
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Wednesday, Thursday & Possibly Beyond...

morning now.  i should have had this done yesterday, but getting it done is the important thing.  my alarm will sound shortly, but i refuse to be hurried today.

i forced myself to rest last night.  i've been pushing very hard, for quite some time now, just keeping it moving because the choices are minimal.  my sleep usually ends about 2 in the morning over the past couple of days, but last night when i woke around midnight i stayed down and rolled over until sleep returned.  i hope it helps today.

i'm okay, but my left hand is mostly encased in a neuropathic tingling.  my knee is much better, but not 100, and maybe it never will be again.  can't say, i'm not God.  but i'm walking without the cane, driving without too much pain and that's the blessing i am grateful for. 

i've not seen my grandson or daughter since Thanksgiving, and i'm working on keeping the want adjusted to a minimum.  funny how the little ones just consume your life.  but it is not different than anything else.  keep the want down, and all encounters become blessings and remain fresh.  it's working for now.

i took chicken salad to work yesterday.  they ate it up and loved it, though i thought it was kind of 'just okay'.  but i didn't do it for praise, i did it for something to do, something to keep me occupied.  the runs have been okay, one of the troublesome clients is out of town for the week, and its been pretty uneventful otherwise. 

Rachel has been a pleasant constant.  i am not out of conscious memory of her absence and so remain appreciative of her presence.  we still talk most days, she has a lot of changes on her plate and i'm trying not to crowd her or fix things, because it's not my place or my job, nor is it a request. 

first peek out the window, its cold but no snow on my car.  time to get it started.  i'm grateful for the day behind, and i hope whatever is ahead allows me to be used as a blessing in someone's life. 

thank you, Father, for the days in both directions.

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