
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

trip, trap, trip, trap...

yeah, wednesday winding down.  going to be a beast tomorrow, just because it's that kind of pre-vibe.  but we're going to deal with it, because the day will happen with or without us, but without us, we miss the good things that are in store for us.  so we're going to jump on in, get wet, get busy.  it was a good day today.

i started this update earlier, so this may cover tomorrow but i intend to stay on point.  after i got it moving, by which i mean coffee in me and prayers out of me, i had decided to forego breakfast.  partly because i'm trying to get a handle on eating when hungry and tempering my meals.  but the other reason is weight that i've put on during the recent depression, and i need to deal with that.  to that effect, i'd planned on doing some walking today.

when i walk before my meeting, i get there early.  i park and get out and check the time and then i walk.  straight up Rush Blvd, for fifteen minutes.  it usually takes me to the light halfway between Indianola and Midlothian.  then i turn around and walk back.  i learned today that constitutes 1.9 miles, a good walk.  and today, S had texted me and said she wanted to walk with me. so i had company for my walk.  but i also had to accommodate the change in data, and that always takes me out of focus to an extent.  saying that to say, i left out without my wallet today.  but i got through it.

the meeting was good, we had a decent turnout, have a lead for next week, and i had lunch with Lonnie after i came home to get my wallet.  new place, as we're still looking for a new standby.  i dug it but Lonnie didn't get good stuff and wasn't happy.  after i dropped him back at work, i went to the store and got a head of broccoli (or is it a bunch?) and some chicken broth, as i'd planned to make a chicken and rice casserole.  it turned out good, and my dad came by and we had a talk.  funny how he can stay on point and his memory is good with the thing he wants to focus on, but he can't remember to throw away an ice cream container.  but aging is aging, we'll all do it, and we are all doing it daily, from the youngest person on up.

anyway, i ate dinner, and now i have to do some prep stuff that should have been done before now  tomorrow i go to do this application for the 911 call center.  i am going to be there for hours.  i have to get my information straight, as much as i can.  i'm about to take a shower, and i'm going to shave tonight.  i'm going to gather my job information and store it in my phone.  history, addresses, numbers i can find.  they ask all this stuff.  i'm going to get all my numbers together, contact people for references, and i'm going to log that too.  everything on one page would be best.  and i'm going to try to be ready so that if possible i can cut down the time i have to be there.  Lonnie's going to take me, as i can't park at a meter if i'm going to be there for 4 hours.  but i remember doing that last time, just can't take a chance.

the picture on the top is from the story 'The Billy Goats Gruff'.  when i was a kid, or more to the point, when i was a teenager, i came to identify with the troll under the bridge in the story.  living my life in my parent's basement, i felt very much like a monster, always under foot, waiting to snatch someone and do them some harm.  it was low self-esteem with delusions of grandeur, a volatile combination to be sure.  i am glad, looking back, that i no longer feel that way.  and i like to remember that i am journeying, that this is the purpose of logging everything.  amends have to be made, life has to be lived and lessons have to be learned.  i am thankful to Jehovah for all the blessings.  and i'm going to wrap it up now.

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