segregated, racist America, and he learned how to be a man when the white world wanted him to be a 'boy'.  And he tried to teach many of us how to be men too.  He spoke of his sins, his mistakes, his crimes.  He spoke of his regrets and his vices.  He didn't 'sugarcoat' anything, and he was fond of letting you know he didn't.  He didn't try to make himself someone fabulous and amazing in our eyes; quite the opposite.  He would show how imperfect he was, how brutal his actions had been.  He would speak of how the program changed him, and that was his message. 

He was smart.  He was confident in what he said.  He spoke with assurance; when he was sure of his facts, he spoke them and would not brook the nonsense of 'hypotheticals' and rhetoric.  He would say often through the years at many meetings, "The truth don't need me to defend it."  He spoke eloquently, and he could speak gutter profanity just as well.  'Hardcore recovery', they used to call it, and they tried to imitate it, as they did with so much of his persona here. For him, it was a way to confront the brutal truth of who a person was, to get him to open up about the worst of himself so he could see there was only one way to go; UP.  For the imitators, it was just a way to make themselves feel better at someone else's expense. 

How far should I go?  He always drove a Cadillac and a Corvette?  He always had a beautiful woman (at least since I knew him), including his last wife?  He was a gambler, possibly compulsive when it came to the lottery?  Should I say how he took very little nonsense, or what he considered nonsense, from anyone?  How he spoke of money, how important it was to him?  I'm not sure it was, but he spoke of it often. 

I can't really elaborate on that, anymore than I would attempt to explain how many times he sat after a meeting for hours, speaking to someone who was having a problem, long after the practice of 'fellowshipping' died out.  Or how he would deliberately read in a broken, misspeaking fashion to make someone who could barely read at all feel better about themselves.  Or how he was always trying to figure out how to make CA better, trying to see how we could help more people, how we could do more for the community of recovery. 

I can tell you what he told me.  Like, how 'Recovery is life; they're not separate for us.'  Or, 'Just like life has more than one side, your recovery has to be multi-dimensional as well.'  Or, 'Try everything you can to work on your relationship, give it every effort when it finally ends, you won't think there's something else you can do, and you'll break clean'.  Or a thousand, thousand other things he told me, showed me and taught me over almost 30 years of life. 

Again, not without cost.  'No good deed goes unpunished', they say.  He had to watch as the vultures picked apart the Fellowship.  He had to watch as the newcomers began to be treated like they didn't matter.  He watched egos run rampant and spirituality take a header into a pool with no water.  He watched meetings close and people relapsing over and over again.  He never stopped trying to do the right thing, to get people to do the right thing.  He was ostracized by his imitators, he was slandered and they talked about him behind his back often.  I relate only the facts here.  It hurt him greatly, but he didn't tell to many people that.  He told me.  I'm telling you.  It doesn't matter now, does it?

Now, you can go to one of the few CA meetings in this city of Youngstown, Ohio, and you may see a gathering of Cadillacs.  You might see the jewelry draped fakers and listen to their 'emotional rantings' with no substance in the Big Book or any real recovery facts at all.  You might see the dog and pony show (he loved to use that term) that our meetings have become.  And you might be inclined to think, that's Johnnie C's legacy.  But that's not it. And I sure as hell am not it.  I'm ego-centric, but not to that extent. 

No, I can't say for sure what his legacy is...but I know that when you see someone who is taking time to help someone who is struggling with their sobriety, taking time to listen, to share from their heart rather than from their head or their groin, you're experiencing some of his spirit.  When you see someone digging deeper into the Program, trying hard to find not only where they're at in the process, but where they could go if they truly apply themselves, you are digging some of his flavor.  And when you hear a real burst of laughter from someone who has learned to laugh at themselves, telling themselves the truth about who they are for the first time, or when you watch someone weeping from some truth they've stumbled upon and others offer them genuine love and support...that's a part of his legacy, far as I'm concerned. 

He was scared when he was sick, but he never showed it outside his own home.  Not to me.  I saw it though.  I'm almost certain his wife saw it.  But he continued on.  He was still advising me, still suggesting things.  He never stopped being...Johnnie. 

