
Tuesday, March 1, 2016


well, this has been a good day, and I am very grateful for that.  i woke up and said my prayers and got the day started slowly.  i got dressed, took a bag of trash to a dumpster and went to the gym.  i wasn't feeling real enthusiastic and my heart rate was high pretty quickly, but i did a mile on the treadmill and came home.  Syd's friend was here when i got back and i got to writing.  Syd went to school and i got on with my day.  i did the some editing on Felecia's book, went to the store to get something for dinner and came back to write and edit.  I spent the day in creative endeavor, which is a wonderful thing.  i had lunch, made some calls, got back to my thing as i prepped dinner.  Syd went to a movie with Jo and i had some misgivings about that.  she does spend a lot of time with him.  i guess it's part of the new phase of this journey; a father of a growing offspring who will soon be gone.  as much as i look forward to my space again, i am going to have an identity crisis when i'm not a full-time father, because i'm having a bit of one now, and i am still technically full-time.  but that's what life is, a series of changes and journeys that teach you if you're receptive to the lessons and burn you if you just keep sticking your hand in the fire.  can't do much about that, i'm learning quicker but moving slower, how's that for a suck-ass analogy for getting old?  i had dinner, talked to a friend on messenger, wrote some more in Old Lazarus and eventually had to put it away and decided to finish the cover for it.  which is that thing right up there in the corner.  I like how it turned out and I like doing this stuff.  i scanned it into my computer, used a program called Photoscope to mellow it out and shade it nice, as i colored it with pencils.  i added the lettering and my logo and et voila!  happiness.  i like that i can, though i would love to have a crew in place and we were working on projects together.  i'd also love to have six million in small denominations and a woman who could make a good omelet and was versed in Stoic philosophy, but what the hell, i'll settle for being good and getting better at my craft and having people in my life who give a damn about me.  I thank you, Jehovah, for gratitude and perspective.

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