
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November novel...

I missed yesterday, I've been doing some brainwork is my only excuse.  i've been working on the edit of MECHANICAL JESUS, wanting to get it ready for print, apply some of what i've learned through the Old Lazarus formatting to see if i have it pretty much right, and it is taxing, i can tell you.  but it is worth it.

the picture on the left here are simply the proofs that I ordered throughout the process.  they are for the purpose of examining the book before it goes into circulation, and making any changes that are necessary.  that's not why i ordered them, though.

i knew they would need corrections.  but they are the first run copies of OLD LAZARUS.  they will go to my closest people.  and they will be keepsakes of the beginning of Z-Phyles Publishing Service.  I love my logo on my book.  I LOVE my background the way i designed it.  I LOVE THIS PICTURE!  and, i am happy.  and it's the middle of November.  this is a good thing, and I'm not going to complain about it.

have to get to today, and i'll do what i can with yesterday.

today i got up early, prayed, stretched after i read from the book of Luke and my two meditation books, and i did some push-ups and some crunches.  i'd told Rachel i would take today off from the gym due to my elbow hurting, and i kept my word.  i got coffee and water, my blood sugar was 118 and i had bacon and eggs for breakfast.  i got to work on editing MJ not long after that.  i also ran a bath.  i took my bath, groomed and shaved and lotioned and Rachel called and i went to pick her up.  she came by and hung out and i went to my meeting.  not many people there.  we were doing Step 6, which is about becoming ready to have God remove defects of character.  always a good read and a good study.  i came home, Rachel was laying on the couch and i made us some lunch, a stir fry using kielbasa and veggies and half a baked potato.  we talked until Syd came in with Joe, and I had to take my dad to a court appointment in the evening.  i let Rachel take my car home as i didn't feel like one more run to the south side and back.  my dad and i took my mom's car to the court appointment and i have it now.  i'll go to the gym in the morning and i'll call my aunt to come back with me about 8am so she can take the car home.  i have some plans for tomorrow, Rachel's doctor appointment and Syd's dentist appointment in the early evening, but i intend to be done with MJ by that time.

yesterday my numbers were about the same.  sugar, that is.  i didn't do much noteworthy.  i worked on finishing the primary edit on MJ and started going through the formatting.  I made chicken cordon bleu for dinner.  i talked to Rachel and Lonnie.  i got a text from Syd about her english teacher, that the issue continues, which means she still thinks she can always get her way, and i have no more to say about that.  i did weights at the gym.  that's about the extent of what yesterday was, and if i had actually logged my orbit as i should have there would have been more for certain, but for now this is enough and I am extraordinarily grateful to Jehovah for this process.  If no more comes from this other than seeing my logo on my book, my company in the process of being born, it will be enough.  later.

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