
Monday, November 7, 2016

the process

Oh, what fun.  this is getting to be a true test of patience for me.  fortunately, my spiritual development is back on track.

start with the day.

i got up, said prayers, stretched, got into my gym clothes, had coffee and went to the gym.  i did read a scripture and my meditation books before i went to the gym.  while on the treadmill, i listened to another half hour meditation on youtube, this one just transcendental type music with no guided imagery, but it was nice to do my own traveling through my thoughts.  then i got home, saw Syd off to school, had my breakfast, had a blood sugar of 178 (gasp!) and i took care of the things that were on my plate.  i called braking point for Heather but she's going to need an attorney to get a court order for a drug assessment.  perhaps i'll call legal aid tomorrow and submit her information.  see if maybe someone will go in and talk to her.  but that's legitimately the best i can do.

i took my dad to Wendy's as planned and i talked to him as best as i could.  it is not easy to talk to your parents, no matter what.  especially if you're not in the habit of it.  i spoke more to him today than i have in months.  i speak to my mother easier than i've ever spoken to my father.  but there were a lot of things i remembered as i sat with him, good things, pleasant things from childhood.  he apologized for trying to make me live up to the genius thing when i was a child.  i wasn't really sure what to say to that.  i still am not, to be honest.  but i guess he's going to live as he lives and if he knows that someone is looking out for him and is concerned about his well being, maybe that will be enough.

i went to take Rachel to her counseling after that, and i hung out with her briefly, then i came home.  i made pancakes for Syd and we went over her cap and gown information, and i had leftovers from yesterday.

the cover thing.  i am going through a company called CreateSpace, which is an affiliate of Amazon and operates like Kindle, except with printed books.  i am doing this because the pre-sale is dragging as i knew it would, and while i've no doubt i will eventually get 100 pre-sales, i know its going to take quite a bit longer than a few months for that to happen.  not doubting God, just taking into account all that i've been provided with as options.  now, once this cover meets their approval, the book will be ready and can be ordered by individuals, printed and shipped, with a split of the money as royalties for me and the lack of need to worry about shipping to other people.  to the ones who've already pre-paid, i am going to honor my agreement, purchase for them, have the bookmarks printed and do the poems and the signing.  but for anyone else, i'm going to cancel the personal poem part, and they'll have to get the books to me for signing.  i think that's fair.

i guess that's the day.  i'm going to go to my room now, talk to Rachel for a bit, and i'm going to do weights tomorrow, maybe get my grass cut for the very last time this season.  i'm grateful for a day of sharing and learning.  thank you, Father and thank you dad.

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