
Sunday, November 18, 2018

consistency restored (we HOPE)

well, it seems to continue on it's merry way, don't it?

but we can only do what we can do, we can only get done what we can, and there's no point feeling sorry for ourselves.  the deal is to keep it moving and to get back to the daily routine asap.  if you can dig that.

let's start from Friday, because it was a day off, scheduled but out of the ordinary.  i got up still at my normal time and got my ablutions, such as they are, done and out the way.  but i couldn't really get tuned in to being super-productive.  what i managed to do was place my furniture where i wanted it, and to arrange my living room so that i could start residing there.  it is nice, i am appreciative and i can't wait to entertain now. almost. 

i got to counseling, good session, nothing  out of the ordinary, just trying to keep it all on point.  still have the residuals from Johnnie's passing, and that's going to last awhile, but the functionality has not ceased yet, and that's a true blessing. 

then came the interview. 

nowadays, it's called a "Substance Use Disorder Advocate".  substance use disorder...once it was just called an addict.  very billable now, i would imagine.  not long ago,  the SUD Advo was a Recovery Coach, who did Peer Support.  before all the bullshit and mutual masturbation, it was the same thing an actual Sponsor would do.  but that's not billable at all.  so they got my info from, and they contacted me and i went for the interview and 5 individuals questioned me and i answered them as honestly as i can.  i hope they see some merit in who i am and where i've been and what i've done  but it only matters that i conducted myself with all the presence and dignity my time in recovery have afforded me, and that i remembered to thank Jehovah for the blessing. 

later Rachel came by for a brief tick and an iced coffee, and we talked and  she left and i went to bed.  pretty simple fare, that.

now, since i had Rachel clean for me last weekend, i had it in mind to get some wash done, and that was part of the Friday plan but, as the best laid plans often do, it didn't happen.  but i forced it on Saturday.  got up, did the thing, gathered up the bedding and clothes and took off for the laundromat.  got the wash done, went to the store and took breakfast food to my parent's house.  fed them, got dishes done, got stuff put away and got them dinner cooked for a couple days.  then i went back to the store, got dinner for myself, got money for my dad, dropped off his money and came home.  i slowly got clothes and groceries put away and cooked dinner later in the evening.  Rachel came by later, ate and talked and watched some television with me. nice visits. 

today, i woke and went to the meeting. i forgot my wallet here, as i was planning on shopping for most of my Thursday meal, but i'll get on with that tomorrow.  i am going to rest, shower, shave and get things ready for work.  2 days this week, then 5 days off in a row.  i'm definitely grateful for that!

talked to Syd, she's not doing as well as she could be.  time to think of something to do to help, i imagine.

thank you, Father,, and i'll try to do better in the near future.

and time to do the Dining Room...

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