They'll pretend they care, and many will be glad he's gone.  I'm speaking truth, regardless of who accepts it.  Many will come with crocodile tears and secret heart-smiles.  Many will curse his name openly.  But I'd be willing to bet more will feel what I feel; loss of a friend, a father, an uncle, a mentor, a teacher, a guide, a leader, a support, a sponsor.  Many will feel happy that he's not scared anymore, that he's not sick anymore, that he's done dying.  I believe that will be the majority.  But, under any circumstances, he was one of the best people I've met on this journey so far, and for the past 30 years, he's always had my best interest at heart.  And for that, I honor my sponsor, John Lee Copeland, and I do so with all the love and respect I have in me. My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today..

need a few...

my sponsor, John L Copeland, died yesterday, October 22nd, 2018.  i'm going to be in my feelings for a bit.  sorry. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

...debits, credits and balancing books

it's sunday morning.  the day is sliding through and i'm about to get my ass out of this house.  it's been a weekend, to be sure.  i probably won't get back to this today, so i want to make sure it is logged with the events of the past 2 days.  at least that, at least those hours.   because the promises are growing shorter in length, and the days are almost winter, and there is no point counting on the next thaw.

no, i'm not sad, didn't have a bad experience yesterday.  i had, in fact, a very nice visit, and i'll tell you about it.  but you toss a coin, until it falls it's both heads and tails, and only when it lands does the 50/50 percentage end.  some people won't understand that.  it's cool.

so, as stated, i cleaned my downstairs, i went to my parents house and got stuff bagged up from my dad's banquet.  i came home and made salad and baked the burgers in the oven.  and i went to open my door so Rachel could just come in the house when she got here...and she was already on my porch.  she'd rang the doorbell, but i hadn't heard it. i was very glad to see her, but i stopped her as she was just over the threshold, pointed out the blessing that VF gave me that hangs by the front door, and i told her, 'there is peace here.  it was a home of peace when my grandparents lived here and it lost it when they died and others moved in.  i have worked hard to restore it and though i'm not done, there is peace here.  you are welcome to it while you're here, and please take it with you when you go'.  then i gave her a hug. 

we talked, we ate.  we had moments tense and moments strange.  we had moments of laughing and moments of reluctance.  the only real static was over 'the girl behind the glass', but that's okay.  i wanted to kiss her, but i didn't try and didn't ask.  i told her that i was thankful for her friendship, and that if that was all there was it was more than enough.  a year and a half away creates that understanding, when you really miss someone.  i gave her a meditation book, a piece of cake and a $40 and some change gift card to Red Lobster.  she brought me two large bags of frozen blueberries and two bags of split peas.  she's lost a lot of weight, i've put on quite a bit.  it was like old times for people learning who they're becoming.  nothing wrong with that. she stayed about 5 hours, and it was like no time had passed at all.  i cleaned my kitchen, prepped chicken for today and it was a good investment of personal energy.  when she was gone, i felt good.  and, as David Byrne one sang, 'nothing is better than it?'

that's heads.

tails would be, earlier in the day i'd sent a text to Johnnie, my sponsor, of my request to visit on sunday (today) after the meeting.  i hadn't gotten a response by the time Rachel got here.  when i did get one, it was in a very sad way.  Nancy sent a text that Johnnie is now in a hospice.  he's been in pain and discomfort, and he is apparently getting weaker.  some of it is just the need for more care as his condition worsens.  i am not buying more meaning than is really there.  i'm going to go see him when i get out of the meeting today.  that's all there is to that.  but, it made my heart heavy.  and it made me think, today, about how things transpire, how things tend to move about the board of chess in the game of life, and how in the end, you never really get far from the place you started.  i mean, a woman named Kris died last week, week before.  she was one of the first people i met in CA back in '88, as she was Johnnie's girlfriend then.  haven't seen her in years and years.  the last place i saw her was the last place Johnnie lived before he moved to the home he has now, which was in the apartments that Syd and Joe live in now with my grandson.  the SAME BUILDING, in fact, though Johnnie lived on the bottom floor.  now, my grandson, Timothy, an actual baby, is growing up physically in the building where i began growing up mentally and spiritually.  and i find that strangely apropos.  endings, beginnings, continuations, reiterations, redefinitions, all types of movement of mind, spirit and heart.  what could be better than that?

i am grateful and sad, and i thank Jehovah God for the awareness of both, and for knowing that neither is truly permanent in this world.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

T minus 60 minutes and counting...

Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses and closeup     you ever just...kinda not know what to do with yourself?  
it's saturday.  it's just about 1pm when i'm writing this.  an update is in order.  i've done good so far today.  i prayed, i read, i medicated.  i ate breakfast.  i cleaned.  i went to my parent's house, bagged up the remains from my dad's banquet yesterday and got her bills paid for her.  brought home some protein.  i texted Lonnie a happy 50th birthday, texted my sponsor that i wanted to come by tomorrow instead of today, and just made a salad.  i'm about to cut up veggies as burger toppings and take a shower.  
a lot for a saturday.
at 2pm, approximately, Rachel will be by for a visit.  the nature is not known.  her intent is not known.  my reaction/response is not known.  what i am able to say is it will be the first time in over a year i will see her face.  the first time in over a year i will hear her voice in person.  the first time...
i remember the first time i ever saw her.  my heart always feels the same.  i guess, even if this is a 'clearing away the wreckage of the past' visit, i will still be grateful to know that a dopefiend's heart can grow and change to the extent that it can love outside of itself, time and again, and to such a magnitude in some cases that it can not encompass one more love.  i think that's the power of God's healing, the power of His spirit, which is love, and the power of the program in action.

Time, minus 68 minutes, to be exact at the moment of this typing.
thank you, Father, for showing me the door. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018


sometimes you have to be the bad guy.  life just works that way.  you have to be the bad guy because there is no way things are going to get done by being a 'good guy'.  you have to be the bad guy because people think, THINK, they're getting over the 'good guy' you're trying to be.  or, sometimes, you got to just say 'fuck it', go for broke and accept the title that comes with taking car of the business at hand.

today i got up early, weary as fuck but up for the day at 3.  i got it moving slowly, but i knew there were things i'd have to get done this morning and i didn't want to end up running behind.  some things i should just tend to the night before.  i cut myself real nice shaving my head this morning, literally extracted a section of my scalp from the razor.  bleeding like a small sieve.  got done with what i could, showered, took my meds and read my stuff and got it out the door.  had to get gas for my car, had to get gas for my bus.  the morning runs weren't bad, but early in i was still wrestling with the questions from the day before.  what should i do about the clients who were being far too handsy with one female client on the bus?  so i again told them i wanted them to chill out, and that didn't happen well.  but my plan was to talk to my employer, see what the parameters are, and act accordingly, which is how the thing ended.  but that's later down the line. 

i went to my parent's house, made them breakfast, made mom coffee.  i hung out there for a bit, then i went back to work for my extra run.  got that done, had some chili Da Boss brought for me for lunch, and i finished the day.  before we got rolling, i had THE TALK with the principle people in this drama. 

i told them i didn't appreciate being ignored, that i was trying to give them some leeway but they were taking things too far, and that if they didn't chill out i would separate all of them.  i also told them i would do that if they started shunning the girl they'd been so attentive to before now.  i don't know if they're actually going to listen, but i do know that i am serious about dealing with this.  i don't really care about touchy-feely shit, as these are individuals whose options for 'happily ever after' are fairly limited and i don't want them to not be able to have some small happiness or pleasure in their lives.  but i won't tolerate someone being abused.  my thought keeps running back to a simple consideration:  if she was my child/daughter, what would i want the driver to do?

i talked to Rachel today.  talked to her yesterday as well.  she's supposed to come over on Saturday.  i'm not sure if i'll survive, but i know if i don't i'll die happy and content. 

thank you, Father, for life and love.