
Thursday, November 17, 2016

a good day, a sigh at the end

i have to admit, the ride of this day has been like a quick jaunt to the top of a very curvy, very exciting roller coaster, riding through all the good parts, but being stuck on the ride for hours as it crept along flat track to the resting place, and that creeping took hours to complete.

first of all, i started the day with prayer.  i didn't sleep deeply, and there is a wall in the issue of my book Old Lazarus, but i got up on time and i said my prayer and i managed to get my stretching done and my readings.

and then Rachel called me, and she was outside.

so i let her in and i talked to her and we had coffee.

and i went to the gym a bit late, but i went, did my walk, came home.

i hung out with her and it was fun and we enjoyed each other's company.

i went to take my mom her car back, as i had taken it overnight because Rachel had my car and i went with my dad to do his thing yesterday evening.  while at my parent's house i made omelets for everyone, including Rachel and my dad.  we came home and Rachel was going through some sugar changes.  she'd had a low sugar at my parents, drank some apple juice and immediately was having stomach issues.

when we got back here she napped as i watched a piece of a show and then worked on Mechanical Jesus' formatting.  i then took her to her doctor appointment, called TP back and checked on Lonnie after his MRI.  we came home after and she watched some television as i took Syd to a dental appointment in the early evening.  and about there the whole thing was on a skid.

Syd has something wrong where they removed her tooth, which would likely have been corrected had she rescheduled her appointment after the tooth surgery. as usual, she makes the most inane excuses, and i can only see her being in the worst situations in the near future because taking ownership and correcting her actions doesn't seem to be in her skill set at all.  Rachel was dragging for the rest of the night.  i made myself some dinner, ate and took her home.  i felt a wave of the depression wash over me as i waited for her to come out of Sav-a-lot.  triggered by Syd, but part of the November thing.  however, i am over halfway through the month and still moving fine.  i have lunch scheduled with Lonnie tomorrow, and i'm about to shut my system down and go to bed, as i'm tired and in need of a good amount of functional rest.  i am grateful, just tired.

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