
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

bad milk

...a weak excuse, to be sure, but at least i have an excuse.  yesterday evening, i drank a glass of milk with a slice of pie, and realized after it was gone (and i noticed the thickish film on the sides of my cup) that it had gone over.  now, one discovery that i'm making more frequently is that things that used to have a definite and fixed expiration point no longer have, many of them anyway.  eggs seem to last forever.  bread in the refrigerator can last for a very long time.  and milk, apparently, can go much longer than it used to.  and that is kind of scary in itself.  but i drank a glass, and it tasted kind of flat, is all i can say, but in the end, i finished it and poured the rest from the carton and waited for the nausea or stomach rejection to begin, or the diarrhea to start.  none of which, i'm glad to say, have occurred.  so, the update.

i did the things i'd set out to do yesterday.  i went to my doctor's appointment, went to get bloodwork started for my kidney doctor appointment on monday coming up, went to my parent's house, made the cabbage casserole for my mom, went to lunch with Lonnie, came home and napped and put the bed in the guest room together.  i had soup and a chicken sandwich for dinner, and i've already stated what dessert was. 

i can say that yesterday was very contemplative, that i spent a lot of it reflecting.  i can say that i was disappointed that the waitress i wanted to see at the place Lonnie and i went for lunch wasn't there.  i can say that i am looking more closely at what things i am doing in the course of a day, rather than looking at the things that i am not getting done, because this progress has only me to acknowledge or condemn for seeming lack of, and i'm tired of being so hard on myself. 

today i got up early and said my prayers, and i may actually shut it down for a bit.  i have had breakfast, read scripture and meditation book and taken my meds.  i've got an interview this afternoon, but i likely won't take the job if offered.  i have to go to the bank, and i'm going to stop at my parent's house for a bit.  pretty much the long and short of it.  other things may arise, but i will take this day one thing at a time.  meeting at noon.  working on editing one of my manuscripts.  just doing the day, i imagine.  that's good enough for a Wednesday.

thank you, Jehovah, for another day of life. 

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