
Thursday, November 10, 2016


my mind was occupied yesterday.  i would love to say that i was in shock because of the election results, but that would be a lie.  in my life, because of my affiliation with Jehovah's Witnesses, i've voted only three times, and regretfully once.  the first 2 were in '08 and '12, and you can guess what those were about.  the third was this past Tuesday, same reason, less belief, however.  i had no dog in this fight.  i have no expectations of white America other than what they have shown since they invaded these shores.  so for me to say now that i am extremely perturbed would be false and i am not a liar by habit any longer.

what i would say, however, is that i am watching the immediate reactions, the immediate responses and attempting to mentally and spiritually extrapolate the data into a direction in which things will be shown to proceed from this point.  i know the majority of poor and middle class white people are extremely happy, as if they are vindicated once again.  i know that there is a celebratory air in this city, as if something great had been accomplished.  there is a very subtle shift in the consciousness of this country, as if both male and racist energy had spiked with the concession of the opponent.  but what will come as a result of that?  that is the question. that is what requires an answer.

yesterday was a good day.  sugar was good, gym was good, needed to meditate and was a bit too frazzled to settle down and do so, Rachel was sick so no movie date, Lonnie is very upset by the developments of the election, sat and listened to three white women at Golden Dawn finally able to release their racist verbosity, ate as i was supposed to, rested well and am ready for the gym.  i will proceed as best i can until my mind works this out. as for me, I trust Jehovah, am sorry for participating in this joke called the 'democratic' process, and will sum up the day later.

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