
Saturday, November 12, 2016

what a day

i was so amped by the end of yesterday i forgot to update, but i'm going to get it done because i feel it's sort of landmark stuff.  bear with me.

i woke up and i said my prayers and i did my stretches and my meditation and i got dressed for the gym.  i did a fifteen minute meditation while on the treadmill, did a few weight machines and came home.  there was no further notification about a problem with the Lazarus cover so i kept it moving.  i got Syd out the door, had breakfast, got dressed and went to counseling.  the mood was a bit somber, not surprising considering Tuesday's developments.  all through the week my thoughts have been swirling as to how many people i know that are affected by this.  a good man gets maligned for 8 years, an unsavory man rises to the forefront of Amerikkkan politics and white people are orgasmic with joy that will end when they discover the rich take care of the rich.  but that's besides the point.  you don't miss the water til the well runs dry.

i came home, talked to Rachel, took a bath and went to pick her up.  we went to Walmart and had what amounts to our second row; she wanted to purchase the stuff i got for lunch with her stamps.  for reasons unmentionable here i paid for it myself.  she felt i was not thinking, and i felt she was missing the point again.  we had several moments of tension and they passed and the day got good after that.  i don't mind disagreements.  i don't dig anyone trying to play me for slow or stupid, and though i don't believe that was her intent (sarcasm is a trait we both work way too hard at), i don't often let that kind of shit slide.  but we had a good day after that.

i got word from CreateSpace, the book cover was accepted, they sent me a link to order proofs to go over one more time and then the book will be available for purchase.  HUZZAH!  i was beside myself with good vibes.  Rachel was there, a measure of success came through, a level is just about ready to be stepped up to.  we watched a movie, and then i took her to HER meeting.  And she went.  i wasn't permitted to go in because it was a 'closed' meeting (closed meeting: a meeting that is open only to members or those who are seeking help with that particular compulsion/addiction.  not for support people, family members or curiosity seekers).  i sat in the car, ran it periodically to stay warm, worked on a beat for a new ad, and eventually she came out and we talked about her feelings and thoughts immediately after the meeting.  i got us both something to eat and took her home.  i'd given her one of my meditation books earlier as well.

i came home and just felt...accomplished.  my blood sugar was good all day, with only one shot of long acting insulin, regular dose.  no Victoza yesterday.  i ate right, i exercised, and i felt good.  i may be unaccustomed to that, but at this point, i honestly think i could get used to a life like that.  with a job and some disposable income, of course. :-)

anyway, this is a new day.  i have prayed, i've read my meditation books, i've done crunches until my stomach cramped.  time to keep working on the core.  my sugar's a bit up, 145, but that's acceptable for first thing in the morning.  gonna have coffee, breakfast, clean some, see my parents, see Heather, eat and work on proofing one book and editing another for print.  time to walk strong into the days and the ones that might come after the days.  thank you, Jehovah.

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