
Friday, September 15, 2017

It Moves as It Moves...

I am coming along, the house is coming along, and there is something akin to peace finally beginning to coalesce again within my heart.  i am not complaining at all.  why should I?  when you know you are being blessed, accept the blessing and try to act in a way as to be worthy of it.  that's the lesson of today for me anyway.

this is my countertop.  the microwave was a purchase yesterday.  i had to edit, or thought i did, because i was given a spectacular microwave at the end of last year by my counselor and it went with my other things during the fallout over the spring/summer of this year.  and i had to confess this to her today, and that didn't feel good, but it did in a way...because a life where you can't speak truth is a life of continuous lies.  and when you think about it that way...what kind of life is it?

so i got up, just about six, a little after.  went to the bathroom and turned on my coffee pot.  i was still in the grip of a gabapentin, so i was slow rousing.  very slow, as i didn't realize i hadn't set up my pot the night before until something took me back into the kitchen.  but i got that rectified, got coffee on, said prayer, sat at the table and read my scripture and meditation and took my meds.  insulin as well, and sugar was good this morning.  i took the screens out of my sinks upstairs and down and cleaned them with CLR and i knocked the loose gunk out of them.  i replaced them, then i went to take my shower.  i'd drank 2 cups of coffee and didn't have time to make breakfast.  called my mother on my way to counseling to let her know i'd be by afterward, stopped at Taco Bell to get something quick and then i went to counseling.  it was nice not to be all doom and gloom, as i've been lately.

from counseling i went to Big Lots and got some light bulbs and some sundry stuff that i've needed.  i'm still waiting for my last deposit from CCA, but i have enough for what i need and am not suffering anything at all at the moment.  i talked to Lonnie while i was in Niles and we decided to go to lunch.  went to the DeYor, good fish lunch, cute waitress, and i took Lonnie back to work and came home.

i've installed the bulbs that i wanted to at this time.  i'm going to hit the DG up the street tomorrow for some cheap, plentiful bulbs for the kitchen sink light and the bathroom mirror lights.  i've got to get my computer here and set up tomorrow, get my office done.  i'm going to finish storyboarding the video for 'Everytime The Phone Rings', as I'd like to shoot it before the month is out and get it edited and posted.  i'm ready to write.  i'm ready to DO.  i miss the hell out of Rachel, but i don't miss ME so much anymore, because i feel more here.  that's the best thing.  I thank my Father Jehovah God for helping me heal and helping me sing again.

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