
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

clearer vision

so, things are going okay.  and i'm grateful.  and i can see a little better.  and i don't feel the anxiety to such a high degree, and i know these are all blessings as of late, because things are still moving forward and I am still progressing along with things.

today was nice.  i started with prayer and plans.  i didn't have anyone to take me to do the rest of my car stuff, so I texted Jerry and he said cool.  i ate, bathed and groomed and gathered the things i'd need to take to the credit union.  he came to get me and we went to the credit union.  i signed a million papers, and we went around the corner to the car lot.  the guy had the Grand Marquis in the driveway, and I went in and signed a dozen papers and he put a temp tag on the back and away I went.  

the car runs nice.  it's going to need a few things, but that's not immediate.  but for an 01, for the price i'm paying, it is just what i wanted.  my payments are affordable, it put me in a position to begin to save some money for Syd and it gives me a much more reliable car.  i drove it to my meeting and the meeting was even okay.  we had some stresses, but they had nothing to do with me and there was nothing that i needed to do to try to resolve them.  sometimes i have to just let people be where they are.  i'm learning that.  

after the meeting, i went to see Lonnie.  we went to taco bell for lunch and he checked some of the functions of the car.  then i went to my parent's house.  mom and dad both liked the car, and I took my dad for a ride.  i went home after, fell into a nap, got up and had salmon patties and rice and broccoli again and got dressed for the kingdom hall.

tonight was the Memorial of the last supper, or Passover meal, that Jesus had with his disciples.  it is the only place in scripture that Jesus tells his people to actually commemorate anything.  it's kind of funny, because most Judeo-Christian religions have some variation on this observation.  most have it far more often than once a year, and they save the big show for Easter.  but this is very sedate, informative and it is not a long ceremony.  i went with an old friend, who invited me, as opposed to the usual congregation that i would attend, who were meeting in a large room at the Holiday Inn because there are so many of them.  though i don't have a fear of people anymore, I don't like to be more crowded than i have to be.  

i went because i know that Jehovah God has been blessing me.  I've known it all along, but i know that i have been doing some more footwork, being more disciplined and I believe maybe God is showing me that if i do my part, His part is already done.  I can't say for sure, but faith has never hurt anyone, and every day is a day to work on improving faith and actions based on belief.  i write, i sell books, i have a child about to be an adult, i have aches, pains, sickness.  but i am alive and drug free and i have both my parents still and i have a car that i like.  i will even have money for the Cavalier when someone either buys it or i junk it.  so, should I complain?  i'm  i'm going to be...happy for a little while, as long as it lasts.  and that's perfectly okay with me today.  i'm going to bed now.  

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