
Sunday, November 27, 2016

just past the moon

coming from sleep was rough this morning.  i had no alarm set, but my internal clock failed miserably and i didn't get up until about 8.  the Kingdom Hall starts at 10, and i had nothing ready.  i prayed and got moving.  i read my meditations and scripture in the tub, which i got in after i ate and had coffee.  shaved and deodorized and dressed, i got to the Hall just a bit late.  i stayed for the public discourse and left before the Watchtower lesson, as i'd not gotten the new magazine and didn't have my lesson ready anyway.
on my way home i saw i had a missed call from Marc about Matt not coming to the meeting.  he sounded agitated because he's on call on weekends usually and can't always be counted on to open and close even though he is the treasurer.  i told him i'd close it up for him if he couldn't stay and i'd meet him there.  i went home, took off my blazer, got into my winter coat, made a to-go cup of coffee and got the container of sweet potato pie and made my way south.
i got there and Bob G was waiting in his car.  Marc showed up slightly afterward and we went inside...each holding a dessert of some kind for the meeting.  SABOTAGE.
i had a piece of sock it to me cake and a slice of cheesecake.  i am so fucking weak...
anyway, the meeting was good, not a bunch of people there but that was not a bad thing.  i made my way up South avenue, went to Sparkle to get perch for dinner, was happy to find a dollar off a pound on sale today.  also got smoked turkey for Wednesday's greens, as it was cheaper there than at Sav-a-lot.
I called my mom and she said she was just tired, i called my brother and told him he could have the rest of the pie if he wanted but if not it was cool, i was going to toss it.  so he took it.  i had perch and asparagus and scalloped potatoes for dinner.  i have washed my dishes, got the coffee pot ready and am working toward going to bed.  i don't know why my sleep is so messed up (aside from the sugar intake) but i am going to the gym tomorrow.

what i know today:
i am capable of making decisions.  they aren't always good ones.  i turn it all over to God, but i have to choose to do even that.  if i think in terms of what is best for the day, i will tend to act in accordance with what is best for myself.

thank you, Jehovah God, for a full day.

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