
Saturday, March 5, 2016


i'm weary now, but it's been a good day.  a serene and peaceful day.  i like that when i'm actually doing stuff.
i got up and said my prayers, though i felt i was up too early for a saturday.  i laid around for a bit, as it is saturday and i had nothing on my schedule. eventually i got up, took my meds and my insulin and i got to work on prepping Old Lazarus for the campaign.  I don't know if this is an 'engraving in stone' kinda notion, but i feel as if this has to break the barrier, that i can put paid to the whole novel thing at this point if i can't get this one across, because this is all the blood, sweat and tears of my book-writing history rolled into one almost 70,000 word manuscript.  i guess i'll put all my effort into getting it published, even if Amazon doesn't get to it.  anyway, I decided to do some interior pics, because if it is my last, finish strong, right?  so, that took me hours, as i don't do visual art as an easy thing, only as a necessary one.  i finished those around noon, then i decided i would go out and get some lunch,  had an omelet and grits for breakfast, had wings and salad for lunch, having stuffed pepper soup, very spicy, and italian sausages for dinner.  pretty good.  i cleaned the bathroom, the bedroom and the living room and i guess i'll  save the kitchen for tomorrow.  not waiting for Syd.  truthfully, as she's rarely here, i won't hold her responsible.  that'd be like having her come clean when she's twenty three and across the country.  though i would if i could.
so, i'm catching up.  i feel more ease in the lack of clutter.  i feel like i can get some shit done.  i can only take it one day at a time, regardless, but when i do the day instead of letting the day do me, i feel like that day is a pretty fucking majestic thing.  could be my imagination, but who cares?
anyway, i want to go to the hall tomorrow, and i think i'm going to call my mom and see what she's feeling like.  that's about it for today, going to work on some poetry for my next collection after i eat, or watch some television.  used the brain enough for now.  thank you, Father.

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